The Rabbit Joint

TaG said:
Strictly speaking it's easier to believe that there is no god, considering the only proof they have is a book. Which has many wrong, at least in my opinion info.

You say that as if there is one God, one book. Don't forget the small gods.

Aye, but I was going for Christianaty, atm.

I know there are plenty of other gods and book, none more right the the other
(fuck the in game steam browser is laggggyyy)
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a book is a book is a book. we could just say Lord of the Rings is the Bible. its about as histrically accurate as any religious book

and as boring.
pubzombie said:
a book is a book is a book. we could just say Lord of the Rings is the Bible. its about as histrically accurate as any religious book
and as boring.


I wonder in a few thousand years people will be preaching Darth Vader.

(Oh I know, Jedi, etc)
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Religion sucks. I'm proud of my heritage and what my people have accomplished, but seriously, every single religion (except the more obscure ones that basically strictly say 'be a good person, help others', etc) is a load of shit. They're all far fetched and you have to be a fucking moron to buy into them.

Also, I love how those retarded Mccain supporters and racist douche bags are ranking on Obama fucking up the oath a bit. Think he was a tad nervous? LOL, 1 million people in Washington ALONE. I'm sick and saddened that these people call themselves American.
daclassicgamingmaster said:
Also, I love how those retarded Mccain supporters and racist douche bags are ranking on Obama fucking up the oath a bit. Think he was a tad nervous? LOL, 1 million people in Washington ALONE. I'm sick and saddened that these people call themselves American.

It was because the guy reading the oath to him said too much in one line. I wouldn't be able to repeat it either.
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Username said:
daclassicgamingmaster said:
Also, I love how those retarded Mccain supporters and racist douche bags are ranking on Obama fucking up the oath a bit. Think he was a tad nervous? LOL, 1 million people in Washington ALONE. I'm sick and saddened that these people call themselves American.

It was because the guy reading the oath to him said too much in one line. I wouldn't be able to repeat it either.

Haha yeah, I was sorta following along in my head and I missed the second half too :D

Besides, don't they usually separate "I, _________" and "Do solemnly swear"? Maybe I'm wrong, can't recall.
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Obama stumbled because Chief Justice Roberts repeated the Oath of Office incorrectly. He said, first, "I will execute the Office of President of the United States faithfully" when in fact it was supposed to be "I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States". A little mistake, sure, but enough to trip you up when you're expecting hear and respond to exactly those words in front of millions of people.
there is so much optimism surrounding Obama, if he inst seen to make a few big changes quickly he will be seen as a big let-down.

i think hell be run of the mill. if he tries to do anything different or innovative for a president, he's guaranteed to screw it up for any more black presidents.

also one of my professors went on a thinly veiled rant about obama today (it ended in godwins law IRL)
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PoisonedV said:

i think hell be run of the mill. if he tries to do anything different or innovative for a president, he's guaranteed to screw it up for any more black presidents.

also one of my professors went on a thinly veiled rant about obama today (it ended in godwins law IRL)
what is godwins law IRL?

i am so interested to see what evolves regards the Gazza/Israel issue
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That plus Iran shold keep him busy - both will be challenging and fascinating to watch. Hope he finds time to look at the economy too.
pubzombie said:
i am so interested to see what evolves regards the Gazza/Israel issue

It's simple, really.
1. Palestinians launch terrorist attack
2. Israel responds and takes out even more of the opposing side
3. Repeat until everyone is dead
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First he should spend less time waving his hands in stupid ceremonies. I'm still watching the parade on TV, unbelievable :lol:
Second, he should contact Russia and announce the cancellation of this stupid new missile defense project. He should leave Iran to the Europeans and Iraq to the UN. He will have enough to repair at home. Signing the Kyoto Protocol would be needed, too.
mali said:
First he should spend less time waving his hands in stupid ceremonies. I'm still watching the parade on TV, unbelievable :lol:
Second, he should contact Russia and announce the cancellation of this stupid new missile defense project. He should leave Iran to the Europeans and Iraq to the UN. He will have enough to repair at home. Signing the Kyoto Protocol would be needed, too.
agreed on all points :)
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La mer
Qu'on voit danser le long des golfes clairs
A des reflets d'argent
La mer
Des reflets changeants
Sous la pluie

La mer
Au ciel d'été confond
Ses blancs moutons
Avec les anges si purs
La mer bergère d'azur

Près des étangs
Ces grands roseaux mouillés
Ces oiseaux blancs
Et ces maisons rouillées

La mer
Les a bercés
Le long des golfes clairs
Et d'une chanson d'amour
La mer
A bercé mon coeur pour la vie