Vendetta Online

Would you pay for and play Vendetta Online on the Pandora if it were ported?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Still Fresh
Sep 16, 2008
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Hi guys,

Vendetta Online is an independent MMO with a focus on real-time, twitch-based (i.e. you have to aim yourself, its not point and click like Eve Online) space combat. It has a native Linux client currently available for both x86 and x86_64, and although it is non-free (closed source for those who think I mean free as in cost), I've been told that it was always designed with portability in mind, and if enough people are interested in this, the developers may be willing to port it to ARM and the Pandora.

The game costs $9USD per month, but gets cheaper if you buy longer subscriptions (cheapest it gets is $6.67US/month). If you want to try it you can make a trial account and download the game and play for eight hours.

The purpose of this thread is to see how many people would be interested in paying for and playing this game if it were ported to the Pandora. Note that I am in no way affiliated with the game's makers; Guild Software, I'm simply a player of the game who would love to see it on the Pandora.

So please post your opinions on this, and vote in the poll, I look forward to the ensuing discussion :)


P.S. The game's website is:
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this is a really good game, beats eve online by my standards, and with the joystibk nubs it would be awesome to play. not to mention the 'portable' fact.
i hope this comes but... didn't they try to get a hold of the devs a few months ago, and the devs said they did not have time to do this(the port) atm?
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I was looking for a space MMORPG to try, guess I'll try this one. If it would run on the Pandora, that would be awesome. :)
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$6,67 is less than a package of cigarettes at the moment. Sounds fair, if it's fun ;)
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Wow, I forgot about this game! I played it in beta, and then moved on and couldn't remember the name of the game. It was super fun if I remember correctly. I don't do subscription games though.

I still think they should port though, smaller companies need to embrace all possible platforms to get as wide a base as they can. Smart indie companies start with linux, so they can port to all platforms (ftmp).
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:( I voted No because I'm not really a player of MMOGs, but after I realized there was a Linux x64 version, and a free trial of it, I tried it out.

It looks cool, and if I can play it on the Pandora, that will make the subscription worth a lot more.
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After reading trhough the site i'd have to say yes, it really needs a crafting system but i think it would be cool anyways.
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In addition to this thread, If you would like to bring your interest to the attention of the Vendetta Online developers, have a look at this thread on the game's forums:

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I subscribed for a few years and can confirm that VO is a great game, I very much prefer it to Eve. These days I'm not a subscriber but only because I can't devote enough time to make the (very reasonable) price worthwhile. I urge anyone who likes the look of it to give the demo a try.

It's also worth noting that although this is closed source and pay to play the devs listen to and are very active in the community to the point it almost feels like an open source project. There are also modding opportunities for those of you who know lua.
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Can you customize your ship with weapons and outfits like in Eve Online?

I think I'd play both, for the economy/strategy/stuff of Eve and the combat/stuff of this.
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'atomicthumbs' said:
Can you customize your ship with weapons and outfits like in Eve Online?

I think I'd play both, for the economy/strategy/stuff of Eve and the combat/stuff of this.
Yes you can customize your ship, but nowhere near to the extent you can with Eve. The two games aren't really comparable, perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned Eve. VO is kinda like the anti-Eve, it's missing much of the avionics and all of the crafting from EVE (although crafting is planned in the long term), but it allows you to actually fly your ship and that demands a degree of skill. VO is sometimes nicknamed spacequake, which is a pretty good description.

In an ideal world the Eve guys and the VO guys would team up and make a hybrid, but I imagine that will never happen.
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who needs eve online or vendetta online? im sure we will have openoffice base and descent!
'Mithrildor' said:
Not at all, when Im already looking forward to another, way better and more realistic MMO Space Sim, which really has as much planets as our milkyway has.
yes. so many boring, computer designed planets yet so few players and such an overactive imagination working towards an unrealistic, overambitious goal
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I voted no. I probably wouldn't pay for it and play it. However, if it were ported to the Pandora, I would try it, and probably report bugs.

I hate monthly fees for games. Often life gets busy, and I can't play for a few weeks. That's wasted money. It'd be nice to do it more like cellphones - $0.10/hr (or something), pre-bought in $10 chunks.

However, I get addicted to MMOs easily, so I tend to stay away from them. While I'm working, I'd feel like I was wasting money ($7... such a waste!), on top of constantly thinking about it and wanting to play it.

Hey, what about this game?

Looks to be Windows only, but the youtube vid looked somewhat interesting. I might download it to check it out.
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A bit of a late reply I know, but a Vendetta Online port is unlikely, at least for the next year or so, at which time VO's minimum specs might be a little out of Pandora's reach.

I've been playing VO on and off for over 5 years now, and yeah, they have a very portable code base, but the minimum specs for the game have and will continue to rise, and to be honest, being a long time player, I'm pretty sure I can speak for the developers here when I say the game itself is not where they want it to be, and getting it to a point *they* are happy with is more of a concern than a port to a new arch.

