what gp32 projects are you most looking forward to

I would like:

- Genesis emu (three in development, I can't wait)
- full-speed SNES emu (two in development, one reported almost full-speed)
- full-speed NES emu (fNES w00t :))
- GBA emu (?)
- full-speed Quake ....

... as for that, I had to use floats for my physics system and experimented a lot with multiplying ... you could bit-shift the number by 4 and then back again to get a kind of compromise that, while less accurate, might work well. The Quake source is too complex for me to do ATM but I might try it later on, after exams, if nobody's done it yet.

- Rico
If somebody did a dreamcast emu, it would have to be...umm....god, considering dreamcast is almost 2x more powerfull than gp32

You mean 20x right? Unless you only play Chu Chu Rocket :)
USB devices usually require power. The GP32 USB socket doesn't provide power.
I've just bought an Ericsson Chatboard on Ebay. It cost me less than two pounds. I've found pin assignments on the 'net... 3v, Gnd, TX, RX and "S". Connect the 3v, GND to the GP32, TX to TX1, RX to RX1 and 3v to S using a 100ohm resistor.

Or at least that's the theory. I've got to get the connectors from somewhere first and then write a little library for keyboard detection and make it available to developers to include in their programs.

This definitely looks like the best bet for a GP32 keyboard though.
whats about the gb emu gpvgb, is it still in dev? Games like Zelda Color run very nice, only the sound is abit noisy and save dont work right (i save but after sometime its away). Is this emu cancelled or still in dev?
Sonic-NKT posted on May 17 2003 said:
whats about the gb emu gpvgb, is it still in dev? Games like Zelda Color run very nice, only the sound is abit noisy and save dont work right (i save but after sometime its away). Is this emu cancelled or still in dev?
Saving works - you have to press L and leave the game to save the savegame :)
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i'd really love to see a hand controller for the mp3 player...will i get it?? nope !
Shrike posted on May 17 2003 said:
i'd really love to see a hand controller for the mp3 player...will i get it?? nope !
But there is already one of thoughs,
It`s built in to the body of the GP32, eg Joypad, A b start select buttons etc :D :D .
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ahh forgot DukeNukem 3D !
it would be one of the best things, which could happen on the gp32.
a GBA emu would also be not to bad (dont like carrying two handhelds with me to play)
:rolleyes: Doom v5
:P new snes-emu update
:lol: new GPscumm-version
:lol: Genesis emu
:D GPVGB update (with fixed SML 1 timer-bug)
:P perhaps an AMIGA emu....( :blink: )


Thanx to skeekix for his AMAZING Emu

I'm looking forward to Linux OS, and a working USB Keyboard....I can see the day coming near!! :lol: ... what online capabilities does the GP32 have now? I heard that gamepark was working on an internet browser....Does anyone know anything else?? :unsure:
-Matt :D
I'm a little bit confused..is Fnes already out? or is that beta release I see nothing special.
FNES32 is in the private beta stage, but people are looking forward to fnes32 when it's in the public
The confusing thing about fNES... it had 1 beta release about half a year ago, which was good for the first NES emu we'd seen, but as you say, nothing special. Since then its been effectively re-done with different sources from the ground up - and that's the one that's in private beta atm. The one you can easily find and download is the old beta from last June (released September).