What was the first game you serioiusly played on your pandora

1. Pokemon Yellow (1st time ever finished)
2. Game Boy Color
3. CC
4. PS1 Tomb Raider, but thinking about switching to Metal Gear Solid (1 GHz)
Dungeon Master

Atari ST (Thanks Jeff!!!!!)

Ghz pandora

Currently playing Elite, Battletech
Did you ever try the standalone DM/CSB/mod-packs that are in the repo? (Theres a project ("CSB4Win") that he manually disassembled the DM/CSB code, and dumped the artwork; so can do native builds of the engine and drop i nthe art; a little community of guys has popped around this and similar projects, to make new dungeons and so on.. reall ygreat stuff.

Ful Ir or osmeone did the port for pandora, its really good :)

Yes sir and they are fantastic.  
Mega Man Legends and Earthbound at about the same time


Pandora classic (turned 2 years old last month, I still use it practically every day)

Currently have playthroughs of Lunar 2 and FF7 going.

I always wanted to play Lunar 2 back when I had a playstation, and going through it now I'm glad I never actually got it, it's pretty atrocious, and the voice acting is so bad I end up just turning the volume down to off whenever it comes up. Playing it is sort of like a trainwreck though, I just can't look away.
Streets of Rage Remake (might be the only handheld that runs this) and Policenauts
1. Giana's Return (I began to play that game on the Viliv N5, even before I got the Pandora, but on the Pandora it's much better playable :-)

3. Back then it was a CC (classic) Pandora

4. "New Super Mario" for Nintendo DS using Drastic, Giana Sisters using UAE4ALL and Vice and I like Super Geometry Dust for short gaming episodes of 5 minutes ;-)
I have an affliction. Chuckie egg has to be the first game I play on any device. PC, handheld etc. From the gp32 onwards. I'm seeking help and acknowledging the problem is the first stage of dealing with it :)
I have an affliction. Chuckie egg has to be the first game I play on any device. PC, handheld etc. From the gp32 onwards. I'm seeking help and acknowledging the problem is the first stage of dealing with it :)
just remember to pick up the little piles of bird-seed around and you'll be fine