Urgh, check out Gp32news.com

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I have not been a part of this, so I do not know, but from the note on GP32News:

" and thanks to the aggressive answer of the lammer," also "some lammers give his privates versions and mailbomb him ... "

It sounds like not only did the person leak his emu, but were rude and apparently "mailbombed" him. I also don't think the person writing this is intending to put forth a "I got an emu that runs this, this and this and you don't, nyah nyah". I believe they were trying to show you how far along the emulator was in hopes that people would come forward with encouraging remarks for ThunderZ, hopefully making him reconsider when he realises that most of the GP32 community is full of great people who are thankful for the contributers to the scene.

So for my part: ThunderZ - I hope you do reconsider and continue work on this and other emulators when your heart is back in it. There are some despicable people out there, but please remember that they are a minority... most of us appreciate the time and effort you put into the development of an emulator that we will all enjoy. Rather than the time you have currently put into the NeoGP32 project being wasted, I hope you continue with the project and reap the gratitude of the community that you deserve. If this has truly soured you on GP32 development, please consider releasing the current version with a quick readme as to what has happened and why no future development will occur. I know myself and many others who wish you nothing but the best would appreciate it.

Last but not least: To those who are complaining that ThunderZ should just release emu versions more frequently and publicly and this wouldn't happen: It's his choice, because its his time and effort to develop the emulator. If he prefers to have private releases so that he isn't bombarded with bug reports and feature requests, that is his business. While I appreciate developers who make frequent public releases (mainly because I'm not on anyone's private release list!) and I know you like the feedback, not everyone wants massive public feedback on every little thing. Please respecty their wishes.

Zardoz - I just read your post as I was previewing mine. Everything I said to ThunderZ applies to you... you both work hard purely for others enjoyment and I thank you!
I agree with everything ZardozJones said, but disagree the answer is to just stop going because one prick ruined it, i understand you might be pissed off big time (i would to) but to stop after his own hard work would be pointless and meaningless.

Dont give out private betas anymore if you dont trust anyone (would be fair enough), but dont stop.

Sorry you got fecked too ZardozJones, not read anything from you for ages, its a shame its something like this that makes you appear :(

its a sad day for us all i think
pah, its spanish! one of my worsely understood languages :(, and zard never give up! NEVER EVER
Shrike - I tried googling GPBA and IGNORANTE, the sites down like you said, but if you look at the cached version of the page it seems to be a website about salsa music
If you give up on something just because one little stupid prick leaked some of your programs, well, I'll put it nicely... It's not the most intelligent thing to do.

Imagine if a proper development company gave up development on a peice of software because a beta of a game got leaked? We wouldnt have about 90% of the programs out today. It happens all the time, and you just have to deal with it and keep on working.

The GP32 community is extremely small, we need all the developers we can get to make this system really shine. Dont let the 1 or 2 fucktards ruin it.
Bottom line, the GP32 is an entire community based around sharing, helping, and trust. It sucks when someone (anyone) turns around and f*cks the community like that.

I don't know this Ignorante person (sounds like a fitting nick though), but I did find his name in at least one greets list (fMSX). Just goes to show, it's tough to really know people's motives over the internet.

Zardoz, I join a long list of people who say, "I know this sucks, and I hope this doesn't deter you from completing what sounds to be the best and most hyped emulator so far for the GP32."
Swiss_Cheeseman posted on May 2 2003 said:
Imagine if a proper development company gave up development on a peice of software because a beta of a game got leaked? We wouldnt have about 90% of the programs out today. It happens all the time, and you just have to deal with it and keep on working.
Maybe it'll get Madonna to quit recording music.
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There's a big difference between a company continuing to develop a leaked beta (if they don't they make no money) and an individual developer no longer developing a leaked beta. The people developing things for the GP32 have no vested interest in the GP32 continuing to grow, nor are they making money doing this. They develop for the love of it. When someone kills that love, its time to move on to projects that you DO still care about.

Please, Zardoz, ThunderZ and anyone else this has happened to... don't let one or two bad apples spoil the bunch!
I was a part of the Dreamcast "scene", and I am just worried that it will turn out like that. So many talented devvers left just because of annoying e-mails from stupid lamers...

I praise developers for their excellent work, they dont owe us anything, of course, but its still very damn disappointing when someting like this happens, especially when you spent quite a bit of money on it.
Yeah of course - I agree with you all it would be stupid to stop a emu just because of 1 idiot - I was just trying to explain the whole thing of writing a emu, getting hassled e.t.c. alot of people just take take - e.t.c. thats to be expected, it's just when you've worked so hard on something - and some one goes and releases a version that didn't want ever released for a number of reason s- it just does your head in. "Pondering it's future this very moment" I actually ment - yes I'm almost certainly gonna continue it - up until this point I'd canned it - but after hearing about yesterday mess I thought yeah I'l;l crack on with esp' since that version fo the md is like 6 months old something - the current version runs 90-100% speed zero frameskip e.t.c I think all the emu authors realise that 99% of the gp32 people are as cool as hell - it's just that odd moment that fucking does yer head in!! :)
I think we all whould buy games from joygp to help make up for the loss B)
I would like to see the gp64 some day <_<
I was a part of the Dreamcast "scene", and I am just worried that it will turn out like that. So many talented devvers left just because of annoying e-mails from stupid lamers...

Exactly, I come from that "scene" as well and I must admit that the GP32-boards are nice 'n peaceful. Most of the projects released there were answered with 3 or 4 posts with praise and from that point it drops straight into a verbal war.
the current version runs 90-100% speed zero frameskip e.t.c

You know that you're going to get hundreds of emails asking for a release now, right? ;)

Is it going in that spanish contest? Go on ;) Give Jeff something to compete against ;)

I think all the emu authors realise that 99% of the gp32 people are as cool as hell - it's just that odd moment that fucking does yer head in!!

It's a small scene so it's pretty tight. Look at what's happening with the ST emulator. Jeff, the author, is posting here all the time and listening to everyones comments and feedback. That is waaay cool, it feels almost like everyone here is part of that emulators development you know? Makes this "scene" worth being a part of :)
Hey - don't get too excited - thats without sound, I'll probably release it once I've got audio working (if at all)
yup - no z80 at the moment
some games don't use it - and program the sound hardware directly
but it's alot of work to get both 68k and z80 and vdp running at speed only time will tell
nice to see you posting here and talking of a release of any kind. Your work is amazing and I thought you had quit the gp32 scene so its great to se you posting here at all. The gp32 scene is small and pretty helpfull for the most part which is one of the resones I bought a gp32. Everyone here is so helpfull and more respectfull of coders than in any emulation scene I have seen before. The only real reason that the gp32 is still around is due to people like thunderz and jones who have been creating amazing emulators and apps. Its stuff like that that keeps us coming to this message board and playing the gp32 and with out that the gp32 would be long dead. I hope this whole thing is an eye opener and I hope somehow something good can come of it. I just really hope that none amazing coders in the scene are scared away from the actions of one person.
You're probably best off not releasing it until the z80 is in. I imagine you'd get flooded with emails about [game] not working..

Have you looked at the foon Z80 cpu core? It's pretty fast, it might be worth looking into.
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