We have a new wiki main page :)

The new main page displayed wrong with my two browser Firefox 25 and IE 11. All Icons are one huddle.
4 column layout which works on a pandora, to make use of the space
This is cramped, and does not work in every browser at 800x480. 3 columns is better.

There is no need to "make use of the space", pixels are cheap and it is pleasant to have some empty space.

I prefer the size of the pandora image, and the text layout, on the previous version of the page.


I don't see the need for additional links to IRC, blog, etc. Isn't that what we are using the leftmost side-bar for?

If we do keep those links in the content section of main page, we should get rid of the sidebar.

emulators and gui now are under their respective categories instead of on their own.
I agree with rearranging them, but don't like the different style of headings.

I'd rather rearrange them but keep as separate sections with consistent headings.

Here's an alternative Development icon, based on pmprog's suggestion

 I like the idea of this logo, but the pandora logo and the angle brackets will both be too small at the smaller size (40px wide). Can you tweak it to make those elements bigger, and check how it looks scaled down to 40 pixels wide?

Whomever made those icons, could you try it the other way around, by whiting out the non-letter areas, and keeping the blue on the letters?
 I agree this looks better.

The main page as is currently stands seems a bit large for the Pandora screen (it's even on the large side on my netbook). I don't think we have enough space for a five-column wide front page personally, and I liked the content being nearer the top.
Yes, I'll have a go at merging the best elements of the two layouts.
Horizontal icons done, atop the page.

I fixed it in pandora resolution. Didnt even know it was broken :) The icons are up to get some feedback. There is some horizontal span, but thats due to the feedback bar of all things, will send bugreport. Going to put up the new ones.
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Nice! A new hardware icon thats more square, with a solid white pandoralogo on the blue backdrop would be nice.
Also a new software-icon with transparent background.

I liked the fatter borders, difference can be seen here, went a bit better with the other icons, which share a similar border in a the logo on hardware, software and development. Icons are live:






Also thought about flipping the W icon on its head and using that for M, then using the current M icon for playpandora.com

Edit: uploaded the new DevelopmentIcon Looks great, <>'s a little too dominant imo, maybe scale them down to what they were?
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Hardware, bit more square with solid white logo


Even more square version


Software one with transparent background [the disk label and metal-clip parts are transparent - which I guess is what you meant?]


you can see the transparency here:

And a new Tutorials icon, to match the newer Development icon [larger logo in corner and larger text]...

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And emulation alternatives, with more solid blue colour ... one with a cable running from top too



Not sure if nicer at all, just putting them up anyway :)
I meant the outside the outline, the outside of the icon, since mediawiki appends a border on square images. Same same when the background is white. Love the emu one.

Uploaded the gamepad ones, logo got too small, but i got an idea. How about flip over so the cord points out to the left and then hits the pandora logo, (right above the questionmark spot here) making the rest of the logo its cord.

 //      \\

 \\      //

 || ||_||±     well anyways....
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Sorry, still not following ... the Software icon doesn't have an outline, none of them do, all on transparent background.
Every part except for whats inside of the discette.

And my ascii was supposed to be this. a logo forming the cable for a gamepad.

     _,-'  _,_  '-,_     
 _,-'  _,-'   '-,_  '-,_ 
'-,_  '-,_     _,-'  _,-'  
|-, '-,_  '| |'  _,-' ,-             
|  |    |  | |  | | ± |
|  |    |  | |  |-|   |
|  '-,_ |  |      | + |
'-,_   '|  |      |__ |
    '-,_   |   
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Here's a Emulation one with the logo incorporated into the pads lead ... Kept the correct way up rather than on side but can be rotated 90degree if wanted


I'm still none the wiser about the Software one though, as I don't see any borders being added by the MediaWiki either, perhaps that a browser effect?

Here's another Developer one with slightly smaller brackets;

Im so bad at explaining, I meant the gamepad itself rotated 90 and put into where there is now an empthy 1/3 box, on the right.

Or we could do that one, but without the logo on the gamepad, because that doesnt show up well when scaled down.

Uploaded. Think that gamepad looks better than my idea would.

Just wanted to say the discette icon is world class, really takes me back.
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I dislike the half a Pandora logo above the game controller... but that's probably just my opinion
I don't really see the reason for basing everything on the pandora logo, TBH.
^^ what he said

The first versions of the "quick links" icons were totally unreadable.

IMHO the new "reversed" ones are a bit better, but without the text beside them I think people would have some troubles understanding them.

And I don't understand why floppy disk is used for software icon when we're using SD cards on pandora…

Going old school, we could also use magnetic band or perforated cards :P
Tbh I just went to icon site and looked at generic software icons and most were of a floppy disc... Agree though it is a bit old skool now think about it. An SD card based one probably would be better