What would you do for a Pandora?


Jul 30, 2011
Let me tell you folks the day draws near. This week I will be conducting a Combat Patrol to go and escort my Pandora back to my FOB. That's right locked and loaded and ready to burn the first insurgent with the mind to stop me from having my Pandora! Well sounds cool anyway. I actually will be escorting the convoy with my Pandora in a mail bag. Which I will tell you, I'm thinking I will have the first Pandora In Afghanistan. I promise to send cool pics.

Now what would you do or have done for your Pandora? :blink:
Well live ammunition was not part of my story but I applied for a credit card with an annual fee :angry: (seems like the only way to get them here in Austria) just so I could pay for the device and later after talking with E.D. we were able to use information that didn't require said credit card. I think I took a power nap somewhere in that time line and also ate some spicy potato chips with a chili pepper with a red pitchfork drawn on the bag with flames coming out of his eyes, does that count :P

Hey man take care out there in Afghanistan! looking forward to seeing the pictures!!
Wow not quite what I had in mind..lol Was looking to have fun with this. if you guys get any more unhip your buts will fall off....lol :blink:
I think waiting for 2.5+ years (and counting) is enough of an endurance test for me :ph34r:
get any more unhip your buts will fall off.
Certainly don't want that.

I am guessing I am willing to get high while watching the entire Trololo 10 Hour version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkfVdrtLcRs

and write down everything I'll think of just so I can post it here for you guys to have your "fun".

Something like this you wanted?

Edit: Didn't realise the forums automatically converted YouTUBE links.

HOLY CRAP 10HRS! that crushes my Bandwidth CAP! :blink:
Well, let me see...

[v] Searching for one at ebay, with an option to ship to Russia

[v] Get myself an ebay account which I don't normally need and set up a paypal account as well

[v] Pay over 500 quid for the device and shipment

[v] Go through all the worries of sending electronic devices with Russian mail and a little bit more

[v] Have wifi chip broken in the first day

[v] Read through wiki and set up a *firmware compatible* cross-compiling environment, which would take like five days when you have to babysit

[v] Get yourself a working external wifi driver

[v] Find out that the LCD cable is going to die and see how it can be replaced at home

[ ] Get some spare parts

[ ] Fix the cable

[v] Try to get used to opkg list | grep smth

[v] Install Debian

[v] Go like WTF and try Gentoo

[v] Whatever it takes to own such an awesome device...

I think I have a slogan for Openpandora gmbh: "was dich nicht umbringt macht dich hart" (Friedrich Nietzsche modified by Alexander Spreng)

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Well i wouldnt fight in Afghanistan Just to get a pandora if i was offered.I might jump out of an airship though. I mean it would only be a 'BLIMP :blink:
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1) Wait

2) Wait

3) ???

4) Profit!

I'll wait, then I'll wait some more. Then I might wait. I could wait a bit. Perhaps I'll wait? If it turns you on, I'll wait.

I've become quite the expert at waiting.
That sucks. I plan to order a plether of LCD cables, new keyboard and a body that I will ruggedize. I plan to make a combat ready/ruggedized Pandora. The intent is to make is 5 ft drop survivable.
I waited... and waited... and got a used one on ebay finally.

Then it broke... have to RMA... then it means more... waiting... waiting... waiting...
The only issue I see ruggedizing it is getting past L/R corner buttons may make shaped rubberized buttons.hmmmmm :blink:
I also had the Idea of a rugged Pandora in mind long time ago. Military standard of course. :D

Pandora Schutz.jpg
Brilliant design! Very much like the toughbook design by Panasonic. Funny enough that is along the line that I was thinking of...lol. What did you render that with?