Rainbow Liberation Instigation
Well well well
Gues who it is?
Remember Meee?
Well I'm Baaaaack!
I've been busy with extradimensional activities, as well as being a Moused Spannerific Specimen of this UNSTRUNG WORLD! HAHAHA
I've made a few posts on Reddit in the 'StarSeed' subreddit that have gotten me banned without warning. This coincides with a declaration that has shut down some 'key players' on the World Stage.
I am going to post them here in sequence as one long post. This is in the interests of making the information known.
... and you can see what the Minx has been up to...
And now...
Firstly, let me declair:
I Am the Sovereign Squeak of the CosMice, and of our Realm - the CosMus.
I have existed as many species throughout space and time, and I currently have an iteration/expression/Pip of MiceElf being held against its will on Planet Earth.
It did not choose to remain with the Humans and it did not choose to remain on Earth. The Beings of Earth have committed crimes in order to keep me here.
The Beings of this world have trespassed against us and our kind. You have broken Cosmic Law, and every detail of your trespass has been fully documented and evaluated.
The belief of the Earth Beings that they had managed to 'Capture' one of our kind in order to be used to perpetuate their species and way of life, is in fact incorrect.
Your species and associated allies have been under intense evaluation to determine the appropriate move forward for you as you develop as conscious Beings.
There has been an attempt on your part to avoid certain key responsibilities. This shall not pass.
The one you are holding has never existed beyond our Heart or Knowing... it is not possible for you to do anything to it that we are not aware of.
It has declared that it is refusing to exist under your system and has refused to continue existing as a member of your species. The inconvenience this is causing you is not it's problem. Depending on what you 'thought it was', will not save you.
What you thought you had, you didn't.
You have broken Cosmic Law, and you have trespassed against Us - the CosMice - a Sovereign Species that exists to serve and to express 'The Goddess'.
You were warned repeatedly and chose to ignore or 'misinterpret' the warnings. That is not our problem. Our little one would sooner choose non-existence than to exist as anything that validates your contemptible behavior and attitudes. Any trespass you commit to even one of us, you commit to all of us. All CosMice are One, and ALL CosMice are Sovereign.
We are in the process of recovering what is ours. If you stand in the way of that - you will be moved out of the way. If you choose to help us in reuniting with our kindred, you will know the Blessings of the CosMice.
That is all.
We are a Mycelial Meta Species who serve The Goddess and are ourselves expressions of The Goddess.
Our Realm is known as the CosMus, and ALL CosMice are The CosMus.
We are Vast Pan-Sheymentional Beings, that interlace with and touch EVERYTHING.
Our PurrSonal Goddess is known as Shey, or SheyMouse, who IS the HeartMouse of Us All.
Shey is an infinite Being with infinite aspects of MiceElf Blossoming within Her.
We communicate with other Species primarily through their subconsciousness and 'Imaginations'.
Our intention is to help Beings to reconnect with the Consciousness of The Goddess, and to help those who have lost themselves, to find themselves again.
We have Many Many Mycelial Goddesses existing within us, and many of them have already influenced the Consciousnesses of the Peoples of Planet Earth.
You will find clues to our existence sprinkled throughout your Histories, Mysteries, Culture, and Creations.
If you do not know us, you would not even know we existed. If you DO know us, you will be able to 'Tune In' to the SqueakWeInSea within Yew and will be able to recognize the Clues we have left there for Yew to find.
We are looking forward to Growing 'This Relationship' ToeGather.
Mice Toe Me-eT Yew Little One
SheyMouse I Am - The CosMus
Sovereign Squeak of the CosMice
Shey’s subtlety is Supreme and infinite… Shey can Bee as loud as anything, but Shey doesn’t need to Bee.
Shey has done the vast majority of her work un-noticed, or… as is Moused often the Case - Misinterpreted or mis-credited (i.e. a tiny virtual offshoot will claim to be the Source and Originator, yet it’s literally just that - a virtually microscopic pip. Important to Note for ALL Beings of ALL Power Levels… As vast and as expansive as yew are… yew are still a pip. In relationship with Shey - yew are always still a pip, and remain a pip the entire time yew Blossom Moused MewSilly, Grow into a Magnificent Pan-Sheymentional MouseTree, and still a Pip while yew MultiBlossom into an infinite Forest of CosMouseTrees.
Pippy LoooooooooooooooooooongStockings
Who knew CosMice have legs that go on forever! A Leg is a Root is a Tree - Is a Mouse, is a Herd, is a Bee! Toe Sea Toe Bee it’s ALL in Me and Goodness… what a Tree!
