What are you playing this weekend/these days?

Some Games on Sonys awesome PSVITA:
Dragonquest Builders,
Some sort of Minecraft/Dragonquest Spinoff which is pretty good
World of Final Fantasy
Some sort of A Pokémon Like Game whit Final Fantasy Characters also pretty cool
Death Nation + DLC
An Too Down Zombie Shooter where you have to shoot zombies..
Whit Arcade Mode to achieve the highest Highscore
I ditnt play Non Stop, some Hours, yes, but somethimes i need too play a diverent game (like World of Final Fantasy),
but yes its a dam time eather, expecily if you wants realy to be prepare
Currently, im farming the materials for the Cantlin Shield and the Bombs, but too gatter the material for the Cantlin Shield, you also need the bombs..
so it needs twice the time, because the bombs must be craftet too times..
I managed to play The Cave (Adventurer, Knight, Future person). It was enjoyable, not sure if I can be bothered with a different set of characters though. The ending was a little bit of a disappointment from the perspective wrapping up the characters stories. I also managed to solve part of the Knight's story in a way that wasn't intended (judging by what the narrator says)
I played the cave and was able to beat it with each of the characters. I didn't go back to get the "good ending" for any of them.
Finished Ultima VII part Two: Serpent Isle, on the Pandora with Exult.

I was really disappointed.
It starts ok, it's the Ultima VII engine, it's more linear but this means more potential for an interesting story. The beginning is ok, but then it never gets anywhere interesting. The story is not that interesting, there was room for discovery, but you get nearly the whole picture pretty early, there's hardly a unifying theme to all. The last part of the game is just an endless back and forth to recover stuff that could as well be key cards.

Ultima VII had never been about combat and while SI more or less acknowledge that with a pretty generous respawn mechanism and the opportunity to max out stats early on, it still has many zones with frequently respawning enemies, which aggreviates the painful backtracking that the game is full of (especially towards the end).

The exploration part is likewise messed up. Due to the linear story, most of the areas get unlocked along the way, but there's little interest in exploring them. They're also pretty generic and bland. And the aforementionned "random encounters" make it more of a chore than a pleasure.

And as I wrote before, the linear structure makes the whole "sandbox" aspect of the world a bit useless, especially since the game fails to take into account all the possibilities. There's one quest where I could find many different ways to theoretically complete it using some spells or crafting options, but the game failed to recognize it until I followed the scripted "true" solution.

On top of that I had a lot of bugs (not sure if they are due to the game itself or to exult) and had to use the cheat engine to fix them without having to fall back to a too old save.

I used to think that Ultima started going downhill with U8, but now I realize that Serpent Isle was already starting the trend.
On Linux Desktop:

On GPD Q9:

Both are great so far.

