When Is The Real Release Date...

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I looked at the Touch Book and the main complex thing seems to be the ability to remove the keyboard and use the LCD portion seperate. I do agree that would be a challenge to make but I also believe that Pandora has some more interesting parts that would be hard to get right as well, the nubs, dpad and making a hinge that doesn't failboat like the DSes hinge.

Maybe the Touch Book had some bigger investors who wanted to see the project completed more quickly?
Critical_Impact said:
I looked at the Touch Book and the main complex thing seems to be the ability to remove the keyboard and use the LCD portion seperate. I do agree that would be a challenge to make but I also believe that Pandora has some more interesting parts that would be hard to get right as well, the nubs, dpad and making a hinge that doesn't failboat like the DSes hinge.

Maybe the Touch Book had some bigger investors who wanted to see the project completed more quickly?

Just how many people have ordered this Pandora? How much money has the project gained for support? My estimate is $1,400,000 USD.
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That's way too high. Don't forget that not all of them can be sold plus there was all that loss when people were refunded and got to reorder at the amount they were refunded for. Then there is all the banking fees for the reorders plus all the people who wanted refunds recently and then more people reordering after that. It's a lot less than the initial money I'm sure.
Or full time, more people involved and more of them in a centralised place, I need to go have a look at this touch book thingy. Company size, experience and investors is one of many things that makes Pand different. If they were working on it full time, or any of the things I listed were different I'm sure the time scales would've been different. Like many big projects it wasn't necessarily the things that they expect or could've planned for (without people having understanding of it) that took long.
It was a very aggressive and incorrect timeline. If they had said they expected to deliver by xmas 2009 and delivered slightly earlier (or even a year early) would've been better off, but they really didn't know what they were getting into and I'm talking about everything other than board development. This does not detract from the amazing work that they've done far from it. Lessons learnt in my eye's.
Sorry if ranting I need to go bed

@aesir911 that has been explained to you before and all you've done is pretty much copied and pasted it again!
aesir911 said:
Critical_Impact said:
I looked at the Touch Book and the main complex thing seems to be the ability to remove the keyboard and use the LCD portion seperate. I do agree that would be a challenge to make but I also believe that Pandora has some more interesting parts that would be hard to get right as well, the nubs, dpad and making a hinge that doesn't failboat like the DSes hinge.

Maybe the Touch Book had some bigger investors who wanted to see the project completed more quickly?

Just how many people have ordered this Pandora? How much money has the project gained for support? My estimate is $1,400,000 USD.
My estimate is 7,846,396 rupies
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aesir911 said:
Critical_Impact said:
I looked at the Touch Book and the main complex thing seems to be the ability to remove the keyboard and use the LCD portion seperate. I do agree that would be a challenge to make but I also believe that Pandora has some more interesting parts that would be hard to get right as well, the nubs, dpad and making a hinge that doesn't failboat like the DSes hinge.

Maybe the Touch Book had some bigger investors who wanted to see the project completed more quickly?

Just how many people have ordered this Pandora? How much money has the project gained for support? My estimate is $1,400,000 USD.

The money raised does not come close to covering our costs, it has over ran by hundreds of thousands of dollars which we have funded from our own savings, remortgaging houses, selling things etc. essentially you are getting the Pandora at below cost price.

Then you have to remember there is no way to receive money as a business without being charged some shitty % here or there which adds up to around 8% of everything overall.

Then you have taxes...
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Exophase said:
craigix said:
This is one of the few conversations where you really don't know what you are talking about and are making wild guesses of which you would mock other users if this were about, for example, emulation.

I'd expect better from you, I can only assume you are tired and emotional.

Or not, I'm not tired or "drunk" like you asked in your IM to me, and I don't think there's anything emotional about my post. Yours on the other hand...

I don't mock other people, if I think they're wrong about something I explain why. Which is better than you're doing right now. I won't deny that Pandora is a more complex endeavor than the Touch Book but at the same time you're clearly underestimating it, really I would expect that if anyone it'd be a Pandora developer who could respect the amount of work that goes into something like this.

