Release Valyria Tear


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Valyria Tear, a fully opensourced 2D J-RPG localized in a few languages.

Build 02

  • Made the small font bigger.

Build 01


  • Initial build
  • Force screenres to 800x480 fullscreen
  • Adapted default key config to Pandora
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I've noticed two issues with it. They are:

1. The graphics aren't smooth when walking near a building in the first town.

2. The Menu Screen has weird graphics showing as its background.
Looks fantastic. Do you need a norwegian translation?

Why isnt it valyrian valyrias or valkyrian tear. Without that it sounds as if something tore up, pleading ignorance here.

Edit: asked the dev if he wants a translation.
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I don't know yet whether it's a tear as in the act of tearing, or as in the act of weeping. Either way, I guess it's something you'll have to take up with the developers.

@stainy I hope you've found the save points by now.

Not noticed any graphical glitches myself. Bit of tearing, but the only slightly irritating issue is the load times, especially early on. But I'm already getting used to that.
I don't know yet whether it's a tear as in the act of tearing, or as in the act of weeping. Either way, I guess it's something you'll have to take up with the developers.

@stainy I hope you've found the save points by now.

Not noticed any graphical glitches myself. Bit of tearing, but the only slightly irritating issue is the load times, especially early on. But I'm already getting used to that.
Does the menu look normal to you?
It just did crash on a screen transisiton some screens after the second save point in the forest. I'm not in the mood to try again right now :) Did anybody experience a similar crash?
Does the menu look normal to you?
On the main menu I can see the game title, scrolling cloud, mountains, snow and a floating crystal thing, with the actual selectable menu set off in dark grey at the bottom.

On the in-game Y menu I can see the status menu, game characters and inventory, location and so on and that all looks fine to me too.

I'm running on a GHz Pandora running a slightly old version of SuperZaxxon.

@_jr_ I've got as far as the first dungeon, although I gave up in there and reverted back to the second save point - either I'm rubbish at this game, or it's really hard. Not had any crashes yet, although I did suspect the load times on leaving the house for the first time was a crash of sorts.
Right. It's a pretty standard RPG mechanic (albeit a pretty retarded one) that you get your first save point on leaving the village for the first time. I think in this game the pre-save prologue is quite long, especially if it takes you a long time to find the kid, but I'm afraid that's the way it's coded here. You need to play long enough on your first sitting to leave the village for the first time. Should take you about 15 minutes at most, I reckon. Hold X to run - I think you can run indefinitely in the village.
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Ahh such a nice RPG???

Cool i download it now ;)

Many THX ^_^

Edit: Video is uploading and this Game is amazing.

I love anime RPGs so much so much :)
(big Video,need ~ a hour to upload from here)

Is there any way to get the Speech Text bigger?

Its little difficult for my Eyes to read it.
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Seems like changing language is not working,it's always in english
@_jr_ I've got as far as the first dungeon, although I gave up in there and reverted back to the second save point - either I'm rubbish at this game, or it's really hard. Not had any crashes yet, although I did suspect the load times on leaving the house for the first time was a crash of sorts.
Thanks. I finished the forest without another crash.
Thx again for doing that,that will help me for more Clicks :)

Is there any Way to make the Text Bigger?

Maybe is then a Problem with Word Wrap?