The Pandora Port Request Thread

Well I've always been a fan of space trading and exploration games, like Frontier Elite 2, Starflight and of the big 4x games like Galactic Civ and Stars! (theres that link to that other thread about trying to run stars on the pando)

I did a bit of digging and came across these two games.

The first is Epair and is most definitely open source, not tried it yet but it looks like an expandable space combat trading and exploration game in a similar vain to Starflight. Definately looks interesting thats for sure.

The Second is Thosand Parsec not sure if it is open source but does offer a frame work to build your own 4X game and has the added bonus of an Ogre client! This one should fill the Stars! gap :)

Would love to see these on the pando, should make my commute go a damn sight quicker (if I remember to get off at my stop)

Editforgot about the crappy link situation :(
CODE and

For the copy and paste junkies :)
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Great thread idea! I'm definitely a fan of space 4X and flight 'sims'. I was talking on IRC last night about these games, but we couldn't come up with free software equivalents to stars and vga planets. MOO2 can be run over the net by dosbox, so that might be good to play as well, but frankly it s a bit too time consuming to be played on a bus ride. So we need a good PBEM game, please anyone, if you know of one let us know!
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'liquidphantom' said:
The Second is Thosand Parsec not sure if it is open source but does offer a frame work to build your own 4X game and has the added bonus of an Ogre client! This one should fill the Stars! gap :)
From the Thousand Parsec repo (for the pywx client) (file LICENSE):
"All files inside this repository are licensed under the GNU General Public
License version 2 or later (your choice) unless otherwise stated (see COPYING
for details)."

So yeah, it's open source :) (I'll look into this game later (given time))...
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Thousand parsecs looks promising, but I'm afraid that it would have the same problem as MOO2/dosbox has, it's too intense to play on a bus ride.

PBEM, that's the key in my opinion. Happypenguin only gave a few games with PBEM search and the main one's (Galaxywww) website didn't respond.

On an OT note (well, we're talking oldstyle scifi): I stumbled on an old love of mine yesterday. Battletechmuxes! If I end up with a pandora, I'll definitely consider porting xpertmud so that we could play this :) You can try it at . It's real time multiplayer battletech and honestly these games are among the best I've ever played. Bit of a learning curve though, but the gamestyle seems to have moved to more strategical gaming which is a good thing. It was sort pointless back in early 90's to sit in a mush with full roleplaying, but spend all the time in a neutral simulator. </ot>
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Hey, I'm downloading the second RC for BoW 1.6. If not bugs are found then it's the new stable branch. I don't know who is doing the porting of BoW for the Pandora, but I do remember they weren't porting the 1.5 releases over, just the stable 1.4 branch.

Anyway, 1.6 adds a lot to BoW, it would be much better to have 1.6 over 1.4 for the Pandora.

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For those who dont know sauerbraten, its a very nice 3d fps game with nice graphics, i think better then quake3.
i think the pandora would be able to handle this game pretty good.
From the port of this game, i can see a very nice game arise with multiplayer and a good storyline :)

maby its a good idea to port this game, i would find it awesome :)



maby a thread has already been made or it is discussed elsewhere. if so please lock the topic down :)
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It's definitely a good game, it would probably just need some work to move to OGLES.
Both SB and Nexuiz have some really high-end shader stuff, if either of them were ported properly, they would how powerful the SGX is.
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'lulzfish' said:
It's definitely a good game, it would probably just need some work to move to OGLES.
Both SB and Nexuiz have some really high-end shader stuff, if either of them were ported properly, they would how powerful the SGX is.
XreaL already uses a subset of opengl compatible with ES 2.0. All shaders.
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'sindbad' said:
'lulzfish' said:
It's definitely a good game, it would probably just need some work to move to OGLES.
Both SB and Nexuiz have some really high-end shader stuff, if either of them were ported properly, they would how powerful the SGX is.
XreaL already uses a subset of opengl compatible with ES 2.0. All shaders.

that engine also sounds good, but i dont see larger screenshots, so i cant compare it yet with sauerbraten.
But a powerful engine, better then quake3 on the pandora would be awesome :D
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What, Sauerbraten's water?
Yeah, probably. You can turn all those off in the menu, though, so it's not like it'll totally ruin the game if it can't handle one of the shaders.

Just having the game itself on there would be cool, but being able to show a huge level like skycastle would be even better, as it would show off the Pandora's processing power.
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im looking into Xreal, uses opengl es 2.0 for sure, so that should be plug and play.
Memory may be an issue (at least with my dev board having 128 mb)

This engine although looks like a nice test for the open gl-es 2.0 support.
'Pickle' said:
im looking into Xreal, uses opengl es 2.0 for sure, so that should be plug and play.
Memory may be an issue (at least with my dev board having 128 mb)

This engine although looks like a nice test for the open gl-es 2.0 support.
If that runs...... The game has goddamm Unreal Tournament 2003 quality ghrapics. Im gonna freak out if that runs full-speed.
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'Pickle' said:
im looking into Xreal, uses opengl es 2.0 for sure, so that should be plug and play.
Memory may be an issue (at least with my dev board having 128 mb)

This engine although looks like a nice test for the open gl-es 2.0 support.
nice, it loads UT3 models :P
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