There seems to be two issues here, legality, and morality. Legally I believe it's a bit of a grey area, but if the magazine in question decided they didn't like it, respecting a take down request (and knowing ahead of time it will be respected if it happens) would pretty much kill any real legal issues.
Morally, however, is a bit more complicated. To get a bit philosophical (sorry!) we first have to define morals, which could be different for different people. Generally, I tend to define morals as, I do whatever the hell I want, EXCEPT when it infringes upon somebody else doing whatever the hell they want. Example, stealing infringes upon somebody's property. Murder infringes upon their life. Etc. If a person is not messing up my shit, they are fine, morally speaking. Your morals may be different, but if a person is not bothering anyone in any way there are few moralities (though some exist...) that would have a problem with it.
That said, posting a scan of an article related to a project on the forums of said project, without posting the entire issue, does not appear to hurt anybody. Neither financially nor respectfully. If anything it brings attention to the mag from people who may not have known it's existence before, who may want to read the rest of the issue based on the posted article. I simply do not see how this is morally wrong. Especially when (again) you take into consideration that they can ask at any time for it to be removed if they wish, and the people here would comply.
Maybe my morals are less strict then most, however, I've noticed I am one of the very few people who will come back to the gas station an hour later because I noticed they gave me too much change and I felt I had to pay it back. I consider my morality pretty good, even though it sometimes does not match local legality. (I poke smot)
- trix