The Pandora Port Request Thread

'Pickle' said:
good ol Chip, I thought I was losing my mind when this topic disappeared.
Well, this is where it belongs. Especially since Sauerbraten was already mentioned in this thread several times.
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Return to Castle Wolfenstein



'alfaalex101' said:
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
AFAIK even though it uses a modified Q3-engine, the source has not been released so that's not possible.
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I couldn't find it on the board anywhere so here it is.

I just stumbled onto this game while browsing the web and it looks like great fun and something ideal for the :pandora1:

It's still very much int development, but it looks promising. All their screenshots are 800x600 which makes it seem perfect for the Pandora!

What do you all think? :)
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Alibobar said:

I couldn't find it on the board anywhere so here it is.

I just stumbled onto this game while browsing the web and it looks like great fun and something ideal for the :pandora1:

It's still very much int development, but it looks promising. All their screenshots are 800x600 which makes it seem perfect for the Pandora!

What do you all think? :)

The Pandora's res is 800x480. It looks interesting, but I have to say that Eniko's MMORPG looks much more promising.

-God Ginrai
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Have you tried playing it? Please try playing it, and see firsthand why the game won't be ported.
I read the forum. It's a completely generic, broken MMO; there are even artificial "rules" about blocking doors, stealing loot, cursing, botting, etc. I can't see why you'd _want_ to play something like that on the Pandora.
^ sorry, I was just considering the pandora's form factor. This is actually not a particular type of game that I personally would play.
I didn't look into the game that deeply and my knowledge of MMO's isn't that deep.

@ God Ginrai: I know the pandora has a different resolution. I was just trying to point out this game is made for small resolutions specifically. I know a lot of games people'd like to see ported are meant to be played at much larger resolutions. Thus obstructing game-play greatly on the Pandora.
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Reviving this thread once again, I'm wondering about this nice game: / Wiki link
called MechCommander 2.
Wise wiki says:
In 2006 Microsoft released a modified version of the source code along with most game assets (i.e. everything needed to compile the game without networking support and without all the art) under a Shared Source licence in order to demonstrate its XNA Build system.

The full version can be downloaded for free here and the source code here.
Seems like a really great 3D game, though i've never played it...

Another request would be Call To Power II , a game basically similiar to Civ 2. (Got the idea from the Wiz forums). "In October 2003, Activision released the source code, enabling the Apolyton gaming community to debug, improve, and add new features." - Any chance?

There are a lot of other nice games available as open source, this wiki list here is pretty useful. Or this list here.
Stepmania, Jagged Alliance 2, Warzone 2100 (although theres a PSX version, but imagine using the touchscreen...), Allegiance and other pretty damn awesome games... i hope nothing is impossible with these games :P
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I recently discovered a quite useful journal application, which I use to keep track of notes and ideas. It's called RedNotebook, and the source is available on the aforelinked homepage for the program. Might be a good fit for the Pandora. :P
Alibobar posted on Apr 19 2009 at 07:34 PM said:
I couldn't find it on the board anywhere so here it is.

I just stumbled onto this game while browsing the web and it looks like great fun and something ideal for the :pandora1:

It's still very much int development, but it looks promising. All their screenshots are 800x600 which makes it seem perfect for the Pandora!

What do you all think? :)

Here we go :)
Very crappy video, but just to show that it's running fine :P

I will try to look at this thread and see what i can do.

Edit : Crap, the video has been damaged by youtube, but anyway it's working :P
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ok, I'm curious, without trying to go through all 28 pages of this thread, how can I find out if my port request was considered and picked up by anybody... a single thread for port requests seems very unorganized. Not downing anyone on pandora, but stuff can easily get lost in translation... especially when thumbing through 28 pages in a single thread. Who could I contact about suggesting they make a subsection for port requests specifically and drop a sticky stating that the request HAS to have the name of the program/emulator/etc in the title and source provided in the body of the post? This is the way MOST (but not all) linux distros take requests for programs to be compiled for their repositories (at least the ones I have had an experience with)... which makes more sense to me. I may be a bit out of line with this post, but if I hadn't scrolled through the first 15 pages to find out that I was about to request something that I requested about 8 months ago, i wouldn't have remembered that post. And I can't find anything stating that my post was considered by anyone or whether a port of that program wasn't feasable (by the way the program was twinklephone for voip ). This just seems inefficient as is.
^ Fair point, I've thought the same thing. I've got my posts-per-page setting maxed and it's still 11 pages.

A port request subforum could work, but it would be an extra workload for the mods. Personally I'd like to see project subforums first, like we have on Openhandhelds. Maybe we could use a wiki page? Same format as this:
VERY nice!!! but from this point, how will this page be kept track of? are you accepting port requests via PM and adding them to the wiki page? Also, is it possible to have a tracking system of some sort? Really would only like to know if someone has taking up the project, no need to use that for listing when the port is done (unless that is easily trackable for you) since that will end up being announced on the forum anyway... doesn't need to be any more elaborate than that for me... Glad to see this point taken up and dealt with in a timely manner... so used to slow responses on large forums... Much appreciated!!!
You caught me at the right moment. :) I was in the mood for doing things.

As far as maintaining the list goes, it's a wiki, so anyone is free to sign up and get editing. If you're new to wiki code, all you have to do is look carefully at how the other entries are formatted, and follow suit. Use the preview button to make sure it's ok before saving changes. Drastic screwups can always be undone.

If a dev decides to port something on the list, it will be moved to , where you'll can see the name of the coder and the project status. Basically it's up to everyone to keep the info current.

There's a thread for the wiki's Port Request page now: if you need any wiki help, that's the best place to ask. It'll probably end up having some overlap with this thread, we'll see how it all goes.
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I'd like to have Ultrastar Deluxe ( ) or Original Ultrastar ( ) in Pandora.

Ultrastar is a karaoke-game which is quite a bit like Singstar-games on PS2 & PS3. There are at least a couple of thousand songs.

It is open source and already available on Windows, OSX & Linux.

Pandora would make a great portable karaoke-machine with or without TV-out.. =)

Lots of people use Ultrastar with Singstar microphones from PS2. They connect through a USB-dongle and at least with windows they usually install very easily by themselves and allow two player games easily. It would be great if Singstar mics also work with Pandora.
Prometheus posted on May 16 2009 at 10:38 AM said:
I recently discovered a quite useful journal application, which I use to keep track of notes and ideas. It's called RedNotebook, and the source is available on the aforelinked homepage for the program. Might be a good fit for the Pandora. :P
Thanks, been looking for something like this for my netbook.
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