Release Twitter Update From Craig

PokeParadox said:
No no no, bad news... that means I have less time to get PandoraPanic! working... :rolleyes:
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Esn said:
Gee, this seems a bit unreal.

Are these the final Pandoras we're talking about here?
These are the motherboards.
They are made of ARM and SGX and win.
They are still working on getting that last bit of the CNC prototype, and then they still have to order the final case molds and start production.
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fischju2000 said:
So, they have purchased all 4000 MP boards, before completing FCC and other tests?
The final boards are required for the FCC test.
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Final boards are required for FCC but you cant get them without actually ordering them, so it kinda HAS to happen I'd think. Besides they were going to ship even if they failed the tests because they werent going to have all 4000 in the first day to build. The first few hundred wil come in, one or two will go for testing, and the rest will go out to people for "real world" testing, if something goes wrong they can stop the order, and make fixes before the rest go out.

I did notice that the keys were not as "raised" (that is, as protruding) as I expected with the extra epoxy layer. How sensitive are they, and how fast can one reasonably type on it?
Maybe craig is currently heavily training for an upcoming tuxtyping video? Would be awesome. I bet pickle would have a port running in a matter of minutes.
Two new images on MWeston photobucket site:
