What Software Do People Want?

_VWV_ said:
Ah, forget it.. I've just found that it uses about 100 MB of ram. This is crazy! Is there a less resource hungry app to take notes about an ongoing project capable of storing clickable hyperlinks to different files (a kind of a detailed intermediate daily report with notes + supporting material)?
Sun: Yep, that's my boy!
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God Ginrai said:
I'm sure there is, but even if there isn't, I'm sure you could bug one of our many capable devs into finally agreeing to code one. ;P
-God Ginrai
Well, I guess I might be the only one who wants a PIM of that specific kind. That is why I don't want devs to waste their precious time + there are dozens of different PIM-like software for linux so I'd better continue searching. All I know is next time I face with an Java app, I'll skip it. :-)
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ljones said:
quadomatic said:
Java apps would proly run really slow on Pandora. I don't know for sure though...
Java seems to run slow on just about everything!


ya, because ur not really running the programs on your puter
u run em on a virtual pc (java virtual machine)
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Chances are he was talking about this section.
Java is often Just-in-time compiled at runtime by the Java Virtual machine. Hence, when Just-in-time compiled, its performance is generally:

* lower than the performance of compiled languages as C or C++, but not significantly for most tasks,
* close to other Just-in-time compiled languages such as C#,
* much better than languages without an effective native-code compiler (JIT or AOT), such as Perl, Ruby, PHP and Python.

Program speed

The average performance of Java programs has increased a lot over time, and Java's speed is now comparable with C or C++. In some cases Java is significantly slower, in others, significantly faster.

It must also be said that benchmarks often measure performance for small numerically-intensive programs. This arguably favours C. In some real life programs, Java out-performs C, and often there is no performance difference at all. One example is the benchmark of Jake2 (a clone of Quake 2 written in Java by translating the original GPL C code). The Java 5.0 version performs better in some hardware configurations that its C counterpart: 260/250 fps versus 245 fps. While its not specified how the data was measured (for example if the original Quake 2 executable compiled in 1997 was used, which may be considered bad as current C compilers could achieve better optimizations), it notes how the same Java source code can have a huge speed boost just by updating the VM, something impossible to achieve with a 100% static approach.

Also some optimizations that are possible in Java and similar languages are not possible in C or C++:

* C-style pointers make optimization hard in languages that support them.
* Adaptive optimization is impossible in fully compiled code, as the code is compiled once before any program execution, and thus can not take advantage of the architecture and the code path. Some benchmarks show that performance of compiled C or C++ programs are very much dependent on the compatibility of the compilation options on the processor architecture – such as SSE2 for example), although Java programs are JIT-compiled and adapt on the fly to any given architecture.
* Escape analysis techniques can not be used in C++ for example, because the compiler can not know where an Object will be used (also because of pointers).

However, results for microbenchmarks between Java and C or C++ highly depend on which operations are compared. For example, when comparing with Java 5.0:

* 32 and 64 bits arithmetics operations, File I/O and Exception handling, have a similar performance to comparable C programs
* Collections, Objects creation and destruction performance, as well as method calls are much better in Java than in C++. However the test is probably biased against C++ since it creates "dynamic objects" even if C++ can create stack objects while Java can't. Heap allocation is slow in C++ since its a general mechanism that should be used only if really needed.
* Arrays operations performance are better in C.
* Trigonometric functions performance are much better in C.
From the Java SE Embedded website:

What are the RAM and ROM/Disk requirements for Java SE for Embedded?

Memory footprint requirements are dependent on the platform (OS, swapping, etc), SE release, SE functionality (e.g. headless or not) and application. We generally recommend 32MB for RAM and 32MB for ROM/Disk/Flash but can support slightly smaller configurations.

Another thing to consider when comparing a Java app to a pre-compiled app.
1) I would love to see something like ONScripter or VNDS getting a Pandora port for playing some freeware visual novels.

2) Some kind of MUDclient would be a nice thing to have while lurking around one's wireless internet access point, don't you think? It would obviously make some good use of the Pandora's mini keyboard.

