What software are we still missing on Pandora? (A Wish List)

mageJ came in really handing during a work discussion yesterday, nobody had a laptop handy so I could use my pandora with al functions available on ImageJ, stuff like drawing a line and measuring intensity across it can be so handy when looking at a microscopy-picture...
Just pacakged ImageJ2x on the repo :) You may want to check it out too !!

Thanks alot however I don't use ImageJ2 yet a fiji (fiji is just imagej) would be a nicer addition... since it has all the neccecary plugins...

Warfare Incorporated.

No, it isn't open source - it's pretty much iPhone only now.  I used to play this on my Tapwave Zodiac.

Amazing game though.

Here's a thought to the emulator building crowd...

iOS emulator anyone?
Personally I think we are needing a new version of Gimp (Pandora woud benefit a lot with the new 2.8 version), Notepad ++  with HTML5,CSS,php and javascrip and the already mentioned Blender.

EDIT: I already found Audacity on the repo so ignore that :P  http://repo.openpandora.org/?page=detail&app=audacity

 BTW since the begining of the Pandora scene that I dream about having Doom 3 in my hands XD 
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Personally I think we are needing a new version of Gimp (Pandora woud benefit a lot with the new 2.8 version), Notepad ++  with HTML5,CSS,php and javascrip and the already mentioned Blender.

EDIT: I already found Audacity on the repo so ignore that :P  http://repo.openpandora.org/?page=detail&app=audacity

 BTW since the begining of the Pandora scene that I dream about having Doom 3 in my hands XD 
Blender, I have ported it (it's in the repo), but with software rendering, so very slow (I'm trying to bring Hardware accel with lunixbochs libGL, but it's nit plug'n'play).

DooM III I have some build of it (using Dante prject), but for now it's a sliedshow and I have many rendring artefacts.
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I wish you the best of luck petitseb, hope to see both blender and Doom 3 running properly one day, and thanks for the effort  :)
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Personally I think we are needing a new version of Gimp (Pandora woud benefit a lot with the new 2.8 version), Notepad ++  with HTML5,CSS,php and javascrip and the already mentioned Blender.

EDIT: I already found Audacity on the repo so ignore that :P  http://repo.openpandora.org/?page=detail&app=audacity

 BTW since the begining of the Pandora scene that I dream about having Doom 3 in my hands XD
You cant have a new gimp version easily, needs gtk3. Already discussed somewhere else.
A TeamSpeak (client!) and a Google SketchUp port (for opening skp files) would be great!
^bloodcm isn't in the repo.. eduke32 is however.. if this is just a straight up mod and not dependent on windows binaries then it should work with our eduke3d version.