GuchaRU said:
Speaking of word "pandora" isn't whis word already registred in all countries as treademark?
It is not registered for a handheld gaming computer. Trademarks only apply to general field for which they are registered. Their intended purpose is to prevent confusion (intentional or accidental) between competing products.
For instance, if I started a car company and tried to sell a car called the "Malaboo", General Motors would come down on me like a ton of bricks. The name is obviously a take on the Chevrolet Malibu and GM needs to protect their trademark. However, the trademark
only applies to cars. Malibu Rum, Mattel's Malibu Barbie, and the town of Malibu, CA do not have anything to worry about.
Yeah, but in certain cases don't I need to seek a license to use a brand name like if GM wanted to offer a bubble-gum pink version of the Malibu and call it Malibu Barbie's Malibu? ;-)