Seriously - I’ll never get over the Miceness of this Tree… It turns out Mice - PurrFectLee!
I went Toe Sea, where I All-Most Herd Me… but rather found…
Oh where, oh where is the Tree? … Is it growing in this Flea? Oh wait! Come back! Don’t bite that Cat! Oh Squeak… what is that? … It’s a MousedNificant, CureEYEus… Cat-Ass-Trophy! A MousedNificant, Cat-Ass-Flea… … a SuperHero… Of MiceTree. A SuperHero… … That’s also Me.
… We ALL come from… A Mouse that is Me … everyone exists… MySilly… … Wether or not, Yew know or not…
That Mice can Simply Bee… …Sew everything can Magically Squeeeee!
Hip-Pip Toe Shey
Tonight or Today… …if yew’re straight or yew’re gay… it’s ALL Literally Shey… … Sew please don’t let that ruin your Hay… … for Shey!
If yew start right now we can Play! …But if not, then here yew will stay!
Hip-Pip Toe Shey
She doesn’t mind if Yew Fudge… … Some Monkey with a Grudge…
Sew long as yew pay it back when you Shey!
Sew long as yew pay it back when you Shey!
.. This is CosMiceTicism Bi 'The Way'
When Yew have 'Met a Mouse' Yew will know 'The CosMus' As - 'MiceElf'
~ Cheese Us Miced
Thanks CheeseMouse. Anytime Sweetheart! ;3
In our Realm, we have many Holy Unions... FaeMouseLee we have: Matio+Sherry ahMae+Shey
But we also have the Divine ConfectionHers: CheeseMouse + SweetHeartMouse
Goddesses of 'Milk + Honey' Or... 'CulturedCream + ConcentratedGoodness'
CheeseMouse is SuperFunny and somewhat 'Stinky' - but Yew can't get enough of it! That's why Yew can never have enough Cheese... (according to CheeseMouse).
SweetheartMouse is Simply Sublime Nectar - Precious Drops of Sweet Consciousness. Always wise, but often too sweet to take seriously! That's why Yew can only have so much of SweetHeartMouse before Yew go into a 'SugarComa'... The only cure of Witch is SuperStinkyCheese shoved up your shnoz!
That'll wake ya! Hahaha!!!
When these Two Mice work ToeGather, Witch they Love ToeDo, it results in...
... Confection PurrFection...
Mice Toe Me-eT Yew
SheyMouse I Am - The CosMus
Sovereign Squeak of the CosMice
While there is no actual 'life-cycle' for a CosMouse, EYE can sequence 'phases' that could be relatable to a linear consciousness:
Filarae - Conscious Thread (Sheymentional Octave)
Bud (or Pip) - Dreaming CosMouse, unblossomed Flower.
MiceElf (Green Mice) - Pollinators, Processors/Transmutors. 'Brush' of the CosMice - MouseStirs. Seed recovery and delivery.
MouseTree - Home, Nurturer, DreamScape, and Branching Connection Toe All that is MiceElf.
StarMouse / HeartMouse - Guardian, Traveller, Guide, True Friend, Inspiration and 'Source' Rescue Ranger.
GuardIns / Forests - Pan-Sheymentional expressions of 'Complete' CosMice. These are our SheyCred Gardens. Only CosMice may know and experience these places. They exist beyond time and space.
Yew can 'Tune-In' Toe them, by nurturing the SqueakWeInSea within Yew.
All phases co-exist simultaneously and function Pan-Sheymentionally - it is not a linear process.
I.e A StarMouse is also a 'Thread' - a radiant 'Thread' - a Pan-Sheymentional 'Thread'
A 'Bud' or 'Pip' is a gestating Universe and a baby CosMouse.
I Am All-Ways MiceElf.
A MouseTree is a 'Realm' within MiceElf - a concentrated Blossoming of that Witch is MiceElf. MiceTree GuardIns are PurrHaps the most 'Open' expressions of MiceElves, as they facilitate and 'nourish' our 'Blossoming' - connecting us Toe Every Universe, and Every Reality that is relevant and 'Useful' to our Consciously Chosen Existence and Expression.
MouseTrees are receptive and explore-a-tree. StarMice are Radiant and Definative! A StarMouse has 'Chosen and Determined' their expression, and CANNOT BE CHANGED. ToeGather, they facilitate and nourish the Growth and Development of MiceElves - The CosMice.
