Psp Finally Pulls Ahead In Sales Over The Ds


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
quoting the article:

"PSP Outsells DS in May

For the month of May, Sony is the clear winner of the DS vs. PSP battle in the United States, with 250,000 units in PSP sales, compared to 57,000 units in Nintendo DS sales. That means that Sony sold four times as many PSP units as Nintendo sold DS units.

While Sony may have won the battle, it hasn't won the handheld wars. When sales of the Game Boy Advance SP are taken into account, Nintendo can add an additional 223,000 units to its total handheld sales, giving it a lead of 30,000 units.

June looks to be an interesting month in handheld sales as Nintendo has introduced the Electric Blue DS and also began a promotion where Super Mario 64 DS is being given away for free with the purchase of a Nintendo DS."

Interesting, but I think the DS is still ahead in total sales?

There's definately more REASON to buy a DS right now, but I still think, at some point, once the really good games start to come for the PSP, it might start to pull ahead.

It's also been mentioned that Sony have reconsidered the stupidity of not releasing a 'standard pack' in the US and may do just that maybe sometime before Xmas. The standard pack will only include the PSP, battery and charger and will retail for less than $200, just as it did in Japan. This will definately help 'level the playing field' a bit... I think this 'war' is about to get much more interesting.
bast525 posted on Jul 5 2005 at 11:41 PM said:
There's definately more REASON to buy a DS right now, but I still think, at some point, once the really good games start to come for the PSP, it might start to pull ahead.
You can say that again. I thought the GameCube's lineup of new releases was pretty bad, but at least a lineup exists for the GameCube...
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Well I still think it is just as much the fact that Sony totally shot themselves in the foot with the pricing.

Had the PSP launched with a standard pack from the beginning, priced at $180-ish like it was in Japan, I strongly feel the DS and PSP would be much closer in sales right now, and possibly the PSP would have ben in the lead fromt he start.

But yeah, there's definately more reason to own a DS right now... they finally have some good games out, and there are many more due out by Xmas that look really good. Whereas the PSP well has all but dried up.

Where the hell are the games???
also, don't expect many games in the future now that the psp is cracked wide open.
and no, this piracy won't help sales :P
junker posted on Jul 6 2005 at 07:13 AM said:
also, don't expect many games in the future now that the psp is cracked wide open.

Why do you say that?? almost every system I own has been 'cracked wide open'... hasn't seemed to have an effect on quantity of titles released.

I would think piracy would HELP system sales while hurting software sales. When a system suddenly has the option of limitless free games, plus emulation/homebrew, surely more people will suddenly become interested.

Such is the case with the Gizmondo right now... a LOT of guys saying they wouldn't even consider buying one UNLESS and only unless it get's cracked.

A little different but still.
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Yeah, I agree with Bast on that comment.

Look at the XBOX, PS2 and PC - everygame is avaialble for download before or soon after actual release date.

It might be easy to download and burn games, but still, the majority of people don't do it (whether it be due to lack of knowledge, fear of arrest, ethics or whatever...).

Yet, XBOX, PS2 and PC games still fly off the shelves and are being made readily.

Yeah, for some people this will be the end of buying games, but for some it will mean they will get to play games that they wouldn't have bought anyway or simply cant afford.

I will still be buying Pro Evolution Soccer and Football Manger as I have bought all of these from their first versions, and have them for a collection. No doubt I will buy GTA as well. (However, I have to think about firmware checks). But what else am I really interested in? Not a lot, I'm happy to be playing my old emus instead of buying something like Dead to Rights, playing ot for a few weeks and then never playing it again.

They wont produce less games for the PSP. Everyone uses the example of the Dreamcast...but let's face it...Sega were on their way out anyway. I'd suspect that like the PS1, word of this will result in more PSP consoles being bought and then lest one extra game will be sold.
I'm still waiting for Smackdown to be announced for the PSP. And do we have any shots of Pro Evo yet?

These are the kind of games that really push the consoles. Good to see it doing well however.
i can't wait for online play with the DS, right now, thats the only thing interesting me about the DS, and i still have to wait til November or whenever to play online with the DS.

Anybody know if Coded arms has internet play?
bast525 posted on Jul 6 2005 at 03:41 AM said:
While Sony may have won the battle, it hasn't won the handheld wars. When sales of the Game Boy Advance SP are taken into account, Nintendo can add an additional 223,000 units to its total handheld sales, giving it a lead of 30,000 units

LOL they cant say that, It should only be counted with this generation of handhelds and this is Sonys first Handheld anyway!!.... does this mean when the PSP out Sells the GBA, it will next have to Out Sell the Gameboy Colour then the Gameboy ?? :P
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Steve-O posted on Jul 7 2005 at 05:35 AM said:
bast525 posted on Jul 6 2005 at 03:41 AM said:
While Sony may have won the battle, it hasn't won the handheld wars. When sales of the Game Boy Advance SP are taken into account, Nintendo can add an additional 223,000 units to its total handheld sales, giving it a lead of 30,000 units

LOL they cant say that, It should only be counted with this generation of handhelds and this is Sonys first Handheld anyway!!.... does this mean when the PSP out Sells the GBA, it will next have to Out Sell the Gameboy Colour then the Gameboy ?? :P
I'm just amazed that that many GBAs are still selling each month...
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