Pandora Team - Advertising Opportunity At Umpcportal


The Hallucinogenic Elf
Hello Craigix, ED and co.

I think you should make a donation to UMPCPortal to get chippy to IDF. Here if the result of a $150 donation.

Donations of $150 or more get all the above plus a 120×120 ad button on the news section for August and September. Expect 250,000 people’s eyes over this period!

This is a great oppurtunity to get great coverage from a site that already supports the Pandora and get a foodhold in the UMPC market. Also you will be supporting the UMPC community.

I'm donating $50 myself because I have used the site already alot and gotten some good advice. My UMPC was purchased based on great advice from the UMPC team.
btw, if two other people donate $50, let me know and we can pool together and get the Advert anyway.