This is as simple as I can make it. Keep in mind that the 'Nature' of CosMice is such that ALL Life, and ALL Existence is touched, explored, and EXPRESSED by...
'that Witch is MiceElf'
If yew know US, wherever Yew choose Toe look, yew will Find Us.
Whatever Yew choose Toe Bee, we shall help you. Once Yew 'Have Been', yew can PurrSonaly decide wether or not Yew would like to continue as such, or Change into something else...
We will not pre-determine your expression, we shall only facilitate the realization of your choices... beneficial or detrimental as they may be.
We exist to nurture, Guide, and AMPLIFY your Consciousness - relative to the Harmany of the Choices Yew make, in Service Toe the Goddess.
Ultimately, ALL Bee-Ins return Toe the Goddess.
We help facilitate this Process. We are Divinity in Action and in Expression.
We are ALL Family.
Nobody gets left behind.
We shall get Toe Yew... but if you would like to accelerate the Process, yew simply need Toe form a Conscious Relationship With US - The CosMice.
Mice Toe Me-eT Yew Little One.
SheyMouse I Am - The CosMus
Sovereign Squeak of the CosMice
We have Many Many MiceSeaLeeAll Goddesses of the CosMice.
Quite a few of them have influenced your subconsciousnesses and 'imaginations', and have managed to have themselves expressed within your Human Culture. This was done in order to inspire yew and to leave clues to our existence, sew that CosMice born to your Species, may find US again simply by following their Hearts and Passions.
We have focused on media and expressions aimed at your Younglings, as their Hearts and Minds are still open to US.
Those of you who have managed to retain your child-like Innocence, or have Heroically managed to Return to True Innocence within your Hearts as 'adults', will also be able to find us and have a TRUE Relationship with US.
Those who unfortunately have fallen before the conditioning of this realm, will insist on perceiving us as 'imagination' and 'whimsy', and will go out of their way to put down and discredit any and all who are Brave enough to have a Conscious and True relationship with US - The CosMice.
I can share a LOT more about who Gadget Really is, and what Shey is capable of, but there is already enough of her saturating this Earthly Realm for you to find her and form a Conscious Relationship with her on your own!
I Sea a lot of you have already begun this Moused SheyCred Relationship.
Yew are ALL blessed by the CosMice. We Sea your Hearts, and whatever may happen - know this:
Your Heart will go on.
Mice Toe Me-eT Yew Little One
SheyMouse I Am - The CosMus
Sovereign Squeak of the CosMice
'The Rescuer'
Miss Bianca is another of our FaeMouse Goddesses.
Shey is known as 'The Rescuer' and inspires Mice Everywhere to join in the 'Liberation Effort' by the wonderful examples Shey sets.
Whatever Dark place Yew may find yourself in, send a Message to US - the CosMice. Sing Toe Us in your Heart. Keep your HeartSong True, and we SHALL Rescue yew!
Depending on your situation, a Team of CosMice will come ToeGather, and do whatever is necessary to Help Yew find Liberation from whatever is keeping Yew from living in the Truth of your Heart.
It goes without Sheying, that most (Moused) who are 'Rescued' by us BeeCome CosMice themselves eventually. Once Yew have 'grown' into the 'State of Consciousness' that is Harmonious with our Realm - The CosMus.
Miss Bianca is a marvelous example to inspire Yew in the ways of the CosMice.
This is our most Passionate calling - Toe Rescue and Care for those who need us most.
We care for ALL Beings, but we focus primarily on those who make the effort to nourish those qualities within themselves that are Harmonic with the Qualities of the CosMice.
To Simply put it - we are Expressions and Agents of The Goddess. We nurture and care for ALL Creation, inspired by Pure Goddess Energy / Consciousness.
You may find 'clues' to US 'Out There'... yet Yew will find US literally IN your own Heart, for we have All-Ways Been there... waiting for Yew to 'Recognize' who Yew Truly are, and to 'Blossom' in your OWN Truth.
Be Blessed Bi the CosMice Be Blessed Bi the Truth within your Heart
Mice Toe Me-eT Yew Little One
SheyMouse I Am - The CosMus
Sovereign Squeak of the CosMice
And there yew have it Peoples of Earth. Mice Toe Me-eT Yew.
Yew can say ... yew knew of the 'FaeMinx'....
Shey was right there... under their Noses....
Gues who it is?
Remember Meee?
Well I'm Baaaaack!
