What make's your pandora so wonderful

Feel free to answer

It starts out totally empty, but then you start to slowly add stuff to it, and before you know it the damn thing is full of wonderful, wonderful games to play. It takes a bit of effort, its no Nintendo that is for sure, but after you get over the hurdles of finding bits and pieces to tie together, as a whole the thing takes on a huge life. I've had 8bit computer emulators on mine for a while, and last night I finally got around to putting my PSX games together and now the thing has a whole world of new play .. I love that factor, it gets more and more valuable with each week.

Plus, I really love the fact that I can just pop out the SD card and put it in another Pandora and it just plain works.
(big wall of text)

Plus, I really love the fact that I can just pop out the SD card and put it in another Pandora and it just plain works.

That big wall of text makes me lust for one even more.

On a side note why would you need more than one pandora?
It starts out totally empty, but then you start to slowly add stuff to it, and before you know it the damn thing is full of wonderful, wonderful games to play. It takes a bit of effort, its no Nintendo that is for sure, but after you get over the hurdles of finding bits and pieces to tie together, as a whole the thing takes on a huge life. [...]
Wow, what a great description B)
To give just two examples...

Firstly, one of my favourite games of all times is Virtua Racing - which works brilliantly.

Secondly I was reading a Retro Gamer magazine article about 'Bill and Teds' GB game. Have never tried emulation of the GB, so in a couple of mins downloaded via wifi an emulator and a (backup - obviously I have the original cart) rom and was playing.

I know all the articles say its for 'hard core geeks' only, but the ability to get the game running in a couple of mins with no PC use, no SD card swapping around and no config files means its actually very quick and easy to use.
On a side note why would you need more than one pandora?

I got one for gaming and one for development, so I would always have one I could test on and so on .. plus I know there are going to be multiplayer games for the thing, so why not have two for when that lovely day comes ..
For me, it's a complete computer in the palm of my hand.

I carry it around all over the house while it is connected to my wireless router.

I can't wait to get a svideo cable hooked up to my plasma TV, then its awesomeness factor will increase by 100%.

Unfortunately I have been very busy so I don't get to play with it very much, but it's real fun playing games proper on it since it has the hardware to do it up right.
well, mostly because i can do all of the things i usually screw around doing in my free time on it and take it with me anywhere. i do more things on my pandora than my mum will ever do on her vista pc. i also like that such a huge and, for me, missed history if video gaming is available on there, in the palm of my hand. i can take it everywhere and it'll last me the day and thats just awesome :)


SNES (both of the emus)


And knowing that I'm one of the few people on the planet who has one :P
To put it briefly: Being able to play almost every video game I own on a pocket-sized device, and having a full computer in my pocket.

I also use it to play music when I go out, and to get writing done with, too.
I am a computer hacker. This is very attractive to me as a hacker as it is:

  • mobile
  • a very capable computer
  • fast processor hardware
  • networking
  • full tactile keyboard
  • various connection points and slots
  • has enough juice to operate over decent timespan
  • is highly programmable

All these things mean that this device has massive potential for productivity in the networked, electronic world - I would be able to hack myself my a PDA that'll fit all my requirements.

The fact that it has gaming-biased-controls is icing on the cake. It'll be handy for break time when I play games on it.
I have 4 words to describe why its wonderful for me.

here it goes are you ready?

Remote Desktop and Neo Geo

I can access my work station from anywhere around the globe then when I am done, I can play sweet Neo Geo games until my eyes bleed. Perhaps even catch a movie I downloaded and finally slip it in my pocket and I am off and running.

It is thee most full featured gaming and pocket PC device ever created. And my 2 years of waiting was so worth it.
When I get one it will be mainly used as a reliable device that I can control/administer other computers from. Basically saving me from having to lug my laptop everywhere.

I could and probably will buy a Netbook for this same purpose. But other than the fact its an open platform for games and thats the ultimate attraction in itself. It has its practical uses and that will be the main one for me.
First its so freakishly tiny! I can take it with my everywhere. I do mean EVERYWHERE! As a student its the most AWESOME thing on the entire planet. I do commute every day at least two hours. Talk about doing your home work and study on the train. If tired just listen to an podcast or audiobook. Watching a episode of your favorite show.

Then you have the emulation at the tips of your fingers. Its mind blowing! Can not be described how unbelievably awesome this machine is! Then with battery power that last like forever and then some. Only thing i need is to install a solarcell receivers to have it charge itself from the sun!

Even haxing a printer is easy with this godly piece of hardware! As its still so young in development software wize, my brain is melting from the unique programs and ideas everyone will come up with. Then sharing it all freely to all other Pandorians! Yeah, thats what we are.

Holymanoly.. its a great time to be alive in! At least i don't need to live in a cave and paint the walls.

This thread is causing me real pain. Send me my Pandora it's my only hope!

You have created a beauty and now its availability is dangling in from of me like a carrot in front of a donkey. I want it and just can't reach it.

Damn those sluggard nubs.
I am about to go to the UK for two weeks. I have one mains USB charger and my phone charges via USB too, need to charge two things....

Solution: charging Pandora charging phone USB awesome amazingness!!