What Will You Do When You See The First Finished Pandora?

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Im going to print out the Pic and carry it around with myself all the time. I will have it near my heart all the time.

Nothing will chance! I will still do this:

Do until Pandora <> 0
click F5
Response.Write "dev"
Response.Write "sry, the did a great job and i want the pandora to be as good as posibel"
Response.Write "oh 1 sec sinced reloaded the Blog"
Well, since you are asking me, the first thing that I will do after seeing a pic of a completed pandora will be:
  • open it inside gimp
  • scale up, stretch and remove perspective with un-perspective tool
  • post the final KEYBOARD LAYOUT on the forum
man, I can't wait to see what will be the keyboard layout. But this thread is not for keyboard discussions. But if you wanted to talk about keyboard go:
Sorry, I couldn't resist. Because you asked.
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I will print off the picture multiple times, crumple each page into a ball, collect all the balls into a pile, strip naked, and then jump into said pile. You know, the usual.
Lots of good fun posts already but I'll probably scale it up like was mentioned above and see what it will look like in real life... Also I'll do something along the lines of: flip the f*** out, cry, do a backflip, etc... I've been annoying my brother, friends, and coworkers with every little detail of this... I am excited.
krooked said:
im not gunna say but it involves chocolate syrup and alot of whipped cream
I can't believe we both plan on getting sundaes! Awesome!
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fusion_power said:
I will celebrate this Event just for myself and then I will think about why it took so incredible, incredible long untill we've seen a finished Pandora with Case and Keyboard. ^_^ I'm sure no other Device in the entire Electronic History was so short before Release still Invisible. :D
Well, only every Apple product and many other small devices...
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atomicthumbs said:
I will listen to loud music and post a single picture of a bunny
let's not start another bunny section like the last time you posted pictures of your bunny. :D

Anyway once I receive a Pandora I'd start seeing what all I could do with it and check it out (after the battery charges). The sad thing is it's probably stronger than the current laptop that I have, until I get my new one in a few days. B)
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