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Quotes in existing threads look like normal text?

I don't like this.  Hope it's a problem and not a feature.  Seem to take up more vertical space too.  Everything else seems fine.

Edit: Oh hey this looks fine, I guess it's just everything quoted before the conversion. Edits now have the "Show that the message has been edited" bubble checked by default, bleh.
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Clicking a link directly to the most recent post of a thread actually shows you the bottom of the page rather than the top of the most recent post.

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Tis is gonna take a bit to get used too! I kind've like it, but at same time it feels like I moved into a new house. I liked the old one. Sure the boards creaked and moaned, and there was numerous stains left on he walls and ceiling from a prior tenant named craig, but it was a lovely home nontheless.
Quotes in existing threads look like normal text?

Spoiler tags in existing threads seem to be broken too.

Not sure about new threads.

testing spoiler tags
testing code tags

EDIT:  ok  those seem to work in new posts at least.  

...I really want that mark-up editor though.
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 Still trying to figure everything out, so pardon me if I screw everything up while adjusting.  I expect my posts might be a bit messier than they already were.  Took me a minute to figure out how to login, and I still can't find the list of recent posts.  I don't see an option to switch from mobile to desktop layout, so I am probably missing a bunch of things (I had a 2 at the top of the page, and when I clicked on it I was told there was nothing, and my guess is that I either had replies or messages...sorry to anyone I am neglecting, but the boards don't want me to see what you said :p). 

So far I have to say I like the old version better.  :(    Hopefully that will change as bits and pieces get restored.

At present I feel the same way.  I can't even get rid of the extra line between your quote and my reply...

A text only mode for the editor might be nice,  I can't seem to find a way to split quotes.

I can't find anywhere to view liked posts.  (used to be linked off the profile page.)

There's only two themes  Pyra and Pandora.   The colours on the Pandora theme are nothing like what they were in the same theme under the old version,  the best you can say is for it is that it's still done in shades of blue. 


Same for me on the first 2 points.  Colors look the same for me on the mobile(?) version of the Pyra theme.  I haven't checked the Pandora one yet.  Edit: Some colors do look off.  I think I even saw something that looked greenish (but not atm on this page).

signatures seem to be missing.


Must be fixed, otherwise everyone will forget that ED wants to kill us all (but if I remember correctly it was pretty well justified, and not meant seriously).

I just clicked to see a post that was made after I started replying.  The notification vanished but I don't see the new post.  Edit: It happened again while replying (SONY this time) and it did show the post.  Maybe it didn't show thatgui's post because I was still on the first page.

Can someone please advise me how to switch to the desktop version?  My browser settings have user agent set to desktop.
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An hour ago I tried to Like a post and it said I was over the limit...and then half an hour after that I was able to Like a post again.

But now after way less than 10 Likes I seem to be over the limit again :/
Yeah I hope the unremovable extra line between quoted posts and new text doesn't stay.  I find our new round avatars to be very comfortable though.
An hour ago I tried to Like a post and it said I was over the limit...and then half an hour after that I was able to Like a post again.

But now after way less than 10 Likes I seem to be over the limit again :/

This used to happen to me before the update.  It seemed like I would get a new one 24 hours after the first like sometimes, and other times it seemed like I had to wait for the next day.

Yeah I hope the unremovable extra line between quoted posts and new text doesn't stay.  I find our new round avatars to be very comfortable though.

Glad I am not alone on that extra line.  Now that you point out the avatar thing I noticed mine looks more unbalanced.  It is supposed to, but it looks bad in a circle.  When I switch the colors I will take another look, and if it still sucks I guess I will tweak it. :(

The smiley list is taking forever for me to load.  I guess there aren't any new ones.
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Edit reasons don't appear to be quoted, and there is a limited character count for that box, so I guess I won't be using it unless fixing words and spelling and such. 
Found a problem whit sign in (this is on my android phone)

This seems normal, its the same for me, its a diverent new contents link now, so you just have to make a new bookmark, and it should work...
The new content link for mobile is the star at the top of the page, in case anyone else needs it.  I liked it better when it was a button with words on it.  Maybe it still has words on the desktop version. :angry:

Edit: But that does not give me the other unread posts. So lost...
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Linux, what do mean exactly by "threads I've posted in"?

Sounds kinda like what I am complaining about.  Threads that you have posted in that used to be marked with the logo or whatever it was.