When Does Gbax Get Their Sample Gp32?


Dec 6, 2003
I'm deciding between a blu adn a flu, and what's making it tough is the whole overclocking issue. What if the blu can go to 200? But what if it can't at all? Seems like I'm gambling either way, so I figured i"d just wait. But how long will I have to? www.gbax.com said they'd announce it when they got their sample model, but how far off is that?
Wait, a BLU, FLU and operating at 200 FREAKING MHZ!?!?, and on 2 AA batteies?
Might last much less then a hour. Unless you build a powerpak, like me :lol:

EDIT: Oops, read it wrong and too fast. Well, the BLU only changes the screen, nothign else inside, so i doubt you will receive a gp32 that is able to preform at 200mhz, but prove me wrong.

/me yanks out his Corsair 1gb XMS 3200 module, and solders it to the gp32 for ultra lightninig speed.
From what I read, anything above 166 is wasted anyway, you dont get any real benefits from any cpu speed higher than 166, due to ram and bus speeds or some such. So if it went to 200, thats 34mhz of wasted battery juice. Unless they changed the ram as well (anyone with intimate GP32 hardware knowledge confirm or disprove this?). Since they only announced that the changes are color and the lcd, the chances that it will OC to 200 are slim to none.
I would seem to have the idea that a backlit unit would consume far more power than an ordinary gp32_console, so overclocking it would just suck. Wouldn't get very good battery life at all. I'm might be/probably wrong though.