
These topics are stupid. lol. and they've been posted since i've been a member, last august. So this is nothing new. Even when Mitsui was going to release the GP32 in Europe, these same exact post popped up. So nothing new. Who cares. Enjoy your damn game system. By all means Gamepark should've been dead years ago. So who cares if they die from now until sometime after the European launch.

As for the person that said something about owning a GP32 makes you elite, or something like that, I do feel elite. I can honestly say i'm the only person probably in a 100mi radius that owns one.

Maybe if you'd searched the forums, you'd see the other topics, if they haven't dropped off, and maybe you wouldn't have wasted everybodys time with this.
FUCK OFF!! The GP32 is the king of handheld emulating!!!!!! It takes more than specs to get a class Megadrive emu running!!
As a DVD Collector I'll prefer the GP32 over the PSP until it's hacked, simply because I won't let myself buy a movie in a lesser Quality, just to have it on a cheap Medium which I can't use in any other electronics.
Mark posted on May 13 2004 at 04:25 PM said:
They are well and truly done. Since the DS and PSP have been anounced, and are likely to be released all over the world in the next 12 months, why are GamePark even bothering to go ahead with the Europe launch?

What the GP32 really is is a 3 year old (correct me if I'm wrong) handheld; I'm sorry but it just can't compete. The market is dominated by the GameBoy and people won't change their handhelds unless they can really outmatch them.

I think that
(1) Nintendo seem to be doing fine with something much slower than the GP32, namely the GBA, so it can't be that bad :)

(2) The GP32, Zodiac, PSP, and DS all occupy different slots in the market. At one extreme the GP32 is all about emulators and old ports. It's almost like a Pocket PC with a joypad. On the other extreme the DS is all about commercial games.

There's no way a developer would put stuff out fot the GP32 if it had the option of that or the PSP or DS.

On the other hand, a hobbyist dev who wants to (for example) carry around Megadrive games and play them ain't going to pick the DS is he? After all Nintendo aren't exactly hobbist friendly!

The Zodiac's a weird one because it's kind of in the middle. I guess what Gamepark and Tapwave want is the best of both worlds, but I don't think they are going to beat Sony and Nintendo at their own game. Sony and Nintendo won't beat Gamepark at their game though, which is an open platform portable gaming device. And that's pretty cool I think.

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Squidge posted on May 13 2004 at 10:07 PM said:
I hope the scene doesn't go down the toilet, I've still got my GpLynx, GpMediaCentre and BOR060 to release !

Not having the fastest processor or much ram just makes current projects more challenging in my opinion :) You have to think about them rather than doing a quick port from someone elses code.
You are right about the challenge of it. It is much more incredible to see a great emu come out on the GP32 than on a 400 MHZ PPC for example. Anyone who knows anything about emus would say "WOW how the F*&^ did he do that "

And the scene will only go down the toilet if we let it (See Dreamcast). As long as there are cool emus and games comming out it will be all good. And if Gamepark went out of business someday guess what, the GP32 isn't going to evaporate out of your hands :D And it would be less of a tragedy than say if Tapwave went under as at least we could always get replacement batteries for the GP32.

And to everyone else:

I mean all of this whining about the PSP comming and killing the GP32 is nuts. What will the PSP do to the Zodiac then? by this logic that system is dead too.

You don't hear GBA homebrew coders whining about how the GP32 is a much better system than the GBA, and how the GBA scene is over. Look at the GBAX entries there were more GBA than GP32 and Zodiac combined! Why aren't they whining about how weak their CPU is and how small the screen is, and how puny the RAM is? Maybe because they are too busy enjoying their system. We should do the same I think, as what we have is much better than the GBA for homebrew, no it is not as popular, oh well.
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maybe the original point was that with the nintendo DS and sony PSP being so visible on the up and coming market, the GP32's (slim) chance of being a big hit is finished... but really as others have said, the GP32 wasn never intendesd for that market anyway...

the european launch will go ahead, and it will attract more coders and geeky users and retro fans to the scene, which is good :D

heh. it's a ahame that the world's second-most powerful handheld (for now) mostly plays 8-bit games :P but we knew when we bought it that it's strength was emulation...

and to be honest there are quite a few nice homebrew games/ports/mods out there... and lots more in the pipeline (keep going, squidge ;) )

personally i see my GP32 and (when i get one) DS happily coexisting for a while yet ;)

2d games kick ass anyway ;) :)
GpMediaCentre is my JPG, GIF, BMP, WAV, OGG, MP3, DIVX viewer :)

It's designed, but nothing written in code yet. The DIVX decoder should do 20 fps at 166Mhz. Like all things though, it may never be completed, so don't start jumping up and down just yet (there are now seperate free apps that do all the above anyway).

