What Are You Going To Play On Your Gp2x?

junker posted on Oct 8 2005 at 02:07 AM said:
haha tell me about it, this game isn't even full speed with the latest SSF emulator on my a64 3500+.

the 2X could probably handle a game like that if made for it, but emulating the saturn/titan hardware is way too much.
it's a shame that we will never see professionally made conversions on the system as it would surely be very very impressive graphically.

As would the gp32 as well
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x68000 posted on Oct 8 2005 at 10:21 AM said:
it's a shame that we will never see professionally made conversions on the system as it would surely be very very impressive graphically.
How can you be so sure about that? :huh: Don't give up before it has even begun... :P
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1. SNES (First thing I tried with GP32)
2. Neo-Geo
3. GBA

GBA probably won't happen, but I'm praying Neo-Geo will (Not CD but MVS)!
When I can play MegaDrive games like Sonic, Ecco the Dolphin 1/2, Gunstar Heroes and Vectorman on it, I will die of joy. Watching video is a plus, but I don't see myself doing that TOO much since I have a really nice PocketPC for that. Porn is a good idea too. ;)

But I'm FAR more excited about developing for it! I also am the programmer for a game built on an enhanced Quake engine on the PC side of things, and we're looking forward ot bringing it over to the GP2x as soon as there is a Quake port with audio. :) Hell, we'll take a crack at it before there's audio.

And possibly even more than that I'm excited about developing a top-scrolling shooter for it. With 2 200 MHz ARM9s and dedicated 2D hardware at my disposal, and such a simple and versatile language as SDL comprising the SDK, I should be able to create one with such ridiculous intensity it blows one's mind. Maybe a few hundred bullets onscreen at a time .. ;)

Also, any kind of sexy hardware like this with ARM processor(s) gives me a psychic orgasm one way or another, so I'm going to end up getting one for that reason alone anyway. ;)
Just saw the thread; saw someone mentioned Dungeon Master (not many, just one? :( :( -- well, there will be some serious DM love-festing, dont' you worry on that score :)

Epicenter posted on Oct 9 2005 at 12:37 PM said:
When I can play MegaDrive games like Sonic, Ecco the Dolphin 1/2, Gunstar Heroes and Vectorman on it, I will die of joy. Watching video is a plus, but I don't see myself doing that TOO much since I have a really nice PocketPC for that. Porn is a good idea too. ;)

You can do that now on the GP32. Reesy's DrMD emu plays MD games full speed with full sound. On the GP2X it will certainly be at least as good so you are in luck.
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skeezix posted on Oct 11 2005 at 06:22 PM said:
Just saw the thread; saw someone mentioned Dungeon Master (not many, just one? :( :( -- well, there will be some serious DM love-festing, dont' you worry on that score :)


Eeexcellent :D
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The GP2X is certainly looking pretty sexy. Would be great if even half of the things mentioned above were ported. What do you guys think the chances of getting Curse of Monkey Island to run on this little beauty are?

This game alone will keep me entertained for a long long time! I hope someone can get it working!
No, Metal Slug 3....He needs to move that pic over to imageshack or something. Mobygames doesn't allow linking to their pics.
some virtual memory use should get those big roms loaded if there will be an mvs emulator :D