When Do They Announce Winners?

hmmm. 10mins.
i think this forum must have an assload of traffic, just because of so many people waiting here for GBAx to finish. :D
An hour to go :( please make it quick if possible becase i have to go on quite a long trip at 1 and i need these!
Meh. Who cares, they can't update that fast anyway.... And look at the timestamp of your posts.
Meh, I'll prolly just wait until I get to work tonight (12:00 Midnight, EST)
Guyfawkes posted at 11:50 or so saying it would take another hour or so before they were up, so you're wasting your time :P ;)
Andross posted on May 2 2004 at 12:10 PM said:
Guyfawkes posted at 11:50 or so saying it would take another hour or so before they were up, so you're wasting your time :P ;)
I have plenty of time to waste.
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lets waste the time with some wild speculation...

full speed os9xgp
full speed fgen
fullly complete GP Advance Wars 32
full speed neogp32 with screen stretching

what else my prettys...?
maybe a barebones GBA emu? Doubt it though....I'll just be happy with fullspeed SNES avec sound.