We have a new wiki main page :)

Regarding Quick Link icons up top, originally I intended those as used for favicons ... To uniform all the different Pandora websites in terms of favicons. Which is why originally done all in different colours
Looooooong ago I made an ugly ass SVG icon with a SD card and pandora logo…

Found it :


Don't know if it could be of some use… I doubt it, but here it is anyway :D

About the quick link icons, as I said they're not really readable as they're used.

As favicon they're probably more readable since they're far smaller.



I like that, especially the way you done PND in the style SD is normally written :)

I ripped that, into this to suit the others. Perhaps use instead of the diskette one for software?

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Im working with what i got, which is

1. icons made by binky,

2. no write permissions to upload favicons.

"i dont like this" doesn't give me a great deal of insight. What you see is what you get. Assume instead i am dumb enough to do the things i do, and then explain to me like the idiot i am how to do it differently. If you see something, most often the case is I didn't.

Edit: I uploaded the two SD icons to each of their respective SD categories. I like the lock mechanism set to open. The N looks like the nike logo. Flip the D on the side instead? Right side of blue on binky is broader than the left, also the cutoff in the corner seems to be cut too low on the right hand side, where there is a little notch that shouldnt be there.

Also the dimensions arent right. Should be taller.

Think maybe using the colour picker in gimp to make the Kodeln one into the binky one without borders would be best. With rounded corners and a smaller logo.

Edit2: I like the discette software icon because its reminiscent of the amiga splashcreen. I get happy each time i see it, because that was the last time computing was fun. I have found that again with linux and the pandora captures the mentality of how that felt back in the day. As for the notion that we use SD cards, SD cards is better. Not so sure, partly because some of its use is for people who dont know that already.

A pictogram signaling calling abilities will use a 50s style non-mobile telephone. Cellphones are more prevalent, but it takes longer to recognize what they are and the context.

I think that doesnt go away either, a 50s telephone is now synonymous with "you can call here, this is the number" or something of that nature.

And new people take nicely to the ways of the old. Not many people know what a document folder is, but if they see one in pictogram form on a computer they instantly know that its a directory.
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This is the latest revision to the frontpage wiki. It seemes the issue with non native english understanding was fixed, but the language part is now in error.

"Handheld game console miniature computer." was changed for "Pocket computer with real gaming controls."

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pocket_computer. In the sense that this tells me something i dont know that its correct, and if i dont its not that informative.

How about "Pocketable handheld mini PC?"  The other most common uses (gaming, audio) are already explained on the left.

"Open platform : you choose how you use it."

This is redundant sice its implied by open platform. In the sense that its understood, the rest isnt needed, and in the sense that it isnt, you only need the latter, so make it one or the other, not both.

Also, "how to use it" would be less repetitive. Replacing the double pointer to the subject.

"No restrictions :"  This is a negative bias, granted, English has such a bias, but its not useful for sending info in a positive manner. "unrestricted" would be better.

It also makes "Your imagination is the limit." semi-redundant.

"make and publish softwares" this is wrong. Its plural software in English.

Ive caught enough flac for my version, ironically for reasons why this seems to have failed, so I'm as per usual, not changing it without leaving it up to debate.

Please help out with changing it for something that makes sense. I am, contrary to belief, very open for input.

Edit: something like

Pocketable handheld mini PC.
Minded to openness.
Limited only to total freedom.
Enjoy, make, modify, publish, share.

Crafted in Germany.

Less verbose, on point. Easier (but maybe still difficult) for non-native English speakers.

Could find another moniker for open (and crafted in germany), the play on words here is "open-minded" but in the sense it was designed to be.
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"Pocketable handheld mini PC?"
I feel that handheld and mini are redundant. Let's try another rewording then :"Handheld computer with real gaming controls"

That way, we have the info that it's a real computer in a really small form factor that allow it to be handheld instead of needing to rest on a lap or a table.

Also, "how to use it" would be less repetitive. Replacing the double pointer to the subject.
Agreed, removing the second "you" makes it better."Open platform : you choose how to use it."

I feel it's important to explain what "open platform" means to people that may be less tech oriented than most of the pandora users.

Enjoy, make, modify, publish, share.
Publish and share are redundant. And there is no information about what we can enjoy, make, modify, share…
"make and publish softwares" this is wrong. Its plural software in English.
You're right, "No restriction : use, make and publish software." is better. "Unrestricted" feel a bit clunky… It feels a bit like cop, military jargon : "Unrestricted area" or legal jargon. And it's still a negation as "un" prefix means "not".Maybe "Use, make and publish software as you wish." would be better.

