Where Are You From?

British Columbia, Canada

I'll consider myself lucky if someone from my province reads this.
Germany -> Aachen (Aix-La-Chapelle)

Also I might point to the Pandora People Map (there are already a bunch of guys on there):

foxblock out
Mr.Confuzed said:
British Columbia, Canada

I'll consider myself lucky if someone from my province reads this.

There used to be a contingent here from the lower mainland. I haven't seen any of them in a while, but then I'm not around that much myself these days.
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I'm from "Montecastello di vibio" -> Perugia -> Umbria -> Italia (Italy)-> Europa (Europe) etc etc... ;)

If you are curious about where i live check this sites...

http://www.comune.montecastellodivibio.pg.it/ site of the admistration of my small village
a link with some images http://www.comune.montecastellodivibio.pg.it/main.php?page=immagini


http://www.teatropiccolo.it/ there are info pages also in english , deutch and french .
For a virtual tour of this mini Theather go to ...http://www.studioargento.com/teatropiccolo/index.html

A site with a lot of info (in english ) about a school of Painting located here.


End of Spot... :P
Edison, New Jersey, USA - Where the lightbulb was invented!

North Brunswick, New Jersey, USA - Where as far as I know, nothing of any consequence has ever happened!