Survey for Pyra owners


Nov 16, 2013
Hello everyone,

Whilst I eagerly await my Pyra I thought it might be interesting to know what you're all doing with your devices. Please answer the following questions:

  1. What do you do with your Pyra?
  2. Where in your home do you leave your Pyra?
  3. Which software do you use most often on your Pyra?
  4. What is your home address?
  5. What do you feel is missing from the Pyra right now?
  6. What kind of security system does your home have?
  7. Are you making any software or improving existing software for the Pyra?
  8. What's your weekly schedule?
  9. How would you rate the Pyra?
  10. Do you have a dog?
  11. Do you have any game requests for me once I get my Pyra?

Thanks all
  1. What do you do with your Pyra? Play games/debug it.
  2. Where in your home do you leave your Pyra? Desk.
  3. Which software do you use most often on your Pyra? Compiler.
  4. What is your home address?
  5. What do you feel is missing from the Pyra right now? Reliable kernel.
  6. What kind of security system does your home have? ED-209
  7. Are you making any software or improving existing software for the Pyra? I got more boards booting by tweaking memory config. Fixed libzip libarchive so dpbd spent less time scanning files.
  8. What's your weekly schedule? East. Sleep. Wake. Repeat.
  9. How would you rate the Pyra? Cool, but needs improvement.
  10. Do you have a dog? No.
  11. Do you have any game requests for me once I get my Pyra? Leiro (og)?
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Your Pyra reader survey reminded me of another survey attempt.


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  1. What do you do with your Pyra?
Mostly just dick around trying to get things working right now. The experience is EXTREMELY klunky atm.

  1. Which software do you use most often on your Pyra?
Geany, for on the go code. VLC for music. Chromium for web browsing.
  1. What do you feel is missing from the Pyra right now?
Stability, and a concise user experience.

  1. Are you making any software or improving existing software for the Pyra?
haha, nah. Well actually I am trying to get Marathon Aleph One running right now but flatpaks aren't working and I can't figure out how to build it from source... I'll keep at it. Maybe some pygame stuff of my own later on... Godot stuff if I can figure out how to get it working.
  1. How would you rate the Pyra?
As a retro gaming handheld? 2/10.

As a fun geek toy with a number of bells and whistles and lots of unrealized potential? pyra/10
  1. Do you have any game requests for me once I get my Pyra?
Nah not really.

Bonus question you didn't ask "Whats you favourite part of the Pyra?"

Weirdly its gotta be using the triggers as shift/ctl/etc. Its kind of satisfying how nice it is to hit shift with a trigger while I'm doing stuff. The keyboard is super small and weird, but its kind of growing on me right now.
  1. What do you do with your Pyra? Play games
  2. Where in your home do you leave your Pyra? On or next to the couch
  3. Which software do you use most often on your Pyra? Games
  4. What is your home address? Meh
  5. What do you feel is missing from the Pyra right now? Stable sound
  6. What kind of security system does your home have? Meh
  7. Are you making any software or improving existing software for the Pyra? Not really
  8. What's your weekly schedule? Meh
  9. How would you rate the Pyra? 8
  10. Do you have a dog? Nope
  11. Do you have any game requests for me once I get my Pyra? It would be fun to see if it runs mtg Arena via wine box86
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1. dreamcast.
2. next to my dreamcast.
3. reicast.
4. お前には関係ないでしょう。
5. saturn.
6. dreameye.
7. it's complicated, at least i try.
8. playing dreamcast, saturn or reicast on pyra.
9. third best device ever next to dreamcast and saturn.
10. red dog.
What do you do with your Pyra?
Sadly, at the moment, nothing. I tried to get encryption running by recompiling the kernel but wasn't able to get it booting with that. Since then it's lying around somewhere, as i don't have enough time for any of my hobbies. I want to travel later this year, maybe i get it in a working condition before that.
Where in your home do you leave your Pyra?
Not sure, actually. You can help me search ;)
What do you feel is missing from the Pyra right now?
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1. Mostly to hold over Undies I have a Pyra... Also Dreamcast and Streets of Rage Remake.
2. Usually in my book bag I travel with.
3. Command line things, testing potentially good games to port with gl4es / libsdl1.2-compat library... etc
4. localhost
5. Enthusiastic developers.
6. what security?
7. Few ports, plan on a few more when work isn't driving me insane and sucking all the life from me.
8. work, sleep, work, sleep.....
9. fine for a device that should have been out in 2016
10. nope
11. Two Months.
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Hello everyone,

Whilst I eagerly await my Pyra I thought it might be interesting to know what you're all doing with your devices. Please answer the following questions:

  1. What do you do with your Pyra?
  2. Where in your home do you leave your Pyra?
  3. Which software do you use most often on your Pyra?
  4. What is your home address?
  5. What do you feel is missing from the Pyra right now?
  6. What kind of security system does your home have?
  7. Are you making any software or improving existing software for the Pyra?
  8. What's your weekly schedule?
  9. How would you rate the Pyra?
  10. Do you have a dog?
  11. Do you have any game requests for me once I get my Pyra?