Limited only to total freedom.
Limited seems awfully negative to me, far more than "no restrictions"…
What do you think about :

"Handheld computer with real gaming controls.

Open platform, you choose how to use it.

Use, make and publish software as you wish.

Your imagination is the limit."

I may not be a native english speaker, but I think I'm a pretty good english reader (I'm used to read novels in english).

And still your wording confuses me…

I am, contrary to belief, very open for input.
You may be "very open for input" but you don't listen to people at all : I had to change it "forcefully" to have you start admitting that it may need some rewording. That's what almost everybody here have been saying to you since your modifications…You just gave explanations of your wording and shut yourself in those, like a bunker. Using that as a "proof" you were right and people criticising were wrong.
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I did say it needed rewording in between the feedback and explanation. Editing is open to anyone, there is no force required. Thats why I made the mainpage not only available to mods like it was before. Im glad someone touched it again, i just left it at "better than it was", because it was a wall of text at one point.

Left at a mainpage that saw 4 edits after 2009 on a downward curve...

About the Pandora

The Pandora is a combination of a handheld game console and miniature
computer. It is similar in concept to systems like the GP2X, but more
powerful and more featured. The device is open, meaning that you can
use it however you'd like. There are absolutely no restrictions on the
Pandora whatsoever. You are free (and encouraged) to do whatever you'd
like with it. Anyone can write, port, and release software for it at no
cost. Plenty of games and emulators are available as well. More...
Complaining doesn't really get anything done, it is counterproductive in making it less fun to do edits for the ones that do them. The way i see it is if the feedback isnt constructive me personally am not going to be able get it any better. I have said it before, assume i really am not capable of any better, and instead point out its flaws in a way that makes it change for the better. If you anyone sees a flaw or shortcoming they are automatically qualified to fix it imo.

Limited to means its restricted to a means of something, a set boundary. What you make of that, total freedom, is food for thought. It has to be a little bit clever to avoid being cheesy.

Minded to openness means somebody set their mind to making it open, which it purveys to its fullest. Again something that isnt just words. Hopefully that isnt lost in the language barrier.

21 words versus 31 means its a little too verbose in conveying the exact same message. It ought to be even less. Here it is in 14

Minded to openness.
Limited only to total freedom.
Enjoy, make, modify, share.


I tried to make it a pitch, sort of like a flowing stream of words.

I know software isnt in there, but then again, cant we assume that is understood? It is also very much in relation to hardware, so i feel saying just software is selling that mindset short.

And why does it have to be either, arent those words good to rally for by themselves? Who are we to say how you should think of them.

The way i saw it was there is already something there to Enjoy, from that, you can Make something,  Modify something someone else has made, Publish   it,  and Share.

I see publish is redundant. An interpretation of the software freedoms.

Open platform is also a word that doesn't have a set meaning or following, to me it sounds like open core, which does not have a good connotation. Open platform to me is a game where there is no set sequential storyline logic.

You can see that its has gaming controls, and PC is shorter than computer.

A "click for demonstration" with a link to the youtube mainpage video would do a lot more than 1000 words that nobody bothers to read.

The file could even be hosted on the wiki, but it needs webM, or ogg theora for that. Think its only mp4 and mp3 right now since thats the default config.

Dont know if there is bandwidth, but thats something ED needs to config anyways.
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PC is shorter than computer.
Indeed, but PC is linked to windows computer in the mind of the masses, so computer is more generic in that case.
Minded to openness.
Sorry but that's gibberish, are you writing your phrases in your native language, then using google translate to have it in english?
Limited only to total freedom.
As I said "limited" has a strong negative meaning, it should be avoided at all cost IMHO.
Enjoy, make, modify, share.
Too vague, most people won't be able to tell what you're talking about.
What is german, the OS, the maker, the software, … what?Made in Germany, manufactured in Germany, crafted in Germany, that does tell what happens in Germany.

That wiki must be understandable to people that don't know shit about openpandora. And we're not trying to make an advertising slogan but a short description of the pandora.
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PC isnt windows. Its general purpose computer. If anything the personal is losing mindshare.

And its pretty clear its not windows by the non-imposed restrictions, no?

If its "handheld PC" how was that ever something windows was shipped with?


Its not limited in itself, but limited _to_ meaning a boundary, in this case, total freedom.