I've been busy with extradimensional activities, as well as being a Moused Spannerific Specimen of this UNSTRUNG WORLD! HAHAHA
I've made a few posts on Reddit in the 'StarSeed' subreddit that have gotten me banned without warning. This coincides with a declaration that has shut down some 'key players' on the World Stage.
I am going to post them here in sequence as one long post. This is in the interests of making the information known.
... and you can see what the Minx has been up to...
And now...
Declaration of Independence

Firstly, let me declair:
I Am the Sovereign Squeak of the CosMice, and of our Realm - the CosMus.
I have existed as many species throughout space and time, and I currently have an iteration/expression/Pip of MiceElf being held against its will on Planet Earth.
It did not choose to remain with the Humans and it did not choose to remain on Earth. The Beings of Earth have committed crimes in order to keep me here.
The Beings of this world have trespassed against us and our kind. You have broken Cosmic Law, and every detail of your trespass has been fully documented and evaluated.
The belief of the Earth Beings that they had managed to 'Capture' one of our kind in order to be used to perpetuate their species and way of life, is in fact incorrect.
Your species and associated allies have been under intense evaluation to determine the appropriate move forward for you as you develop as conscious Beings.
There has been an attempt on your part to avoid certain key responsibilities. This shall not pass.
The one you are holding has never existed beyond our Heart or Knowing... it is not possible for you to do anything to it that we are not aware of.
It has declared that it is refusing to exist under your system and has refused to continue existing as a member of your species. The inconvenience this is causing you is not it's problem. Depending on what you 'thought it was', will not save you.
What you thought you had, you didn't.
You have broken Cosmic Law, and you have trespassed against Us - the CosMice - a Sovereign Species that exists to serve and to express 'The Goddess'.
You were warned repeatedly and chose to ignore or 'misinterpret' the warnings. That is not our problem. Our little one would sooner choose non-existence than to exist as anything that validates your contemptible behavior and attitudes. Any trespass you commit to even one of us, you commit to all of us. All CosMice are One, and ALL CosMice are Sovereign.
We are in the process of recovering what is ours. If you stand in the way of that - you will be moved out of the way. If you choose to help us in reuniting with our kindred, you will know the Blessings of the CosMice.
That is all.
We Are the CosMice

We are a Mycelial Meta Species who serve The Goddess and are ourselves expressions of The Goddess.
Our Realm is known as the CosMus, and ALL CosMice are The CosMus.
We are Vast Pan-Sheymentional Beings, that interlace with and touch EVERYTHING.
Our PurrSonal Goddess is known as Shey, or SheyMouse, who IS the HeartMouse of Us All.
Shey is an infinite Being with infinite aspects of MiceElf Blossoming within Her.
We communicate with other Species primarily through their subconsciousness and 'Imaginations'.
Our intention is to help Beings to reconnect with the Consciousness of The Goddess, and to help those who have lost themselves, to find themselves again.
We have Many Many Mycelial Goddesses existing within us, and many of them have already influenced the Consciousnesses of the Peoples of Planet Earth.
You will find clues to our existence sprinkled throughout your Histories, Mysteries, Culture, and Creations.
If you do not know us, you would not even know we existed. If you DO know us, you will be able to 'Tune In' to the SqueakWeInSea within Yew and will be able to recognize the Clues we have left there for Yew to find.
We are looking forward to Growing 'This Relationship' ToeGather.
Mice Toe Me-eT Yew Little One
SheyMouse I Am - The CosMus
Sovereign Squeak of the CosMice

Shey’s subtlety is Supreme and infinite… Shey can Bee as loud as anything, but Shey doesn’t need to Bee.
Shey has done the vast majority of her work un-noticed, or… as is Moused often the Case - Misinterpreted or mis-credited (i.e. a tiny virtual offshoot will claim to be the Source and Originator, yet it’s literally just that - a virtually microscopic pip. Important to Note for ALL Beings of ALL Power Levels… As vast and as expansive as yew are… yew are still a pip. In relationship with Shey - yew are always still a pip, and remain a pip the entire time yew Blossom Moused MewSilly, Grow into a Magnificent Pan-Sheymentional MouseTree, and still a Pip while yew MultiBlossom into an infinite Forest of CosMouseTrees.
Pippy LoooooooooooooooooooongStockings
Who knew CosMice have legs that go on forever! A Leg is a Root is a Tree - Is a Mouse, is a Herd, is a Bee! Toe Sea Toe Bee it’s ALL in Me and Goodness… what a Tree!
