Lost in Space
Sheffield UK, home of erm not much really :unsure:
I know Herne, heh. Very good friend of mine comes from here. =)Mosch posted on Mar 5 2004 at 03:07 PM said:Herne in Germany, probably nobody ever heard of it. It's so close to Bochum that in fact my room IS in Bochum while my parents sleep in Herne in the next room. Don't know Bochum? Strange. Gelsenkirchen maybe? Recklinghausen? Yeah, you don't, I get it. It's in NRW (North Rhine Westfalia). It's nice here. Our parks are full of peaceful garbage and the polluted air is only hazardous to the elderly and those of a weak immune system (like me).
In retrospect, maybe Herne stinks.
Oh, and in Germany we got Aldi. Haha. Aldi rocks.
The ultimate Sega freak Marc? =)Mosch posted on Mar 5 2004 at 05:25 PM said:anyone I know, Max?
Bien Oui! Ont peut avoir dans l'été car ca vais etre plus bon car je dois pas inqieter de l'école, mais sur une fin de semaine car tous les adultes qui ont une GP32 vais etre au travail durant la semaine! Ont peut avoir une meet-up de Grand Lacs car les personnes des états unis vont vouloir a venir aussi (new yourk, ohio, michigan). Ou esque ca peut etre? Toronto est pas mal bon ou Windsor car je vie la bas.Mash posted on Mar 5 2004 at 04:40 AM said:haha, i mean , ho ho ho (en français). J'habite à Toronto, j'étudie le français, pas mal non? Bien, un a Windsor, un autre en Quebec, nous devrions avoir un rendez-vous à la GP32.
I live in Ashton-in-Makerfield which is almost Wigan, give or take £2 on the bus. The big question is whether it is ever worth paying a whole £2 to go to Wigan - for most people in the country the answer would be no, but for people from Ashton who gaze longingly at the bright lights of Wigan it is a worthwhile investment.Tempus posted on Mar 5 2004 at 01:58 AM said:I live in Wigan, England. Not too far from Manchester, where I have just returned from a fantastic gig.
Now if you tell me that his surname is Griesche you just found his Tutor :lol:Max posted on Mar 5 2004 at 06:59 PM said:The ultimate Sega freak Marc? =)Mosch posted on Mar 5 2004 at 05:25 PM said:anyone I know, Max?
does that make me seem old?ThndrShk2k posted on Mar 4 2004 at 10:02 PM said:Last i left off before i got kicked off the old Apple 2 at school i was in Paris i think... she fooled me once again! I think she went to Italy again, but i was too late
Damn you Carmen Sandiago! DAMN YOU!!!
*i live in Winterport Maine, USA*
Steel, Well atleast it used to be. :rolleyes:Mikey posted on Mar 5 2004 at 04:09 PM said:Sheffield UK, home of erm not much really :unsure:
oh puleaze! i was keeeeeeeeeding. u need to take a chill pill man.NssOne posted on Mar 4 2004 at 07:17 PM said:ingratethecheat posted on Mar 4 2004 at 08:54 PM said:i wish i lived in canada.... call me a socialist
im in washington (Thats STATE to all you haters) USucksA <_<
Anways, I live in Milwaukee, WI, USA. The most romantic city in the world in 1000 years, but currently the land of high per capita cell phone usage, second highest per capita alcohol consumption, and one of the greatest places in the world to witness live music.