What's Wrong With My Math, Here?

It's not hard to figure out!! use your brain. Mario Partners in Time: you have the cartoonish kiddy looking graphics, ok, its not that bad, then you have the baby babble throughout the whole game, I understand, Mario and Luigi are babies, "now thats kiddy", but jesus christ enough with the fricking babble, its enough to drive you crazy, then you have the toadsworth and young toadsworth that are like completely gay for each other,

And about your sports analogy, you're waaay off base, there's nothing mature about people, but there is something kiddy about fuzzy and cuddly cartoon characters doing the same thing.

Its the type of games and the content that make them kiddy, plus the characters themselves are "kiddy" Like if you took mario kart and replaced all the characters with like, Master chief, Snake, Cloud, any random "adult" video game character and the game in instantly transformed into something more mature, even though its still mario kart at the core.

So, to you, R rated Matrix trilogy is more "mature" than PG rated Find Nemo, right? Despite being kiddy in looks, Finding Nemo talks about a parent who lost his wife and all his children but one which is way deeper than Matrix storyline that fell apart later to the point that wasn't even funny.

then you have the dialect all together that could've been written by a bunch of 3rd graders.

I do believe their writing was clever and funny, and that 3rd grader writting is way better than majority of other videogaming writings and yours. :P
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That matrix/nemo analogy is absolutely dreadful. The first matrix movie (nevermind the total disasters that were the 2nd and 3rd films) wasn't all that easy to understand, especially a first time through. Nemo is pretty much cut and dry; toddlers went to go see it, so I would hope they would be able to understand it.

The matrix films arent necessarily more "mature", but let's just say a lot of 12 and 13 year olds probably wouldnt understand the concept of it.
A better (although somewhat obscure) analogy would be, say, the comic book Bone compared to something like X-Force.

Bone has cute cartoon characters, looks like a Disney thing, but is a very mature, subtle, incredibly well-written character study (only adults read it). X-Force had big guns and plenty of violent action, but was infantile drivel and only sex-starved 13 year olds read it.
Having worked in high schools for the last 6 years I can confirm that all these mascots mean that nintendo has an image problem with our teenage crowd.

If you ask them what they think of when you say the words playstation or Xbox they start to tell you about their favourite game (and it could be anything - from GTA to Viewtiful Joe). They don't associate the brand with one character or game in particular so there is nothing to put them off buying into it.

Ask them what they think about when you say nintendo and they laugh at you and start talking about old cartoon characters that were really popular before their time. It's as if you'd asked them about their Dads music collection.

Expecting them to get excited about a new improved Mario game is the equivalent of trying to sell them a remixed Wham! CD.

(Having put it like that I'm starting to go off the whole idea of Super Mario Galaxy or whatever it is this time out)
great info Thingly, i wondered about that as well.

And thinking about it another way, why couldn't Nintendo be like Disney is to movies??? I mean Disney does the whole kiddy animated stuff but they also do films like The 6th Sense and Pirates of the Carribean, you don't need cartoon characters to make a game or movie that would appeal to everyone.

itsme posted on Jul 1 2006 at 01:02 AM said:
then you have the dialect all together that could've been written by a bunch of 3rd graders.

I do believe their writing was clever and funny, and that 3rd grader writting is way better than majority of other videogaming writings and yours. :P

I'm sorry that again i will have to put you down again, but if you thought the writing was good in partners in time, then you either have not played the game for real or you have very low reading/comprehention, or you are less than 12 years old. The dialog was worse than the best episode of "perfect strangers"
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Angel posted on Jul 1 2006 at 07:30 PM said:
And thinking about it another way, why couldn't Nintendo be like Disney is to movies??? I mean Disney does the whole kiddy animated stuff but they also do films like The 6th Sense and Pirates of the Carribean, you don't need cartoon characters to make a game or movie that would appeal to everyone.

I had the exact same question coming into the current generation. First, Ninty don't have a separate division for mature materials, and their supposedly more mature divisions like NST and Retro Studio are all very closely monitored by the Japanese headquarters. So, it's more like a cultural difference, and what you're askng for is more of asking an artist to change their style that they had for the past 30 years; It ain't gonna happen.

Hopping around topics, I thought about Angel's "forced controller arguement", I think he had a point. At this E3, I hated the fact that they forced the stylus control on us with Zelda for DS and Starfox for DS.
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That matrix/nemo analogy is absolutely dreadful. The first matrix movie (nevermind the total disasters that were the 2nd and 3rd films) wasn't all that easy to understand, especially a first time through. Nemo is pretty much cut and dry; toddlers went to go see it, so I would hope they would be able to understand it.

The matrix films arent necessarily more "mature", but let's just say a lot of 12 and 13 year olds probably wouldnt understand the concept of it.

True, right after I posted the matrix/nemo analogy, I realized that I should've used SouthPark instead of Nemo. Anyway, my point being you can't judge a book by its cover, and just because a game features kid/cartoon looking character, doesn't mean it's for kids only. Rare made fun of the idea with Conker; don't tell me Conker is for 8 years old. ;)
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