I'm not discounting the effort and progress you guys have made by any means but it'd be nice if for once, instead of offering excuses for why Pandora has been delayed over a year, delayed beyond the release of several other Cortex-A8/SGX devices, just admit that as a small number of people working on this as largely secondary work and relying a lot on volunteer help and preorder money you can't deliver quite as quickly as every last major company on earth. Even some not as big as Sony or Apple or whatever.
Don't see how simply throwing man hours around would have fixed many of the delays on this, a boatload of cash maybe, but I have doubts about commercial product teams being any bigger or more dedicated than this. The company is bigger, the bureacracy is bigger, (both create their own delays too), but at the core there is only a handful of people actually doing the tasks and how many of them can really be split effectively. Sometimes the communication is worse than if they were on different continents.
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Na-Noo said:
Or full time, more people involved and more of them in a centralised place, I need to go have a look at this touch book thingy. Company size, experience and investors is one of many things that makes Pand different. If they were working on it full time, or any of the things I listed were different I'm sure the time scales would've been different. Like many big projects it wasn't necessarily the things that they expect or could've planned for (without people having understanding of it) that took long.
It was a very aggressive and incorrect timeline. If they had said they expected to deliver by xmas 2009 and delivered slightly earlier (or even a year early) would've been better off, but they really didn't know what they were getting into and I'm talking about everything other than board development. This does not detract from the amazing work that they've done far from it. Lessons learnt in my eye's.
Sorry if ranting I need to go bed

@aesir911 that has been explained to you before and all you've done is pretty much copied and pasted it again!

no. i said they probably made $1,400,000 before, but i said nothing about anything else. keep your facts straight before attacking someone.

@craigix that sucks. is that why you are "behind" (even though there was never an official release date)?
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MrBlais said:
aesir911 said:
MDave said:
Open Pandora are not Nintendo. They don't have the massive departments full of people in lab coats working on the next handheld on their list with pockets brimming with cash.



They have at least $1,400,000 USD from sales alone... I don't think they are lacking too much...

If you would do a little background reading about the project, all the funds that we have given them so far have gone into the production of the product. How much do you think this project actually costs? This isn't a science fair project...

The OpenPandora team doesn't see any principal revenue from this first batch.

No Aesir, this was said on page 13 of this very thread; you said they made that amount of money, and I debunked it as you see... You simply weren't paying attention.
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MrBlais said:
MrBlais said:
aesir911 said:
MDave said:
Open Pandora are not Nintendo. They don't have the massive departments full of people in lab coats working on the next handheld on their list with pockets brimming with cash.



They have at least $1,400,000 USD from sales alone... I don't think they are lacking too much...

If you would do a little background reading about the project, all the funds that we have given them so far have gone into the production of the product. How much do you think this project actually costs? This isn't a science fair project...

The OpenPandora team doesn't see any principal revenue from this first batch.

No Aesir, this was said on page 13 of this very thread; you said they made that amount of money, and I debunked it as you see... You simply weren't paying attention.

good gravy. my original post was, "Just how many people have ordered this Pandora? How much money has the project gained for support? My estimate is $1,400,000 USD." did you not read my post one above yours? "no. i said they probably made $1,400,000 before, but i said nothing about anything else. keep your facts straight before attacking someone." you are clueless... try reading before trolling.
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that's where you're wrong. the money is for buying the parts to build the pandoras. not very much of that 1.4 million is going to the team as support. really, read the context, i'm tired of your clueless posts.

there's also prototyping, and whole lot of other shit. they're losing quite a bit of money on the first batch. hopefully with subsequent batches they'll be able to make decent profit at least.
Xian Long said:
that's where you're wrong. the money is for buying the parts to build the pandoras. not very much of that 1.4 million is going to the team as support. really, read the context, i'm tired of your clueless posts.

it was an estimate. craigix already informed me about what you said. except, he wasn't a smart butt about it. gosh, will you just leave me alone? go pick on someone else to make yourself feel high and mighty.
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aesir911 said:
Xian Long said:
that's where you're wrong. the money is for buying the parts to build the pandoras. not very much of that 1.4 million is going to the team as support. really, read the context, i'm tired of your clueless posts.

it was an estimate. craigix already informed me about what you said. except, he wasn't a smart butt about it. gosh, will you just leave me alone?
exactly. but somehow you still fail to understand. if you'll stop posting nonsense we'll leave you alone.
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Xian Long said:
aesir911 said:
Xian Long said:
that's where you're wrong. the money is for buying the parts to build the pandoras. not very much of that 1.4 million is going to the team as support. really, read the context, i'm tired of your clueless posts.

it was an estimate. craigix already informed me about what you said. except, he wasn't a smart butt about it. gosh, will you just leave me alone?
exactly. but somehow you still fail to understand. if you'll stop posting nonsense we'll leave you alone.

