What Are You Going To Play On Your Gp2x?

those games are playable on a gamepad. Played some strategie games on dreamcast with pad, it was ok.
ANd 320x240 is small, yes, but the best the gp2x (in lcd mode) can do.
Although that said, there might be an argument for porting OpenTTD at the original res (640x480) and using the HW scaler - then you could use the TV out to get higher detail TTD-ey goodness, AND it might even be easier to port!

Same's possibly true for quite a few games (remember Wargus? FreeCiv? that Ultima 7 engine? All 640x480 which was a major stumbling block for GP32 portage iirc) - only issue would be small text that'd be rendered unreadable, and slow-downs due to rendering to a (much) larger area of memory. You'd definitely have to use both chips, methinks, but the result could be mighty fine.

Back to the original topic, I'll probably play Quake quite a lot, before moving back to my GP32 until more stuff gets released :).
Ravnos posted on Sep 26 2005 at 06:34 PM said:
Yeah, I'm actually looking at the Games menu on my Ubuntu machine right now and most of the game I've installed seem ripe for porting to this machine. Ur-Quan Masters (SCII), Marathon/Aleph One, Doom is a given, LinCity, Nethack ( :) ), Frozen Bubble, etc.

frozen bubble! i love that game, would be perfect for the 2x
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Sonic-NKT posted on Sep 27 2005 at 03:36 PM said:
those games are playable on a gamepad. Played some strategie games on dreamcast with pad, it was ok.
ANd 320x240 is small, yes, but the best the gp2x (in lcd mode) can do.
With a lot of work, TT could maybe be adapted to the GP2X controlls but it would still play bad. The game needs a mouse.

@Tobriand: You mean, scale down 640*480 pixel to the 320*240 screen? Transport Tycoon uses pixel perfect and very small graphics making this impossible.

Transport Tycoon is simply inappropriate for the GP2X. I don't think development time should be wasted on it as long as there are still better things to port. When we get USB mice to work some day it might make a little more sense but not until then.
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Well, if OTTD has a resolution of 320x240, as implied ("its a pda port of open transport tycoon, and with a res of 320x240"), it obviously works on that resolution.


Don't see a problem, graphically. :) Mouse might be usefull, though I have played Simcity on SNES and CIV on CaSTaway with no problems.
Looking forward to playing some MAME arcade games, mainly

Double Dragon
Ghosts'n Goblins
Slap Fight
Xain'd Sleena
Silk Worm

I know some are possible allready on the GP32, but not to sure if they are full speed
@Jarska333: I've played the game in 480*320 for some weeks now. Some of the windows are simply too big for that resolution and important buttons disappear off the screen. It would be much worse on 320*240.
Sim City on SNES was adapted for use without a mouse by professional developers. The same could be done for GP2XTTD, I guess, but it would require a lot of work.
Planning to play some sexy movie clips on-the-go..., surely gonna gain a lot of attractions...:P
yaustar posted on Sep 27 2005 at 07:38 PM said:
Does TT only need a mouse or does it use keyboard input of some sort as well?
It works well with mouse (or touchscreen) only. It only becomes a problem when you want to save a scenario in the editor because you cannot change the name without a keyboard. You also loose the possibility to rename all the stuff in the game. The keyboard is used very seldom but some sort of button-keyboard extension would be nice, same for the Zodiac/PPC versions (since grafiti does not work in game).
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anyway, there are no other games like that available for the gp32 which could be ported. and other open strategie games are made for 640x480 and if you port those its much work (resize graphics, menus etc).
What i missed on the gp32 was that kind of games. I would be really happy about a port.
and playing with a pad is realy not a problem for me, thats not a action game which needs a fast cursor (playing warcraft would be much harder) .
yes rayman is great, the first part is my favorit.
but i dont know what specs a jaguar emu needs :(
perhaps we can play it on a gba or psx (if that my happen) emu.
but psx would be much nicer, cause its 320x240 and has also the movies and great music :)

those are the jaguar specs:
Tom: Graphics Processor (32-bit RISC @ 26 MHz), Object (64-bit RISC @ 26 Mhz), Blitter (64-bit RISC @ 26 Mhz)
Jerry: Digital Signal Processor (32-bit @ 26 MHz)
Motorola 68000 (16-bit @ 13 MHz)

this is not possible in any playable form on the gp2x .
the playstation has just one 32-bit RISC at 33Mhz (+ graphics) so this is much more possible.
Esn posted on Sep 25 2005 at 04:19 AM said:
Hopefully, I'm going to play something that looks like this:


DOSBox would be super... I really hope that there's some dev out there who is interested in porting it.  On the GP32, there were a lot of threads about it from people but no devs seemed to be very interested... perhaps that'll change on the GP2X since there's a greater chance of DOSBox actually working at a playable level. :)

If that fails, I'll be watching movies, listening to music, or using any other emulators that come out. ;)
Hear Hear. I am not really a console junkie like most of you here. But am obsessed about old x86 games. Weee!

Edit: I thought people decided bhole would be faster if ported?
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I got a real healthy kidney sitting here for anyone who can port masters of orion 2 (or a clone) onto the GPX2.

Also, heroes of might and magic (1 > 3, 4 sucked ass!). God that game rocks.

I would think porting Dosbox to the GP2X then playing X-com on it would be possible. X-com wouldn't look too bad at 320x240.


Linked from Fragtopia

A little bit bigger than 32x240, but I think it shows a possibility.


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