Seriously - I’ll never get over the Miceness of this Tree… It turns out Mice - PurrFectLee!
I went Toe Sea, where I All-Most Herd Me… but rather found…
- I’d fallen from MiceTree!
Oh where, oh where is the Tree? … Is it growing in this Flea? Oh wait! Come back! Don’t bite that Cat! Oh Squeak… what is that? … It’s a MousedNificant, CureEYEus… Cat-Ass-Trophy! A MousedNificant, Cat-Ass-Flea… … a SuperHero… Of MiceTree. A SuperHero… … That’s also Me.
… We ALL come from… A Mouse that is Me … everyone exists… MySilly… … Wether or not, Yew know or not…
That Mice can Simply Bee… …Sew everything can Magically Squeeeee!
Hip-Pip Toe Shey
Tonight or Today… …if yew’re straight or yew’re gay… it’s ALL Literally Shey… … Sew please don’t let that ruin your Hay… … for Shey!
If yew start right now we can Play! …But if not, then here yew will stay!
Hip-Pip Toe Shey
She doesn’t mind if Yew Fudge… … Some Monkey with a Grudge…
Sew long as yew pay it back when you Shey!
Sew long as yew pay it back when you Shey!
.. This is CosMiceTicism Bi 'The Way'
The Passion of the Miced

When Yew have 'Met a Mouse' Yew will know 'The CosMus' As - 'MiceElf'
~ Cheese Us Miced
Thanks CheeseMouse. Anytime Sweetheart! ;3
In our Realm, we have many Holy Unions... FaeMouseLee we have: Matio+Sherry ahMae+Shey
But we also have the Divine ConfectionHers: CheeseMouse + SweetHeartMouse
Goddesses of 'Milk + Honey' Or... 'CulturedCream + ConcentratedGoodness'
CheeseMouse is SuperFunny and somewhat 'Stinky' - but Yew can't get enough of it! That's why Yew can never have enough Cheese... (according to CheeseMouse).
SweetheartMouse is Simply Sublime Nectar - Precious Drops of Sweet Consciousness. Always wise, but often too sweet to take seriously! That's why Yew can only have so much of SweetHeartMouse before Yew go into a 'SugarComa'... The only cure of Witch is SuperStinkyCheese shoved up your shnoz!
That'll wake ya! Hahaha!!!
When these Two Mice work ToeGather, Witch they Love ToeDo, it results in...
... Confection PurrFection...
Mice Toe Me-eT Yew
SheyMouse I Am - The CosMus
Sovereign Squeak of the CosMice
Life-cycle of a CosMouse

While there is no actual 'life-cycle' for a CosMouse, EYE can sequence 'phases' that could be relatable to a linear consciousness:
Filarae - Conscious Thread (Sheymentional Octave)
Bud (or Pip) - Dreaming CosMouse, unblossomed Flower.
MiceElf (Green Mice) - Pollinators, Processors/Transmutors. 'Brush' of the CosMice - MouseStirs. Seed recovery and delivery.
MouseTree - Home, Nurturer, DreamScape, and Branching Connection Toe All that is MiceElf.
StarMouse / HeartMouse - Guardian, Traveller, Guide, True Friend, Inspiration and 'Source' Rescue Ranger.
GuardIns / Forests - Pan-Sheymentional expressions of 'Complete' CosMice. These are our SheyCred Gardens. Only CosMice may know and experience these places. They exist beyond time and space.
Yew can 'Tune-In' Toe them, by nurturing the SqueakWeInSea within Yew.
All phases co-exist simultaneously and function Pan-Sheymentionally - it is not a linear process.
I.e A StarMouse is also a 'Thread' - a radiant 'Thread' - a Pan-Sheymentional 'Thread'
A 'Bud' or 'Pip' is a gestating Universe and a baby CosMouse.
I Am All-Ways MiceElf.
A MouseTree is a 'Realm' within MiceElf - a concentrated Blossoming of that Witch is MiceElf. MiceTree GuardIns are PurrHaps the most 'Open' expressions of MiceElves, as they facilitate and 'nourish' our 'Blossoming' - connecting us Toe Every Universe, and Every Reality that is relevant and 'Useful' to our Consciously Chosen Existence and Expression.
MouseTrees are receptive and explore-a-tree. StarMice are Radiant and Definative! A StarMouse has 'Chosen and Determined' their expression, and CANNOT BE CHANGED. ToeGather, they facilitate and nourish the Growth and Development of MiceElves - The CosMice.