Just to show the VO devs have a sense of humour, and are just cool guys, here's the *released* source code to Vendetta Online at this time:


,x ,
y, o
for(;n--;x++)c==10?y+=80,x=o-1:x>=0 ?80 >x? !(
c==64)?b[y+x]=c:0:0:0;}c(q,l,r,o,s) char *l, *r ,*s;{while(q>=
0)q= (s[_ /6]- 62>> _++% 6&1? r[q] :l[ q]) -o;; return q;}u(q,l,
r,o) char *l,* r;{ return c(q ,l,r ,o, "A" "mv" "jjQLQm\\polpxwq"
"{pIw" "hR" "|h" "ZO" "LF" "MR" "{g" "H" "E" "ws" "" "" ""
"[LQm" "lq" "_m" "}L" "?");}v( q,l, r,o ) char *l , *r;
{return c(q, l,r, o,"" ">K" "su" "f]" "mz" "G" "kM" "" "" ""
"quZljq" "{b" "m]" "tu" "YJ" "sQ" "mZ" "GK" "J" "hD" ); } vu
(a,b){for(o=x =a,y =80* b,_= 0;(( 283> _)); )a= "*/" "" "" ""
")([\n@" "\\" "_ " [u(8 ,"\" *,'" "&%" ".0" ,"" "$#" "" "" ""
"+!)(-/" "1", 42)+ 10], p("" "#$" "%&" "'(" ")" "*," [u ( 7,
"$#'&*\"-/", "(%" ")!" "+,. ",41 )+9] -34, a); }va( a, b ){for
(o=x=a,y =80* b,_= 0;(( 201> _)); )a= "@/ ]\n-" "\\_." [ v(7,
"# )&\"" "*," ".", "(%" "!$" "'+" "-/" ,41) + 9], p( "#$%&')"[v(4,"#\"$!)",
"%&'( ", 38)+ 6]- 34,a );} main (){ puts ( "\033[" "2J");for(;;A++){for(i=
0;i<1840;i++ )b[i ]=32;srand(0);for (i=0;i <100;i ++){z=rand()%20;b[(rand
()%23)*80+(rand()-A*(1+z)/59 )%80 ]=".,o*"[ z/ 5 ];} va(10,(int)(8.5+8.5*sin
(A*0.02 /****/ )));; /****/ vu(55,(int)(6.5+6.5*cos(A*0.03/****/ ))); printf(
"%c[H"/********/ , /********/ 27);for(i=1;i<80*23+1;i++ /********/
/*** ***/ /*** ***/ )/*** ***/
/** **/ /** **/ /** **/
/*** ***/ /*** ***/ putchar(i%80?b:10);}}/*** ***/
/********/ /********/ /********/
/****/ /****/ /****/

The history behind the "image" of this code is that a dump-truck once took out the VO server colo. heh

And here's some more random obfuscated C


_,x,y,o ,N;char b[1840] ;p(n,c)
{for(;n --;x++) c==10?y +=80,x=
o-1:x>= 0?80>x? c!='~'? b[y+x]=
c:0:0:0 ;}c(q,l ,r,o,v) char*l,
*r;{for (;q>=0; )q=("A" "YLrZ^"
"w^?EX" "novne" "bYV" "dO}LE"
"{yWlw" "Jl_Ja|[ur]zovpu" "" "i]e|y"
"ao_Be" "osmIg}r]]r]m|wkZU}{O}" "xys]]\
x|ya|y" "sm||{uel}|r{yIcsm||ya[{uE" "{qY\
w|gGor" "VrVWioriI}Qac{{BIY[sXjjsVW]aM" "T\
tXjjss" "sV_OUkRUlSiorVXp_qOM>E{BadB"[_/6 ]-
62>>_++ %6&1?r[q]:l[q])-o;return q;}E(a){for (
o= x=a,y=0,_=0;1095>_;)a= " <.,`'/)(\n-" "\\_~"[
c (12,"!%*/')#3" "" "+-6,8","\"(.$" "01245"
" &79",46)+14], p("" "#$%&'()0:439 "[ c(10
, "&(*#,./1345" ,"')" "+%-$02\"! ", 44)+12]
-34,a); }main(k){float A=0,B= 0,i,j,z[1840];
puts("" "\x1b[2J");;; for(;; ){float e=sin
(A), n= sin(B),g=cos( A),m= cos(B);for(k=
0;1840> k;k++)y=-10-k/ 80 ,o=41+(k%80-40
)* 1.3/y+n,N=A-100.0/y,b[k]=".#"[o+N&1], z[k]=0;
E( 80-(int)(9*B)%250);for(j=0;6.28>j;j +=0.07)
for (i=0;6.28>i;i+=0.02){float c=sin( i), d=
cos( j),f=sin(j),h=d+2,D=15/(c*h*e+f *g+5),l
=cos(i) ,t=c*h*g-f*e;x=40+2*D*(l*h* m-t*n
),y=12+ D *(l*h*n+t*m),o=x+80*y,N =8*((f*
e-c*d*g )*m -c*d*e-f*g-l*d*n) ;if(D>z
[o])z[o ]=D,b[ o]=" ." ".,,-+"
"+=#$@" [N>0?N: 0];;;;} printf(
"%c[H", 27);for (k=1;18 *100+41
>k;k++) putchar (k%80?b [k]:10)
;;;;A+= 0.053;; B+=0.03 ;;;;;}}

Anyway, a Pandora port would rule, but not really gunna happen, not even Soon™
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yodaofborg: I still think its well within the capabilities of the Pandora, I've played the game on my EeePC a bit and it's definitely playable with 1024x600 resolution and most other settings about mid range, with some optimisation it should be playable on the Pandora, at low-mid detail (maybe better, who knows :P)
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