Updated list of finished games in 2016:
01. Monsters ate my Birthday Cake (Android Tablet) - 8/10
02. Leisure Luit Larry - Reloaded (WinXP) - 6/10
03. Time Mysteries 2 (Android Tablet) - 7/10
04. Tiny Toon Adventures: Babs' Big Break (GameBoy on 3DS-XL via Lameboy) - 8/10
05.Giana Sisters - Rise of the Owlverlord (WinXP) - 7/10
06. Duck Tales (GameBoy on 3DS-XL via Lameboy) - 6/10
07. Time Mysteries 3 (Android Tablet) - 6/10
08. The Adventures of Lomax (Playstation via Android on GPD Q9) - 7/10
09. The Banner Saga (WinXP) - 9/10
10. LEGO Batman: The Videogame (WinXP) - 8/10
11. Quake II - Base Game (WinXP) - 8/10
12. Journalism Quest - By Milo Yiannopoulos (Linux) - 9/10
13. Xonotic - Single Player Campaign on Medium (Linux) - 9/10
14. Quake II - Ground Zero (WinXP) - 7/10
15. Quake II - The Reckoning (WinXP) - 7/10
16. Unreal - Return to Na Pali (WinXP) - 8/10
17. The Bridge (Linux) - 7/10
18. Hyper Princess Pitch (Linux - WINE) - 9/10
19. The Well (Linux) - 4/10
20. Iji (WinXP) - three times (normal, pacifist, hard) - 9/10
21. Hero (+Bonus Level) (WinXP) - 8/10
22. Legacy of Kain 1 - Blood Omen (PSX on GPD Q9) - 6/10
23. 2x Spy Fox in "Dry Cereal" (Android Tablet) - 6/10
24. The Original Strife: Veteran Edition (Linux) - 9/10
25. Castle of Elite (Linux - WINE) - 8/10
26. A Boy and His Blob (Linux) - 9/10
27. Princess Remedy In a World of Hurt - 101% (Linux - WINE) - 9/10
28. Broken Sword 4: The Angel of Death (Linux - WINE) - 2/10
29. Ittle Dew (Linux) - 9/10
30. Hero Core (Linux - WINE) - 10/10
31. Hammerwatch 1.32 (Linux) - 9/10
32. Hammerwatch 1.32 - Temple of the Sun (Linux) - 8/10
33. Hexen - Beyond Hammerwatch (Linux) - 9/10
34. The Adventures of Shuggy + Teleporting Troubles (Linux) - 9/10
35. Putt-Putt 5 - Putt-Putt Enters the Race (Android Tablet) - 5/10
36. Prune (Android Tablet) - 9/10
37. Putt-Putt 3 - Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo (Android Tablet) - 6/10
38. Putt-Putt 4 - Putt Putt Travels Through Time (Android Tablet) - 6/10
39. Primordia (Linux) - 8/10
40. Putt-Putt 6 - Putt-Putt Joins the Circus (Android Tablet) - 6/10
41. Waking Mars (WinXP) - 8/10
42. Lara Croft GO (Android Tablet) - 10/10
43. Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse (Linux) - 9/10
44. Proteus (Linux) - 5/10
45. Octodad: Dadliest Catch (Linux) - 7/10
46. POSTAL: Classic and Uncut (Linux) - 5/10
47. A Golden Wake (Linux) - 7/10
48. Postal² (Linux via WINE) - 8/10
49. Postal²: Apocalypse Weekend (Linux via WINE) - 5/10
50. Cook, Serve, Delicious! (Linux) - 8/10
51. TRI: of Friendship and Madness (Linux) - 8/10
52. Clash of Puppets (Android via GPD Q9) - 4/10
53. The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past (SNES via GPD Q9) - 10/10
54. Mario Kart: Super Circuit + all SNES Tracks (GBA via GPD Q9) - 7/10
55. Super Mario Kart (SNES via GPD Q9) - 7/10
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Just finished Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma and holy shit, this was even better than I expected! They managed to explain everything! If you love puzzles and mind-blowing stories, go get 999 (DS) and Virtue's Last Reward (3DS/Vita) and play them asap! Oh, and there will be a Steam release for those two next year in March (I'm getting them too because they'll have additional content)! :D
I just played a round of Comix Zone [1] for the Sega Mega Drive.

In this arcade style Beat'em'up you fight your way through the pages of a comic book.
This game has a nice gameplay and a decent graphic.


Here you can see the first level:

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comix_Zone
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I've begun playing Child of Light.
Appreciating the music and the art...
As a game, it's a delight.
It will capture you from the start...

Play it on hard, because normal is too easy...
Unless you prefer story, and for battles to be cheesy...

Sent from my GT-S7580 using Tapatalk
Started playing Tales of Phantasia (SNES with fan translation patch) on the Pandora. Impressive on the technical side, the story so far isn't mind-blowing but it's decent, the battles are a bit too frequent and repetitive, but at least they're less boring than the standard turn-based JRPG battles.

I'm testing my GPD-Win with Advent Rising. It's just as fun and epic as I remembered. I just wish there was a difficulty level between normal and hard, because normal lacks a challenge but some situations in hard mode seem to send endless waves of enemies after you, which is more tedious than challenging.
Started playing Tales of Phantasia (SNES with fan translation patch) on the Pandora. Impressive on the technical side, the story so far isn't mind-blowing but it's decent, the battles are a bit too frequent and repetitive, but at least they're less boring than the standard turn-based JRPG battles.
I absolutely loved it and I remember the game getting even better towards the end.
Tales of Phantasia and Star Ocean are my favourite SNES-RPGs, probably my favourite JRPGs in general and both were never released in Germany.
I have yet to play the successors for Playstation.
The Witcher 3 is my best Action/RPG game ever... the combat system is cool and never too repetitive, exploration is always rewarding because there's a tons of things to improve your character, and you will use them a lot.
The story is at the level of the previous games, great and dynamic with many difficult choices.
It was totally unexpected, but I'm able to play with maxed-out graphic settings (i just had to disable "NVIDIA Hairworks"), and the face expressions are so damn detailed that I just hate having to look down to read the subtitles...
The "teleporting" horse is cool :D But I can't find it so useful, too many obstacles for it and too difficult to direct... so, in the end I go faster by foot
Also they removed all the "consolish" things that the second game had, like the scenes with locked camera or the ones where you just have to press a button at the right time, etc... everything is made in the proper way now.

I'm starting to call it "my new Morrowind"... I finished that game in 4 years, but I liked every single bit of exploration...