Release H-Craft Championship


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is H-Craft Championship, a futuristic racing game featuring hovercrafts.


This is a full game, and thanks to Irrgheist, we have been allowed to distribute it, with datas, on!

/!\ On CC and Rebirth model, default graphic driver give pretty bad Framerates, use 4.04 driver for best results /!\
Here is a video of the gameplay on then Pandora from @Ingoreis

History log


Build 02


  • Added Nub config
Build 01


  • Initial build
  • Keymap adapted to Pandora
  • Default graphics settings adapted to Pandora

The source code is available here.
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wow, that seems marvelous, thanks Irrgheist, thanks ptitSeb!
Is there an easy way to change to the 4.04 driver and back to the default driver?
The only thing is can I use the left analog nub instead of the dpad for more precision?

Other than that, what a fantastic port!  Great graphics and smooth as butter on my GHz Pandy.  Wipeout running natively on Pandora anyone?! :D
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The only thing is can I use the left analog nub instead of the dpad for more precision?

Other than that, what a fantastic port!  Great graphics and smooth as butter on my GHz Pandy.  Wipeout running natively on Pandora anyone?! :D
Nub *should* be usable as Joystick, but I haven't checked it.
No automated way to my knowledge (I guess you want to automaticaly switch to 4.04 before launching and going back to default after the launch).
Yes, but I will use the driver.pnd file, if it is not possible.
The only thing is can I use the left analog nub instead of the dpad for more precision?

Other than that, what a fantastic port!  Great graphics and smooth as butter on my GHz Pandy.  Wipeout running natively on Pandora anyone?! :D
Nub *should* be usable as Joystick, but I haven't checked it.
There is an option for me to select analog steering, but I can't seem to select anything.  Looks like this has to be done in code.
The only thing is can I use the left analog nub instead of the dpad for more precision?

Other than that, what a fantastic port!  Great graphics and smooth as butter on my GHz Pandy.  Wipeout running natively on Pandora anyone?! :D
Nub *should* be usable as Joystick, but I haven't checked it.
There is an option for me to select analog steering, but I can't seem to select anything.  Looks like this has to be done in code.
Did you put the Nub in "absolute" mode before launching the game? I yes, that I'll have to look at the code...
Ah!  Thanks!  Nub work nicely now!  
Ah good.

Maybe I can add support for the leftnub & rightnub files then, to automtically change the Nubs at the loading, and restore them at exit, like with my FPS ports... (and put them to "no change" by default).
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That would be super. :D

Edit:  I like using nubs for these types of games, but others may not.  So if possible, upon launching the game, an option dialog would pop up and ask the user to select his/her prefer control method whether it's dpad or nub. That would be super duper, but if it's too much work, I wouldn't bother.   Thanks for the awesome port once again :D
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That would be super. :D

Edit:  I like using nubs for these types of games, but others may not.  So if possible, upon launching the game, an option dialog would pop up and ask the user to select his/her prefer control method whether it's dpad or nub. That would be super duper, but if it's too much work, I wouldn't bother.   Thanks for the awesome port once again :D
What I have in mind is a bit simpler. After first launch, you'll have 2 files in appdata/hcraft named leftnub and rightnub that contain the mode of the respective nubs. open them with mousepad and put "absolute" for Joystick mode, or "mouse"  or "mbuttons". After that, the game will (with build 02) automaticaly sets the Nub all the time, without question.

Of course, I can put some zenity dialog when the files are not present to ask for default mode (left nub as joystick or no-change)... If I'm not too lazy, I'll do that too :P ...
Damn you, broken LCD cable!!
You can play it via TV out when you want to play it.

Its a realy nice Game and make Fun.

Thx for porting it,looking Great on the Pandora and work without Swap File ;)

Here a Video with it running on the 1GHZ Pandora without Display(Pandora TV Edition) ^_^

Thhhhhx :D


Maybe you can write an Email to the Devs for inserting a Pandora Picture on some of the Commercial Signs in the Game?

It will be a Honor and more Fun for us when you gaming and a Pandora Commercial Sign is in the Tracks.

(Just an Idea) ;)
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