The Rabbit Joint

Oh would you look at the time .. my shift is about to end ... need to log out of all my applications and such ...
TelcoLou posted on Mar 29 2007 at 12:29 AM said:
:lol: Peter :lol:
My names in the forum on many places :lol: my towns even on here ONCE. I think I edited it out a few months ago, posted back in like 2004.

daclassicgamingmaster posted on Mar 29 2007 at 12:43 AM said: used to calling him by his first name ;)

My bad ;)
I'd complain about it as you would, but i'm really too tired. Just got a bitchy chemistry CW done and I just want to sleep. But im too up on red bull too sleep :(
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Just got an iRiver H10. It's incredibly sexy. Rockbox'd it so it'd play OGG, and managed to brick it yesterday (same day I received it) only to find that XP's formatting tool was disagreeing with it. So it's all fixed now, Rockbox'd again, and everything is good! Yay :)
TelcoLou posted on Mar 29 2007 at 03:11 AM said:
But surely if any one of us is guru-quality, it's Sam Fisher! He knows so many things about ... many things.

In fact, I'm willing to give up my (un-earned, IMO) guru status to sam, for the better good of all, and for world peace and stuff ...

There hasn't been a better idea since Adolf Hitler thought to himself "What can I do with all this unused land with readily available gas supply?"

Seriously though, there is no greater way to reduce this forum to rubble...
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Aw, lighten up. Making sam a guru of the universe is harmless for would just inflate his ego even more, thus allowing him to beat out even Tyra Banks, Kanye West, and Bono- COMBINED!
Except that a guru status should go to someone who truly deserves it, such as Exophase, bOingball, Shifty (just kidding) but yeah, someone who has truly helped the community.

Claiming a higher intelligence than somebody, and pissing and moaning when they prove them wrong does not a guru make.
nickspoon posted on Mar 29 2007 at 05:46 PM said:
Just got an iRiver H10. It's incredibly sexy. Rockbox'd it so it'd play OGG, and managed to brick it yesterday (same day I received it) only to find that XP's formatting tool was disagreeing with it. So it's all fixed now, Rockbox'd again, and everything is good! Yay :)
Hate to quote myself, but I discovered that it supports Doom. So now I'm playing Doom on an MP3 player. I feel fantastic.
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I'm looking for a nice small mp3 player, so tell me:

Is it pocketable?
How is rockbox on it, intuitive, good looking?
Are the controls ok?
How much did you pay for it and where?

Plus, anything else you'd like to post, pics of rockbox working on it, etc.

Much appreciated :)
Nova posted on Mar 29 2007 at 07:37 PM said:
TelcoLou posted on Mar 29 2007 at 03:11 AM said:
But surely if any one of us is guru-quality, it's Sam Fisher! He knows so many things about ... many things.

In fact, I'm willing to give up my (un-earned, IMO) guru status to sam, for the better good of all, and for world peace and stuff ...

There hasn't been a better idea since Adolf Hitler thought to himself "What can I do with all this unused land with readily available gas supply?"

That's where I'm coming from! See, he had imagination, unlike some lazy arsed leaders.
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:eek: the gta4 trailer is out!!!! but sadly i dint get time to see it i was just filling out the age thing when the sever crashed :(
Ravnos posted on Mar 29 2007 at 04:39 PM said:
I got the impression that dcgm wanted Sam to be a "special" kind of guru. Because he's "special".
Yuh thanks ravnos :D

tim0391 posted on Mar 29 2007 at 06:03 PM said:
:eek: the gta4 trailer is out!!!! but sadly i dint get time to see it i was just filling out the age thing when the sever crashed :(
WHAA? :eek: :eek:

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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Mar 29 2007 at 08:20 PM said:
Aw, lighten up. Making sam a guru of the universe is harmless for would just inflate his ego even more, thus allowing him to beat out even Tyra Banks, Kanye West, and Bono- COMBINED!

nickspoon posted on Mar 29 2007 at 09:42 PM said:
nickspoon posted on Mar 29 2007 at 05:46 PM said:
Just got an iRiver H10. It's incredibly sexy. Rockbox'd it so it'd play OGG, and managed to brick it yesterday (same day I received it) only to find that XP's formatting tool was disagreeing with it. So it's all fixed now, Rockbox'd again, and everything is good! Yay :)
Hate to quote myself, but I discovered that it supports Doom. So now I'm playing Doom on an MP3 player. I feel fantastic.
I play Doom on my GP32's :p
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