How many tabs do you have open? I can try doing that on the devboard as well
At present I have 21, with 5 of those being older, that I need to finish up with. I had many more open earlier when I was comparing sunrise/sunset in various locations at different times of the year (which led to sundials, so even more tabs). When I am researching things it quickly gets a bit silly. I have at times been in the realm you mentioned in the video (I think you said "hundreds" and I know one time I was 100+ for a few weeks, and I had them all combined under other tabs...does that make sense? They were grouped together.).
For light use, such as checking in here, and other basic stuff, what you showed was plenty. Normal use for me is in the 20-40 tab range. I still get up into the 60s when I am trying to find out details of certain things, and that often includes wikipedia articles, news articles, forums, as well as more technical and official sources. I am just happy we have tabbed browsers now. It used to get pretty messy.
I already had twice as many open as I usually have - and there wasn't a huge slowdown...
Yeah, in the video it looked decent. I will just have to make sure to keep things sensible; I know I am on the extreme side at times. Out of curiosity how many tabs do you usually use?