blah blah blah blah blaaaaaaaah. words are coming out, but you are not saying anything. what you are criticizing about me you are doing yourself. blah blah blah blaaaaaaaah.
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what i want to know aesir911, is how many times you are going to say "good gravy"

lol no im kiddin :)
aesir911 said:
Xian Long said:
aesir911 said:
Xian Long said:
that's where you're wrong. the money is for buying the parts to build the pandoras. not very much of that 1.4 million is going to the team as support. really, read the context, i'm tired of your clueless posts.

it was an estimate. craigix already informed me about what you said. except, he wasn't a smart butt about it. gosh, will you just leave me alone?
exactly. but somehow you still fail to understand. if you'll stop posting nonsense we'll leave you alone.

blah blah blah blah blaaaaaaaah. words are coming out, but you are not saying anything. what you are criticizing about me you are doing yourself. blah blah blah blaaaaaaaah.

If I'm not mistaken, this is a PERFECT example of what Xian Long's telling you to NOT do.

A good guide to forum etiquette:
Grow up, be respectful, act like an adult. Think before you post. If a large group of people are telling you that you're wrong, you're probably wrong. Don't argue about facts with people who know more than you do (known developers and anyone with Guru status). Make note of posts by people with high post counts or who joined a long time ago, as they probably know more than you do. Read the forum rules and follow them. Use the edit button and don't necro-post. Read the stickied thread entitled "Pandora Information Index", and use that as your primary location to find information. If you can't find information through there, do a search of the forums. If you still can't find something, ask your question and make it apparent that you looked for the answer. Tell us where you looked, what you found, how that doesn't answer your question, why your question is different from the hundreds of inane questions we've been getting lately, etc. You have to take the initiative, we're not going to just hand you answers on a silver platter.
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Vorporeal said:
Read the stickied thread entitled "Pandora Information Index", and use that as your primary location to find information. If you can't find information through there, do a search of the forums. If you still can't find something, ask your question and make it apparent that you looked for the answer. Tell us where you looked, what you found, how that doesn't answer your question, why your question is different from the hundreds of inane questions we've been getting lately, etc. You have to take the initiative, we're not going to just hand you answers on a silver platter.

Would it not be easier to just make a newbie forum?

I mean, that list is fine for regular forum posting, but could be a little discouraging for someone browsing the internet who just wants to know if "thingy A" will work with "item B".
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Vorporeal said:
aesir911 said:
Xian Long said:
aesir911 said:
Xian Long said:
that's where you're wrong. the money is for buying the parts to build the pandoras. not very much of that 1.4 million is going to the team as support. really, read the context, i'm tired of your clueless posts.

it was an estimate. craigix already informed me about what you said. except, he wasn't a smart butt about it. gosh, will you just leave me alone?
exactly. but somehow you still fail to understand. if you'll stop posting nonsense we'll leave you alone.

blah blah blah blah blaaaaaaaah. words are coming out, but you are not saying anything. what you are criticizing about me you are doing yourself. blah blah blah blaaaaaaaah.

If I'm not mistaken, this is a PERFECT example of what Xian Long's telling you to NOT do.

A good guide to forum etiquette:
Grow up, be respectful, act like an adult. Think before you post. If a large group of people are telling you that you're wrong, you're probably wrong. Don't argue about facts with people who know more than you do (known developers and anyone with Guru status). Make note of posts by people with high post counts or who joined a long time ago, as they probably know more than you do. Read the forum rules and follow them. Use the edit button and don't necro-post. Read the stickied thread entitled "Pandora Information Index", and use that as your primary location to find information. If you can't find information through there, do a search of the forums. If you still can't find something, ask your question and make it apparent that you looked for the answer. Tell us where you looked, what you found, how that doesn't answer your question, why your question is different from the hundreds of inane questions we've been getting lately, etc. You have to take the initiative, we're not going to just hand you answers on a silver platter.

you are wrong.

@gruso (below) sorry, i'm just sick and tired of a couple people on this blog, and i finally decided to stand up for myself. i'll stop when they stop.
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Miknal said:
Would it not be easier to just make a newbie forum?

I mean, that list is fine for regular forum posting, but could be a little discouraging for someone browsing the internet who just wants to know if "thingy A" will work with "item B".
I second this, I don't mind answering stupid questions so much, since it doesn't take a lot of effort, it's just when they get in the way of important discussion.
Also, there is a tendency for people to drag out minor question threads to complain about them. A lot of the time a simple "No it can't play halo." would be enough, and we could leave it alone.

It isn't just a couple of people.
I'd imagine the majority of the members of this forum are annoyed by you to some degree.
All we're asking is for you to follow the rules, and if you don't like them, don't post here.

EDIT: Someone just lock this thread.
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