What we need is a reliable place to send Gp32's to for ram upgrades to 32mb.
I don't think GP32 is over... coz I've left the GBA scene to move to GP32..
I dunno the prices of PSP, Zodiac, DS.... but the GP32 it's a reasonable price 199 euros, vs the 119 euros for GBASP, but hey GP32 have a bigger display, a nicer commuity and GamePark says they fully support home developers... Plus, as many of us already said, you can play your old-time classics everywhere... ;)

I think the community has to grow more and more, coz if you consider the community size now that the handheld has been sold only in Kor and US, and think about potential developers in Europe...

I also thought to buy a palm, instead of GP32, but when I saw how easy was to develop, find homebrew games, emulators, mp3 players, video players and son on, I decided to get the GP.. ;)

I was sick with the GBA coz there's no filesystem.. It's a strong point in GP32, and I think we'll have more apps in the future, so there's no worry to lose people... The only sad thing was the delay that took GamePark to spread thei console... maybe Nintendo had a bit of inluence, because if the released it worldwide 2/3 years ago, GBA was a child-only handleld :) I know about the 1400+ games avail on the GBA, but if you carefully few are valid titles (like Tony Hawk's series, SuperMario, Metroid, Castlevania .... )

Can't wait to put my hands on my BLU B)

Hey, I forgot one thing about DS: form the screenshots I saw that the second screen it's used mainly for game maps, and energy counters.... I think it's a waste of battery power :P :lol:

I don't dubt about the tech specs, but now that GP has a BLU, we can rock!!!!! :blink:

hmmm... maybe you should do some better research on that DS majiggy... you could be terribly wrong about that 2nd screen ;)
DaveC posted on May 14 2004 at 12:10 AM said:
Squidge posted on May 13 2004 at 10:07 PM said:
I hope the scene doesn't go down the toilet, I've still got my GpLynx, GpMediaCentre and BOR060 to release !

Not having the fastest processor or much ram just makes current projects more challenging in my opinion :) You have to think about them rather than doing a quick port from someone elses code.
You are right about the challenge of it. It is much more incredible to see a great emu come out on the GP32 than on a 400 MHZ PPC for example. Anyone who knows anything about emus would say "WOW how the F*&^ did he do that "

And the scene will only go down the toilet if we let it (See Dreamcast). As long as there are cool emus and games comming out it will be all good. And if Gamepark went out of business someday guess what, the GP32 isn't going to evaporate out of your hands :D And it would be less of a tragedy than say if Tapwave went under as at least we could always get replacement batteries for the GP32.

And to everyone else:

I mean all of this whining about the PSP comming and killing the GP32 is nuts. What will the PSP do to the Zodiac then? by this logic that system is dead too.

You don't hear GBA homebrew coders whining about how the GP32 is a much better system than the GBA, and how the GBA scene is over. Look at the GBAX entries there were more GBA than GP32 and Zodiac combined! Why aren't they whining about how weak their CPU is and how small the screen is, and how puny the RAM is? Maybe because they are too busy enjoying their system. We should do the same I think, as what we have is much better than the GBA for homebrew, no it is not as popular, oh well.
Again, you say the scene. I never said anything about the scene, it was the company I was refering to. And you all keep saying how the DS and PSP and GBA have a tottaly different target audiance-I know this!

That was the whole point, GamePark are not marketing it towards the demographic they need to. They'd sell alot more if they sold it as what its supposed to be, not a second rate GameBoy wannabe.
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Just another thought...... To be honest i like the community samll.. if we had lots of GP32 owners.. then the constant whining etc.. of the childish newbies would put many people off.. and that with the request for warez and romz...!

Yep the PSP is a killer machine adn will have killer apps.... but the GP32 has the oldie games.. and they have the nostalgic playability factor..!

By the way... i have never got the same rush when playing the latest state of the art game compared to when i first played "rubbish" like pitfall 2 and H.E.R.O on the Atari VCS....! Those were the days..!

I have seen the new SECTOR ENGINE which pumps out NextGen (XBOX" - PS3) style graphics.. looks amazing... but so what...! I expect great graphics and thats what they give... playability and story line is still paramount..!

I hereby declare the GP32 the "Punk Rock of Handhelds"


I'll still be enjoying this little system for years to come ... so let the 'big boys' fight it out for profits, hoodwink little kid consumers with their advertising schemes while continuing to churn out flashy, content-deficient games. I'm very happy with my obsolete gp32_console :D
SEGA MEGADRIVE to be released again in uk..!

Its the whole megadrive with 6 games to include sonic 1, golden axe 1 and 4 others built into a SEGA megadrive joypad... Retail price £30.. No options to slot old cartridges thoguh. Also a Taito version out that looks like a compact megadrive unit and has 6 Taito arcade coin op classics...!

.. Well i just have a GP32 to mess around with..!
The gp32 was ALWAYS a niche console, a little korean handheld that no-one (bar us) has ever heard of... commercial success was never a possibility.