
Svartalf said:
Sphinxter said:
Spoken like a cyber bully.
While you might be right about the terminology (MS came up with it, yes...), and while Chad might've been a bit over the top calling you a troll and an idiot, you should be cautious about flinging about "cyber bully" at other people, Sphinxter. I distinctly remember a certain forum member that could be accused of that very accolade himself when he took to a disliking of me on a subject and just wouldn't shut up and back off when the thread originator asked nicely to cease and desist.

Trying to characterize it as a less than intelligent argument and exactly the sort of response one would make, sound like is not you are, but point well taken.

Svartalf said:
"Palmtop Computer" is more accurate. It's what I tell people when I explain just what they're looking at
when I show off my N800. Furthermore, "PC" being x86 only is a thing that came of things over the years
as the term applied to a LOT of different machines, including Macs.
That would be a much more apt description than UMPC, think Fujitsu coined that one.
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It doesn't matter what we call it. Sorry. It runs Linux and has buttons and a screen. Those are three reasons why I'm buying it. 'Nuff said.
It doesn't matter what we call it. Sorry. It runs Linux and has buttons and a screen. Those are three reasons why I'm buying it. 'Nuff said.

'Nuff said indeed :P.
Rayek said:
It doesn't matter what we call it. Sorry. It runs Linux and has buttons and a screen. Those are three reasons why I'm buying it. 'Nuff said.
I kinda agree, but the public at large and the media in particular like to have labels or pigeon holes for things. People will tend to label it either umpc or games console if there isn't another label. Then the view becomes: its an expensive games console compared to psp/ds, or its not as capable (read mainstream) a umpc as an eeepc.

On the topic of what is a pc, MS helped get pdas called pocket pcs and theres no x86 in sight, usually ARM.

Everything these days seems to need an an acronym.How about "ABOK" - awesome bit of kit.
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TaG said:
I kinda agree, but the public at large and the media in particular like to have labels or pigeon holes for things. People will tend to label it either umpc or games console if there isn't another label. Then the view becomes: its an expensive games console compared to psp/ds, or its not as capable (read mainstream) a umpc as an eeepc.
That's why we should just leave it up to them. Honestly, the Pandora has enough of both worlds to attract a larger userbase. Seriously, gaming media should label it as a gaming machine (because it's a capable one) with some UMPC perks, and the gadget community (?) should label it as a very small UMPC with gaming capabilities. Unless something as huge as AP gets a hold of the machine (not likely), we can just tailor the tips to the audience. If people can't read past the title of any particular article on the Pandora and won't understand any further explanation of the unit, then its their fault.
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Im dissapointed towards UMPC's in general, they give it all this powerful hardware yet the layout looks more like a buisness solution than a gamers dream. For me the pandora does both enviroments a qualified justice which is UMPC & Gaming.