Really Looking Forward To My New Flu


Mar 19, 2003
Wow, it has been a long time since I have had a gp32. I had a non-lit version a long time ago which was stolen. It has been a long time since then and I have missed it a lot. I ordered a gp32 flu and I have heard that it has finally made it's way to the states. However it was mailed to my parents house which is a few states away. I will hopefully be getting a hold of it in about a week which has me really excited. I really wanted to program for the gp32 when I first bought mine a few years ago but only had it a few months so hopefully I will have the chance to get around to it this time around. I have some ideas for some useful utilities so I will give it a shot and see what comes of it.
One of the perks of getting my new hand held is that it gives me a reason to stop by this site from time to time and see what is going on and keep up with new releases. I am really looking forward to checking out Dr. md I have heard great things and I hope it is all that it is cracked up to be. I am also looking forward to checking out open snes, I know that it hasn't been updated in awhile and it is kind of old news now but it is new since I last had a gp32. The best snes emu that was available when I had my system was snes9xgp or whatever it was called. It was a fairly decent emulator but from what I have heard on this message board it sounds like things have come a long way since then. I'm also looking forward to the free gpcinima, I had moviepark which was pretty impressive. Since then I have set up my mythtv pvr which I am now trying to figure out how to convert mpeg2 to gpcinima compatible video.
There are so many new programs that had me missing the gp32 over the last year and a half that once I had the cash I had to buy a new one. I have played the Nintendo DS which is an impressive system and I have seen psp videos but I chose a gp32 flu over the others. The choice was simple because I had so much fun with my old gp and I really enjoyed being a part of this community.
It is nice to be back and I'm sure this will not be my last long winded drunken rant on the gp32.
Something to look at are the results from the ADIC 2004 competiton which had some nice entries.. the homebrew has gotten a nice boost as well with some quality games.. if you havent heard about it then check out for the file vault by Evildragon :)
AIEEE! The beard is back! :o :o :o

I've never used Dr MD, but I know you won't be disappointed - the new megadrive emulators are quality :D