It's not hard to figure out!! use your brain. Mario Partners in Time: you have the cartoonish kiddy looking graphics, ok, its not that bad, then you have the baby babble throughout the whole game, I understand, Mario and Luigi are babies, "now thats kiddy", but jesus christ enough with the fricking babble, its enough to drive you crazy, then you have the toadsworth and young toadsworth that are like completely gay for each other,
And about your sports analogy, you're waaay off base, there's nothing mature about people, but there is something kiddy about fuzzy and cuddly cartoon characters doing the same thing.
Its the type of games and the content that make them kiddy, plus the characters themselves are "kiddy" Like if you took mario kart and replaced all the characters with like, Master chief, Snake, Cloud, any random "adult" video game character and the game in instantly transformed into something more mature, even though its still mario kart at the core.
So, to you, R rated Matrix trilogy is more "mature" than PG rated Find Nemo, right? Despite being kiddy in looks, Finding Nemo talks about a parent who lost his wife and all his children but one which is way deeper than Matrix storyline that fell apart later to the point that wasn't even funny.
then you have the dialect all together that could've been written by a bunch of 3rd graders.
I do believe their writing was clever and funny, and that 3rd grader writting is way better than majority of other videogaming writings and yours.
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