Thanks all
1: Today i did copy a few of my Pyra Drastic Prepared DS Games on an DS Flashcard, as the SD Card Reader of the Pyra is much faster than the one which came whit my USBC Hub..
2: In an Robber Prove Save that is located behind some quite nifty and painfull but deadly Trapps ..
3: I think most Software i use on Pyra are the Emulators
4: my house 1, 0000 at home,
5: Analoque Shoulderbuttons for Racing Games, a much faster CPU, or at least a CPU that is more easy to develop,
6: I have a few Bee Hives in front of my Save Room, whit quite acressive Killer Bees..,
7: I cant code sadly, but i did in the past a least help a bit by making some quite unproffessional Videos ..
8: Wake Up, Toothprush, Shower, Breakfast, Drive to Work, Work, Break, more Work, Drive home, Dinner, Toothprush, Sleep...
9: I think the Pyra got more like a Emotional Value for me, i cant rate it really, as i did cheat it whit an GPD Win Mini .. so im not in the Position to Rate..
10: I have Bees they are much more Dangerous
11: I can request the Dreamcast Emulator, its awesome, also the whole Emu EX Alpha Series, this Port of the Revolt OpenSource Remake is also quite nice
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  1. What do you do with your Pyra? Use as a Slackware laptop replacement. Watch videos, surf the web, communicate.
  2. Where in your home do you leave your Pyra? In the Pyra's place.
  3. Which software do you use most often on your Pyra? Mostly mail and Firefox.
  4. What is your home address? Middle Earth.
  5. What do you feel is missing from the Pyra right now? Non battery sucking sound, volume wheel, proper HDMI out.
  6. What kind of security system does your home have? Dragons.
  7. Are you making any software or improving existing software for the Pyra? Slackware.
  8. What's your weekly schedule? Sleep.
  9. How would you rate the Pyra? Very good, but unfinished.
  10. Do you have a dog? A big hungry one.
  11. Do you have any game requests for me once I get my Pyra? All of them.
  1. Watch series in bed before sleeping.
  2. Besides my bed.
  3. VLC.
  4. x=0,y=0,z=0
  5. I can stay all day listing things here. First fixing critical bugs, like random freezes, noise bug, tv-out, mobile modem. Next getting custom software (like in Pandora), and newer OSs. Finally less critical problems like slowness when charging, analog controls quality. But really, I'm only scratching the surface, my list of complains may require its own thread.
  6. LAN segmentation, DNS filtering, IP blacklisting ... and the most important of all them: common sense.
  7. Sadly it's not my field and I don't plan to get into coding right now. I did programming at the faculty but was never my thing.
  8. Work-Hobbies-Exercise-Sleep. Rinse and repeat until I die. Was this question meant to just depress people?
  9. 2 over 10. I'm really sorry but it just covers one of my use cases and is pretty bad at it.
  10. I have two cats.
  11. Nothing comes to my mind right now.
What do you do with your Pyra?Location independent emergency SSH remote access to a few k8s clusters and other nodes, a seperate OS sdcard for emulation
Where in your home do you leave your Pyra?A small safe next to my go-bag in the master bedroom
Which software do you use most often on your Pyra?Terminal
What is your home address?Some little hinterland planet in the outskirts of milky ways orion arm, kind of off the grid.
What do you feel is missing from the Pyra right now?USB type-c for a nice docking experience
What kind of security system does your home have?Room level presence detection, camera surveilance on entrances and outside the home, ai face extraction from camera feeds with automatic visitor log
Are you making any software or improving existing software for the Pyra?I am more of a backend, data processing and inferencing kind of guy, so nothing pyra specific
What's your weekly schedule?I had such a thing once back in school times
How would you rate the Pyra?The one gadget i would never give away, kinda wish it came a lot sooner before the chinese handheld flood. That could have resulted in a lot bigger community
Do you have a dog?No, but a very ferocious cat.
Do you have any game requests for me once I get my Pyra?If you got the time, please try the brand new N64Recomp recompilation tools for n64 games. If they can be made compatible that would be amazing. I believe the used RT64 rendering engine uses Vulkan, so i guess this is a pipe dream.