Games you finished for the first time on the Pandora?

MAME 0.106 is just a straight recompile, as far as I know - it should support mice (which is what the trackball should be seen as) the same as any of the desktop versions, although I'm not sure how you'd set it up, as I've never needed to do that before.
Nor me, might just hook up a mouse and see if I can do it with that, if so then I'm going to order that trackball methinks.

Exciting times :)
I played Castlevania:Symphony of the Night start to finish on the Pandora,actually was part way through on the PSP but restarted on the Pandora.
I'm doing SoN now, got the taste after playing Harmony of Despair on the PS3, haven't played a Castlevania for a few years, I have it on the NES and it's a true classic :)
A few I am ashamed to say I never completed in the day, but had a blast doing so on Pandora:

Secret of Monkey Island 1 via ScummVM

Super Mario Bros 3 via FCE

Lurking Horror via Gargoyle
Games I beat first on the Pandora...

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I first played it on ePSXe on my laptop, but have beaten it only on my Pandora. I've gotten most endings, just two are missing (second-worst and best), and I've beaten it as Richter.

Cave Story... sort of. I haven't gotten through the very last stage yet, so I haven't gotten the best ending. I've only played Cave Story on the Pandora at this point.

Passage. Only played it on my Pandora at this point.

Hm... I guess that's about it... for now.
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Oh, I forgot that I finished Suikoden and Suikoden 2 on the Pandora for the first time as well :)
Heh, that's funny, I'm presently hard at play with suikoden, too :D

...which is a really excellent game, BTW. The whole plot of playing through some sort of political upheaval, and the shifting alliances and he changes in attitude and so on. Such a difference from the world being an immobile backdrop to emo-boy vs. incomprehensible Evil.

Fiddliest item handling in history, though.
Final Fantasy 9!

I bought it years ago and then waited for my current handheld to be able to run it. Gp2x, then Wiz, then had to wait till Notaz surprised us with his ps1 emulator to finally finish FFIX on the Pandora!
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I've finished so many already :)

Latest new triumphs I can recall include Castlevania SotN (PSX), Mother3 (GBA), Super Mario Land 1 & 2 (GB), Donkey Kong (GB), VVVVVV (native), Terranigma (SNES), Star Ocean (SNES), Kirby's Adventure (NES) and Wars: Commando (native) :P
I finished VVVVVV and Donkey Kong Country and my P last week.

Most likely I am going to start playing Donkey Kong Country 2 soon (never played it before), but right now I am playing GTA4 Episodes From Liberty City instead (obviously NOT on the Pandora).,