Display Brightness On The Gp32


Still Fresh
Jun 3, 2004
London , England
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Hi Guys / Girls, :ph34r:
I wanted to ask if anyone had any info regarding the BLU Gp32 and its brightness / Contrast compared to the FLU GP32.
I know they are not in at GBAX until later next week but maybe some of you guys have had the chance to compare the 2 units.
Also , should i get the BLU or chuck in an extra £100 for the Zodiac 128.

Decisions , decisions.
Now where did i put my pension book....
Ahh there it is , along with my ration vouchers.
God bless them D Day veterans , without them we may not be playing on our GP32,s today.
I salute you sirs.

Davey Fontan :blink:
3rd vote here for a Zodiac :)

Don't forget that a Zodiac128 simply gives more memory to the internal file system. It would be more cost effective to buy a Zodiac32 and a 256Mb SD card or two or a 512mb card (The Z has two SD slots).

I also think the Gray Z32 looks better than the Black Z128.
maybe Z32 looks nicer but dont forget that you can do a lot more with 128M of RAM than with 'just' 32M (still 4 times the GP32 ram)...

see you :lol:
maybe Z32 looks nicer but dont forget that you can do a lot more with 128M of RAM than with 'just' 32M (still 4 times the GP32 ram)...

see you :lol:

Both Zodiacs have the SAME amount of RAM.

The difference is in INTERNAL MEMORY (STORAGE) so thats why Squidge suggested to go with the cheaper Zodiac and just buy an external SD card.
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I don't think Washo read my post properly :)

If you look at it the developer documentation, you find that both the Zodiac1 and Zodiac2 have 8mb of ram available for applications. The rest is for the internal file system and the operating system. You have one fast video processor though, which has also got 8mb of ram that you can use for frame buffers or for any other data you want to throw into it (any Amiga fans here? Take this as 8mb chip + 8mb fastram).

It is possible to use some of internal file system for ram, but it's not that easy to do & incredibly slow to write to (as you have to use OS calls).

Overall, no one is going to write an app that only works on the Z128, as that's writing for a niche of a niche :)

Hence my suggestion to get a Z32 and a 256 or 512mb SD card.
It has 8mb of ram standard (heap memory). Another 8mb when you find the tricks to use the video ram, and other ram once you find the tricks to use that. Functions like Malloc etc only have access to the first 8mb. And the last is basically read-only as writing is far too slow (needs to go through os functions for every access).

No, there are no functions for changing the size of the heap - it's fixed at 8mb.

I was disappointed as well, but that's the price you pay for having Palm as your OS.
Hi Guys / Girls, :ph34r:
I wanted to ask if anyone had any info regarding the BLU Gp32 and its brightness / Contrast compared to the FLU GP32.
I know they are not in at GBAX until later next week but maybe some of you guys have had the chance to compare the 2 units.
Also , should i get the BLU or chuck in an extra £100 for the Zodiac 128.

Decisions , decisions.
Now where did i put my pension book....
Ahh there it is , along with my ration vouchers.
God bless them D Day veterans , without them we may not be playing on our GP32,s today.
I salute you sirs.

Davey Fontan :blink:
The BLU will be much better contrast than the FLU. Backlighting is always better than frontlighting.
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Thanks for all the Info Guys.
I made a decision and ordered the Zodiac today , should be here in the morning.
I will still keep my GP32 gp32_console and may even get the backlit one as i dont think the Zodiac is yet playing SNES games.
SNES & MEGDRIVE are the reason for buying both consoles.
I guess the advantage of being THE OLD FART of GP32X is that i have some disposable income to indulge in some of my hobbies...(Computer Games and Fast Motorcycles - GSXR1000 :ph34r: :blink: at the moment)
I was playing Super Mario World on my GP32 until 4 this morning.
LOVE that game.
I chose the Zodiac 32 as some of you suggested , not because of price but i think i would rather get a couple of 512 MB Cards , especially as the system RAM is no different between the 2.
Take care Kids and thanks for all your help- and advice.
Davey Fontan. :P