While You Are Waiting For The Pandora To Arrive


Professional Derailer
Oct 1, 2008
Hey everyone. I want to do something else with my free time than coming to these boards. I'm a sysadmin and we currently have no projects going on right now, so we are working in maintenance mode. When problems crop up, it's usually very quickly fixed, so nothing takes a lot of my time away.

I have a few books that I study to keep current and about 40 subs in Google Reader that I polish through a bit too quickly and than I find myself on these boards desperately looking for something new.

But I don't want to come here anymore and I was wondering what you guys do at work to pass the time.

Maybe watch some tv? If you want something time-consuming, get a lot of music and spend your days tagging it and adding album art.
4chan (sorry)
Fuck loads of blogs.
Girls. Surprisingly.

And of course.

Crying my self to sleep, cuddling my DS hoping that I wake up and it's a Pandora.

Username said:
Maybe watch some tv? If you want something time-consuming, get a lot of music and spend your days tagging it and adding album art.

No more tagging. Which is nice.
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^ :P ^
Get some good reading material. Look on amazon or something. What kind of stuff do you like?
I already have reading material for certs that I would like to take for some reason. Certifications are funny. They are total catch 22's but I enjoy going for them.

Right now, I am working for my CCNA cert even though I don't really plan on doing much with Cisco equipment, I still like to 'know' something about them and have the ability to point to a piece of paper that says I know something about them.

But I can't watch TV at work. I've gone through 60 gigs of music and trimmed it down to 8 gigs and everything is fully tagged with special genre markings so I can shuffle songs more appropriately.

All I can do at work is read without people giving me the stink eye. So I am looking for decent blogs or anything really. All of the poplular stuff I devour too quickly:

Ars Technica
Cheap Ass Gamer
CNN.com - Entertainment
Community video game blogs | Destructoid - The hardcore gamer *...*
d+pad - The last word in video game store comics
Download Squad
DS Fanboy
Engadget HD
Engadget Mobile
Fatwallet.com Hot Deals
Gamerscore Blog
Nintendo Wii Fanboy
PS3 Fanboy
SlickDeals.net Forums - Hot Deals
Something Awful: The Internet Makes You Stupid
The Dropbox Blog
Xbox 360 Fanboy
Xbox Live's Major Nelson
Xbox Team
Xbox-Scene News
XNA Team Blog

So those are what I subscribe too. Anyone have any suggestions that I could put on that list?
I work my ass off at work every weekday and program my ass off every time I'm not working.

Last year I hiked from Maine to Georgia.

Sure wish I could get paid to sit on my ass and waste time!
Dang, you guys are lucky. All of that stuff is blocked where I work. I can get to Engadget and Ars. That's about it. This forum, even OpenPandora is locked down for me. That's why all of my posts are late at night (or really, really early in the morning for you folks in the Eastern hemisphere). I usually have plenty of work to keep me busy though so it doesn't really matter.
I test the cr4p out of Govt computer systems. SSH in, fire a whole bunch of XML messages across a JMS network and then logout. Repeat ad infinitum :) Outside of this girls and motorbikes are cool.. am looking at upgrading to a Z1000 - 2.9 secs 0 - 100km/h that sounds pretty sweet to me :P
@Senor Quack

Well, IT is a cost center. I am at a very basic level, an insurance policy. I have tons of free time (right now mind you) because I do my job fast and well.

Currently, we have on schedule two new projects coming up that will absorb my time, but right now I am in maintenance mode.

I assume you work as a production center. While you may "Wish you can sit on your ass and waste time" believe me you do not. I don't enjoy it. While I'm sure both of us agree we want the happy medium.

I don't quite understand what you hiking the Appalachian trail has to do with anything other than a ton of time to use. I only walk 780 miles a year on the treadmill, but that's because I don't have much personal time for myself.

I guess if you wanted to sit on your ass to waste time you could always do your job faster/better ;)