Who exactly doesnt attribute anything to those words?

The vagueness is good, because it covers more bases. It also spurs some curiosity.

If you dont stop and think its meaningless marketing jargon.

The openpandora. Which is the only thing thats referenced.

There is always the other links for explaining in depth what the intro should allude to.

Bear in mind there is stuff on the left side explaining exactly what the key points are.

If you can read it elsewhere or see it, why go into detail in explaining it?

The image alt tag should do for the blind users what the image does for seeing people.

Being on point is more clear than being into detail that isnt core to the message at hand.

Lets imply the reasoning that new users dont know anything and upon reading:

"Handheld computer with real gaming controls.  ok, little bit stakato, but it gets the job done.
Open platform, you choose how to use it.     What is a platform? What are the normally occuring limits to how that can be used?
Use, make and publish software as you wish.  I wasnt aware of any other way, what are these implied restrictions that im enjoying the absence of?
Your imagination is the limit."                              None the wiser.

If its "my" imagination, what then about others, the ones sharing, cant i enjoy the fruits of their labour? I didnt really get the idea moreso from reading about how i could get it.

How is saying there is a limit in the wrong order for the mindplay to work, any better than saying that its limited to something that is limitless. (total freedom)

If you want to be anal about something it would be that depending on interpretation someone is drawing "your imagination" into question.

Your imagination set free. Is better, if it doesnt imply a boundary on what that could be, which happens as soon as you (best case) imply using making and publishing software as one wishes are the limits to how far an imagination can stretch...
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PC was never windows. And its pretty clear its not windows by the non-imposed restrictions, no?
No, if you talk to non-tech savvy people, PC is a computer with windows on it, mac is a computer with mac os on it and linux is a strange thing hard to understand that nerds use. I had people using computers all day telling me they use google to go on internet, after asking the right questions, they were using firefox… see what I mean now?
I understand the words without problem, but the sentence is gibberish. It feels like it's been translated from another language with google translate…
Its not limited in itself, but limited _to_ meaning a boundary, in this case, total freedom.
Still, "limited" has a negative connotation, no matter what it's followed with.
Unfortunately the openpandora doesnt do much in the way of providing anything for blind people, so if you can see it, or read elsewhere, why go into detail in explaining it?
Because sometimes images don't load for X or Y reason.And because pandora is a small computer with gaming controls it's even one of it's distinctive point!

I'm tired of explaining, and that's the reason everyone left you doing what you want with the wiki. We try to make you understand that you're doing it wrong and we propose another solution. Then you come back with lot of shitty explanations and stand your ground without giving a damn about what we say.
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Your logic would have a semblance of sense to it if you were the one answering my points, meanwhile you not being the one leaving the front page in broken English without fixing it.

Applying your own logic to your own reasoning seems like the first hurdle to get over.

Proposing changing it to "open to anything"

"Gaming" is a word i vehemently tried to avoid, since people in the know avoid such gear, and those are the market. They dont want something that is cheap, gimmicky, breaks, or is overpriced for no reason, which is what "gaming" translates to.

Full keyboard and game-controls are not self explanatory from handheld, so i added that section on the left, fair point.

15 words is still under half of 31, conveying the same message.

Since the image doesnt provide any sense of scale it could then be "openpandora handheld"

Limited not to the confinements of a sole mind...

Mind comes from old norse minni, and in old english, gemynd, which we still use in norwegian to this day in the form of formyndermentalitet, paternalism...
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Maybe you should do a Norwegian page and leave the english wiki pages to people with more grasp of the language.

I am being dead serious here, Your english is terrible.
Maybe you should do a Norwegian page and leave the english wiki pages to people with more grasp of the language.

I am being dead serious here, Your english is terrible.
Its not terrible.

But then it isn't up to writing slogans and catchphrases either :/
Maybe you should do a Norwegian page and leave the english wiki pages to people with more grasp of the language.

I am being dead serious here, Your english is terrible.
Provide for me the reason(s) "open to anything" is terrible. Enlighten us all. Because in making your statement into an assertion you were mere arguments short of reasoning.

FYI, "maybe" you should have capitalized the e in English (as in the language), rather than the word following a comma.
And since that _isn't_ the context, where exactly did that connection come from? I certainly hope people complain about said premise.

Levi: PC is the only term to my knowledge of a personal computer for general-purpose. Whereas computer could be something other than a PC. Which begs the question, why (for the time being,) is an ARM PC supposedly not possible?
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