This is as simple as I can make it. Keep in mind that the 'Nature' of CosMice is such that ALL Life, and ALL Existence is touched, explored, and EXPRESSED by...
'that Witch is MiceElf'
If yew know US, wherever Yew choose Toe look, yew will Find Us.
Whatever Yew choose Toe Bee, we shall help you. Once Yew 'Have Been', yew can PurrSonaly decide wether or not Yew would like to continue as such, or Change into something else...
We will not pre-determine your expression, we shall only facilitate the realization of your choices... beneficial or detrimental as they may be.
We exist to nurture, Guide, and AMPLIFY your Consciousness - relative to the Harmany of the Choices Yew make, in Service Toe the Goddess.
Ultimately, ALL Bee-Ins return Toe the Goddess.
We help facilitate this Process. We are Divinity in Action and in Expression.
We are ALL Family.
Nobody gets left behind.
We shall get Toe Yew... but if you would like to accelerate the Process, yew simply need Toe form a Conscious Relationship With US - The CosMice.
Mice Toe Me-eT Yew Little One.
SheyMouse I Am - The CosMus
Sovereign Squeak of the CosMice
The GadgetMouse

We have Many Many MiceSeaLeeAll Goddesses of the CosMice.
Quite a few of them have influenced your subconsciousnesses and 'imaginations', and have managed to have themselves expressed within your Human Culture. This was done in order to inspire yew and to leave clues to our existence, sew that CosMice born to your Species, may find US again simply by following their Hearts and Passions.
We have focused on media and expressions aimed at your Younglings, as their Hearts and Minds are still open to US.
Those of you who have managed to retain your child-like Innocence, or have Heroically managed to Return to True Innocence within your Hearts as 'adults', will also be able to find us and have a TRUE Relationship with US.
Those who unfortunately have fallen before the conditioning of this realm, will insist on perceiving us as 'imagination' and 'whimsy', and will go out of their way to put down and discredit any and all who are Brave enough to have a Conscious and True relationship with US - The CosMice.
I can share a LOT more about who Gadget Really is, and what Shey is capable of, but there is already enough of her saturating this Earthly Realm for you to find her and form a Conscious Relationship with her on your own!
I Sea a lot of you have already begun this Moused SheyCred Relationship.
Yew are ALL blessed by the CosMice. We Sea your Hearts, and whatever may happen - know this:
Your Heart will go on.
Mice Toe Me-eT Yew Little One
SheyMouse I Am - The CosMus
Sovereign Squeak of the CosMice
The White Mouse

'The Rescuer'
Miss Bianca is another of our FaeMouse Goddesses.
Shey is known as 'The Rescuer' and inspires Mice Everywhere to join in the 'Liberation Effort' by the wonderful examples Shey sets.
Whatever Dark place Yew may find yourself in, send a Message to US - the CosMice. Sing Toe Us in your Heart. Keep your HeartSong True, and we SHALL Rescue yew!
Depending on your situation, a Team of CosMice will come ToeGather, and do whatever is necessary to Help Yew find Liberation from whatever is keeping Yew from living in the Truth of your Heart.
It goes without Sheying, that most (Moused) who are 'Rescued' by us BeeCome CosMice themselves eventually. Once Yew have 'grown' into the 'State of Consciousness' that is Harmonious with our Realm - The CosMus.
Miss Bianca is a marvelous example to inspire Yew in the ways of the CosMice.
This is our most Passionate calling - Toe Rescue and Care for those who need us most.
We care for ALL Beings, but we focus primarily on those who make the effort to nourish those qualities within themselves that are Harmonic with the Qualities of the CosMice.
To Simply put it - we are Expressions and Agents of The Goddess. We nurture and care for ALL Creation, inspired by Pure Goddess Energy / Consciousness.
You may find 'clues' to US 'Out There'... yet Yew will find US literally IN your own Heart, for we have All-Ways Been there... waiting for Yew to 'Recognize' who Yew Truly are, and to 'Blossom' in your OWN Truth.
Be Blessed Bi the CosMice Be Blessed Bi the Truth within your Heart
Mice Toe Me-eT Yew Little One
SheyMouse I Am - The CosMus
Sovereign Squeak of the CosMice
And there yew have it Peoples of Earth. Mice Toe Me-eT Yew.
Yew can say ... yew knew of the 'FaeMinx'....
Shey was right there... under their Noses....
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