What will a Pyra be able to do that the OpenPandora can't do now?

There isn't even a legit 3DS emulator for desktops. I hope you aren't holding your breath for one on the Pyra. I'm not even going to make jokes about the 3D screen.
You didn't get the point...
I was referring to the calling.
Already liked the fact that Mario was using a DS in Paper Mario 2 to receive E-Mails.
I want to use my Pyra like Luigi uses his Pandora Dual Scream.
That will be so much fun every time I answer a call :D.
And yes, I'm planning to use the E. Gadd ringtone. Already have the Paper Maio E-Mail tune on my Smartphone but it's not half that fun.
There isn't even a legit 3DS emulator for desktops. I hope you aren't holding your breath for one on the Pyra. I'm not even going to make jokes about the 3D screen.
Emulation is going to get a huge boost. What systems specifically will emulate better, I'm going to have to bite my tongue since I don't really know. But we already saw really great DOSBox performance.
Personally, I'm looking forward to being able to do stuff in PandaBAS at a similar speed to my desktop version. That will rock.

Maybe even playing Neverwinter Nights will be possible combined with exagear and glshim. It's a demanding game for it's age, so not quite sure, but yeah, maybe.
How is Dolphin (Emulator) and PPSSPP support?

I still feel like I need a desktop to run those games well.
One of the things that make me look forward the pandora is not much the emulators and such, but it's the software and how faster it will be.
There are so many amazing ports that may have not been released on the pandora that could benefit so much more on the better hardware that the pyra will have.
And how it is pretty much an average pc on your pocket.

I mean, imagine running games like minecraft, openmw (Elder Scrolls Morrowind), Doom 3... those are just examples of stuff that would be really cool running on a pyra, on your pocket, it's pretty much like you stole a fairy's laptop!
Even the development, multimedia, web and office stuff would be amazing to have it running with nicer multitasking and more potential thanks to the more powerfull hardware and screen.

I think we're in for very interesting times and the Pandora years were already to much fun to see how the content, comunity and software evolved.
For example I would never dare to imagine games like ZDoom, running on a Pandora with mods such as brutal doom working, even with a great map editor avaible to download on the repo (slade 3)! then other stuff came in out of nowhere like Arx Libertalis, Quake 3, Half Life!!! and Diablo 2 running like a charm.

Those are the things that made pandora so special and what keeps me looking forward the pyra.
All of that and the coolest people out there are behind this project, and if anyone is still hesitating... Half Life 2 was made with computers more or less within the same specs, that alone is really inspiring.
There should indeed be plenty of software available for the Pyra and part of the fun is watching stuff evolve.
Some features may not be fully useable at launch, I guess, but you just know that we will get there in the end and then some.
The Pandora ended up surprising me. If I could go and tell the past me what the Pandora would end up being able to do I would probably not believe myself. So I can only imagine what the Pyra will be able to do once it has gotten some time to grow.
Playing Ace Combat 3 via Pcsx Reamed whitout the need to change the shoulderbuttons (airbrake and trottle are on q and p on standart pandora config, i needet to change to L and R) because pyra allready comes whit L1 L2 R1 R2 on the Shoulderbuttons ..
But also on Pandora its quite fun :)