When You Open Pandora's Box What Will You Do?

iRRVi said:
Probably release all of the evils of mankind

I don't think you need a Pandora for that.
Like others have said, I will charge it and then start playing with it going online looking for downloads. I won't get a SD card right away since I already have a 4gb, so I'll just use that.
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I will probably try to hug the postman with a shout of 'ITS HERE, ITS REALLY HERE' then slam the door before somebody attempts to shoot me. Run indoors slap it on charge and the sit in a corner hugging my knees whilst rocking back and forth with a manical glint in my eyes and mumbling.
Hopefully i will be able to last till its charged without commiting some heinous crime
I suspect after put it on the charge and doing a happy dance, and trying to convince my wife that I am in fact sane. I'll be calling in sick to work for the next few days. :P
Take it to bed with me

I'll probably try and see if I can find some nice games to run on it. Then move onto emulators.