Zak Mckracken Codes In Scumm


Brutal Deluxe
Jan 12, 2004
Hi guys,

I was playing Zak McKracken over the weekend away from home and totally forgot about the codes you need to make some of the overseas flights! I got dumped out of the game for inputting the wrong code. Now, before you flame me I DO own the game and have the code book, but do I really have to carry that and the red viewer around with me to play it? Does SCUMM get around this like the MI protection or do I have to carry the codes around with me?

I dunno, but I met a girl on IRC once and her second name is McKraken and she sent me a picture of her boobies once.

It was cool. They were nice :).
I dunno, but I met a girl on IRC once and her second name is McKraken and she sent me a picture of her boobies once.

It was cool. They were nice smile.gif.

Errm... you sure you own the game?
Haven't seen the code table for a long time then, eh?
It's not a RED / BLUE code table for Zak.

Maniac Mansion and Indy 3 have red / blue code tables, Zak McKracken has a dark brown one with black letters... ;)

Anyways, warez aside, as this game is available for a few bucks at eBay, I wouldn't care about the code table... but my scanner doesn't work atm and I don't have the codes on my computer, sorry.

If the girl McKraken looks like Zak, I don't want to see the boobies :blink:
Errm... you sure you own the game?

Yes, I AM sure I own the game, I especially selected the phrase "I DO own the game" to demonstrate this. I have a code book and a red viewer so perhaps I have a different edition or something, but yes, I haven't dug it out for a while. Interestingly the game seemed to reset when I got the code wrong, whereas I remember being sent to prison or something when I used to play it, so perhaps it was a bug or something, I'll give it another try as I was expecting SCUMM to just accept any code like it does with Monkey Island.

If necessary, I'll just Google the codes, seeing as how I DO own the game.

Calm down, I told ya I'd send them to you if I had them right here on my harddisk.
It's just that ALL version I've seen till now (German version, English Version PC and Amiga) had the dark brown with black code protection.
Only other one I've seen is the one from the Ten Adventure Pack, which has a simple Black/White one (since they don't care about the protection anymore... they removed the protections from the Monkey Islands and Atlantis in the Adventure Pack, only the ones which are somewhere in the game remained... guess those were too much work to remove).

Hmm... and yeah... usually, you should've gone to prison... strange...
iirc there were various different releases of this game, the original EGA version, a souped up 256 colour VGA version, and then budget release so they probably had different code books....

I've not played zak so can't help, but probably the best and only thing you could do is google for them and put a txt file and !ireader on your GP so you can switch between them