3) A simple kind of permanent 'adventure sheet' with touch screen support and some virtual dice throwing (or even a full-fledged auto-battle function) would be awesome for people who still (or again) play Fighting Fantasy or similiar game books. If via multi-tasking they could listen to some soundtrack of their choice, it would be even better! Although it might corrupt the cool concept of playing with pen and paper INSTEAD of electronic devices that currently revives the interest in those books... :(

4) A port of the GP2X classic Cave Story would be nice as well! :gp2x

But most of all I want to see some software that goes beyond anything seen on portable gaming machines before. However, since they have never been there before they may be hard to imagine right now... :rolleyes:

I really wonder if coding your own software will be harder or easier on the Pandora than on the GP2X...
1st: A digital multimeter readout app

like QtDMM (QtDMM authors homepage ) so that I must not any longer carry my notebook around with me when I want to make some test on my own and others (homebrew) wind generators. Furthermore I would need a usb to RS-232 driver for Linux working on the pandoras OS to get a connection between the Panda and the DMM.

Do you think it will be possible?

2. PDF reading and making
3. Texteditors (for writing and programming)
4. Browser
5. E-Mail app like thunderbird

That's it.
I was hoping for someone to port/make a kanji dictionary... That'd be amazing,
Vince2501 said:
GPS. I know I keep harping on it, but I'm not really seeing anyone working on it, which is a little sad. I would think for all the kids here who live with their parents and drive, that they could justify the purchase by saying it has GPS. The parents would see that as an investment for sure, and not just as a gaming system.
i hope that the under-the-hood part of gps will be almost a given: bluetooth to connect to most GPS receivers and gpsd (which works already on other arm platforms) to manage them

as for the actual applications, there are a few that already work on the openmoko and so could be probably easily ported (as they are already suited to a small screen and stilus interface): they usually use data from the openstreetmap project, so they still miss some areas. The first names that i can think of are tangoGPS and navit, but i believe there are more.
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If no one has said it yet.

How about a WINE port. It would be really nice to see a WINE port on the Pandora.

And before some of you point it out. I only see 2 problems that could hold a WINE port for Pandora back:

A. Does the Pandora Have enough power. I know the pandora is the most powerful hand held out there. But is it powerful enough to run some windows programs to make a port of WINE worth while.

B. The system is not x86 based, It's ARM based. Now I bet someone could program a workaround the fact it's arm based. But The chances of that are slim to none.

But Still, I think a Wine port would be nice
Nightwheel said:
B. The system is not x86 based, It's ARM based. Now I bet someone could program a workaround the fact it's arm based. But The chances of that are slim to none.
You just answered your own question.

Wine is impossible. Wine virtualizes, it is impossible to virtualize an x86 OS with ARM.
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PlopperZ said:
Nightwheel said:
B. The system is not x86 based, It's ARM based. Now I bet someone could program a workaround the fact it's arm based. But The chances of that are slim to none.
You just answered your own question.

Wine is impossible. Wine virtualizes, it is impossible to virtualize an x86 OS with ARM.

Yea, That what I was kinda afraid of. Oh well a person can dream I guess.
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Nightwheel said:
PlopperZ said:
Nightwheel said:
B. The system is not x86 based, It's ARM based. Now I bet someone could program a workaround the fact it's arm based. But The chances of that are slim to none.

You just answered your own question.

Wine is impossible. Wine virtualizes, it is impossible to virtualize an x86 OS with ARM.
Yea, That what I was kinda afraid of. Oh well a person can dream I guess.
Just to keep records straight, wine does not emulate or virtualize. It's a wrapper that exposes the API a certain application expects, using the native API available on the host platform.
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For all those interested in a C/C++ IDE got the pandora for developing code, you should know that they arn't really necceassary, and I don't even use one myself. I just use a text/code editor with syntax highlighting and a terminal. Well I just make my own makefiles and compile in the terminal with gnu make and g++ or whatever, and as with any linux distro these should be provided from the get go :).

Hmm, on win32 I use notepad2 (there is also notepad++) and on linux I once used nedit but I kinda got tired of bugs with copy/paste and such and started using Scite (also available for win32). Anyhows these are all free, and if you are using win32 then I recommend you checkout MinGW (Minimum GNU for Windows).

Anyhows as for software on the pandora, I would probably like a graphical calculator. I don't know about any TI graphical calculator emulators as I think these require BIOS that you must dump from the real hardware.

Umm, maybe some program for searching and listening to radio stations online, but maybe there exists websites for such services.

I'm not sure what's going on with TINXL anymore, so maybe contribute to this. It would be nice if it gets up and running for the release of the pandora.

But yea, I'd like anything that is new or original and that is useful. I'll edit this post if I think of anything.

I think it might be interesting to see if the pandora can be used as an interface to other devices, even your regular computer. Just a thought anyhows.
