Rogue For Gp32


Still Fresh
Nov 16, 2004
Hello to all. First of all, excuse my bad english.
I'm posting here my port of Rogue, based on Rogueclone by Timothy Stoehr. I finally advanced enough to get an almost full playable beta (but not so tested yet, sorry). The game is based on text mode at 80 cols like the original, so don't expect marvellous graphics. Read "Readme.txt" for full details.

Pad - Move
A - Fight until kill or be half dead
B - Search traps and secret doors
START - Press when the game asks it
SELECT - Inventory
L + pad - Move until crash
L + A / B - Climb up/down stairs
R - Open Command menu

Pad - Move between options
A / B - Select
R - Cancel

If you get stucked in a command chain, press R twice (= Escape)

Commands not implemented yet: Name object, what is, remove ring.
Cannot move in diagonal.

Since this is my first post and release, I expect you will be soft with me.

Greetings, Lizardos.
Excellent Rogue is one of my childhood favorites, I'll have to try this out!

Thank you Lizardos!
Very cool :D

I can't wait to try this out man! I'm sure many of us 'old-timers' will love it!!

Lizardos, you are my personal hero :D

However, ever so often the game crashes and sends me to the Bios Monitor; I use Pacrom and haven't yet tried it on another file launcher. It seems to be randomly. Also it is quite annoying that the GP32 always resets after a death.... maybe you could change that?
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I was hoping that some one would make this for us as it is such a classic game and there aren't any other decent copies working on the GP32....


Lizardos, you are my personal hero :D

However, ever so often the game crashes and sends me to the Bios Monitor; I use Pacrom and haven't yet tried it on another file launcher. It seems to be randomly. Also it is quite annoying that the GP32 always resets after a death.... maybe you could change that?

Yes, I know it randomly crashes (I have BLU official firmware), but I haven't caught that bug yet (it seems not to be in my code). On Geepee32 it doesn't crash, and I don't want to flash my GP. It's a Heisenbug :(

If you have a bios monitor firmware, please tell me what kind of bug does it have (I'm almost sure it's a rogue pointer...) otherwise i'd need to spare a lot of time

Greetings Lizardos
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OK, got it to crash again... here's what it says, photographed right from my GP32. Quality is not the best, but it's readable ;)

Again, thank you for this great port and the time you are prepared to spend to make it better!

EDIT: Thinking about it, why did I zip JPGs? Stupid. And I feel like I have to change that :D
Thanks to you for your complete betatesting, and captures too :) I found that bug an hour after the release, but you're the first one reporting it.
Greetings, Lizardos.
My first goal is to eliminate the alignment exception and improve stability, but there are more minor enhancements:
·Version 041125:
-Improved stability (compiled with alignment flags)
-Screen double buffer
-Removed annoying debug text on bottom.
-Some control enhancements.

Commands not implemented yet: Name object, what is.
There could be alignment exceptions (pending on compiling with latest GCC).
Items menu without scroll yet.

I'm waiting for your reports.

Greetings, Lizardos.
Woohoo! Will test it tomorrow on my way to and back from university, but don't count on hearing from me before sunday (my girlfriend demands that I fulfill my duty).
Tried this for the first time tonight - and I must say it is excellent.

One thing is missing though which prevents it being played - how do I search for secret doors?

Also - can any of the options be changed?

Great work - I hope you finish it off.

And just out of interest, why is the display so small? Could it not be scaled up a bit and the menu overlaid on top of the display?

Thanks for doing this - what this this and Nazcadreams, I'm suddenly trying to find time to play my GP32 again... :D