Why Did Gamepark Choose Europe?

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Deep Thought

Nov 5, 2003
Oklahoma, United States
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I'm just wondering why Gamepark chose Europe as the location for the first international launch. Now don't get me wrong, Europe's a wonderful continent but it seems like it would be easier to launch it in North America first since you would be able to launch in only one langauge and get away with it.(it would be wise to do spanish and french too, but no one does)Oh well, more pointless questioning from me...
I think i remember somebody on this forums saying a while back that it would cause a lot of problems for Gamepark if they launched in the USA due to its content.

They also have a rival (Zodiac) and in Europe we have no machine like the GP32 (That i know of).
Hmm, I can't imagine kind of content they would get in trouble for. At least not much that wouldn't go over here that would in Europe. As for the Zodiac, it's not much competition since it's so expensive and you can only buy it from Tapwave.
Because most international GP32 users are in Europe... and the fanbase is strong here, France, Uk, Spain, etc. :P
To launch in north america you need big advertising bucks, A couple of magazine ads and word of mouth wont do anything but get you firmly in a tiny little niche you'll never climb out of. In europe they can concentrate on a bunch of little mini-launches England and Spain one month, maybe Italy or Germany the next. In the US people will want to see it has huge names because they expect them and the only place that has worse luck getting certain games is europe so there more chance of them being impressed with it.
I'm not sure about that. It's true that advertising helps, but that applies anywhere. It's not always make or break(i.e, even the millions that Nokia spent failed to garner interest in the N-gage, mainly because everyone had already heard that it sucked). The original playstation didn't have a whole lot of advertising until after it had already got started. In the end it all depends on if people like your console enough to recommend it to other people, and if it's actually available in retailers. As long as you don't expect HUGE results at first, advertising isn't an absolute must.
that and it didn't suck

only reason ps2 is the most bought is due to the games library, as with the GameBoy Advanced

X-Box is bought for some cool games and online play

Gamecube is bought for nintendo and some cool games, multiplayer fuctions and cool hookups

Dreamcast just owns
plus not many people are gonna put down there GBAs in North America for the little know GP32, nintendos got to much of a hold on north america.
extremegamer posted on Feb 28 2004 at 04:14 AM said:
plus not many people are gonna put down there GBAs in North America for the little know GP32, nintendos got to much of a hold on north america.
I'm in north america and I put mine down without a second thought.

And to the other guy, a modded xbox is sooo much better than anything else out there. Emulators up to PSX Saturn and N64 all run at a solid 60fps (maybe 30fps with brand new systems, dont know) with full sound. It's like hooking your PC up to your tv with full resolution (not blurry, I have a PC<->TV s-video cable, it sucks) and putting 4 gamepads in. Then it has the internet access through the ethernet jack, the LAN capability and of course it has Halo then Halo 2. DOA3 and Ninja Gaiden absolutely rock too.

Sorry for spamming but I just had to get that out of my system. I friggin hate my PS2, it's a piece of crap. I get disc read errors 80% of the time and the system shakes madly when you open up the disc tray because of the friction... it's like it wasn't built right or something. The lid of the disc trey fell off one day and now it gets dust in it really easily too. <_< The only reason I play it at all is because of the games. It scratches them up really bad too, any new game I put in there has huge circular scratches in it after about a month of use. The graphics arent very good either, and sony is cocky about them "Winning the console wars" :angry: . My PS2 randomly stops playing PSX games too, some work, some dont. My PSX works better than it at doing everything (that it's supposed to do). Oh yeah I have insane trouble reading DVDs and especially those blue colored discs. I only bought it at launch too. That was what, three years ago? I kept it in reasonably good condition too. The disc read error problem is BIG too, look it up on google.
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Deep Thought posted on Feb 28 2004 at 01:26 AM said:
I'm just wondering why Gamepark chose Europe as the location for the first international launch. Now don't get me wrong, Europe's a wonderful continent but it seems like it would be easier to launch it in North America first since you would be able to launch in only one langauge and get away with it.(it would be wise to do spanish and french too, but no one does)Oh well, more pointless questioning from me...
Because the GP32 has sold more units in the UK alone than in the rest of the world together (according to craigx).

Language is not much of a problem, I have never heard of any Swede older than 12 who cannot speak English for instance. The English in the firmware is not exactly advanced, you just have like five words altogether so even if it was in Korean you could figure it out.
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Efompor you do know Sony fixes PS2's with your kind of problem for free right? My system was a launch system and I didnt have problems untill last year when I started gettigin DRE's on the blue cd based games. I called up the customer service went through a diganostic with them and when it didnt fix the problem they gave me a repair code to have it fixed free.

Unless your system is modded give them a call, the only thing you;re paying is shipping to the repair place.
in the US (I think), everything will get you more money, but you'll have to invest more money aswell, don't think they have it though :) they're launching in about 3-4 countries in Europe, aren't they? well that's a lot smaller than the US, so it'll cost them less :)
Gamepark launch the gp32 in Europe cause "the USA market is not ready for a new handheld system made by another company like Nintendo, Sony Or Microsoft.
Europe is an interesting market cause for exemple the neo geo pocket's sells were quite good instead of the hardware was poor and SNK not a big company"

Remember that Gamepark had an office in USA, this office is closed since more than 1 year.
I did not think the GP32 was launching in the UK.

I Hope it does, The UK has the third biggest gaming community outside the USA and Japan.

A lot is pinned on the European launch. Does anybody know if Pinball Fantasies is still planned?