The Communication Cube

I've considered the Fairphone. A colleague owns one and seemingly had a pretty bad experience in terms of customer support. I can't remember details but that put me off.
I've considered the Fairphone. A colleague owns one and seemingly had a pretty bad experience in terms of customer support. I can't remember details but that put me off.
The blood and slavery related to the materials used in most mass market phones puts me off getting a new one :p
The blood and slavery related to the materials used in most mass market phones puts me off getting a new one :p
And EV's:
On Topic of Switch2:
- Bigger Joycon is nice, but lets hope the Device is still not that Monster Handheld than the Steamdeck
- Backwarts Compabilität to Switch1 is great for my Backlog, and if its use the same Cardridges (but whit more Storage), i have still an second Cardridge Box in spare ^^

More Infos on 04.02 seems a bit long time to wait, thats still 2 1/2 Months ..
A realy new Mario Kart is cool, the old one was just the WiiU Part whit some Extras .. ,
No this only is possible whit an Custom Firmware, physical Games still need the Cardridge ... otherwise you could copy them to your Switch and sell the Cardridge then ..

I have my "Commercial" Systems mostly unhacked, therefore i have the Homebrew and Emulator Handhelds ....

You can have your Games on multiple Switch Systems, but you need then to be Online whit the "Daughter" System so Nintendo can make sure you have it only Open at One System on a time..

You can also change on the E-Shop which System is which : this is quite usefull: Back on the 3DS you had to Move your whole Account to a newer 3DS if you would like to have an New2DSXL instead of an 3DS XL or something, then you have all your Games on the new 3DS System and the old 3DS System is whipped and can get used from another User ..

On Switch you can have your Account on Multiple Systems, and Change which System is the one that dosnt need to be Online for Varrificiation ..

I will recharge my Switch Oled this Weekend, maybe resume to play again on it, and when the Switch2 is in my Room, i just have to download the stuff new on it and set it as my Main System..
that sux and is stupid. it means if you don't want to carry cartridge's around you need to go digital. i wish switch weren't a handheld.
I dont plan to carry my Switch around anyway: For everyday EDC i have an Anbernic RG35XX SP which can Emulate up to PS1 and Dreamcast (and at least a bit PSP) , and for Backpack Use an Anbernic RG Cube Android (up to PS2 and Gamecube) , the Switch is more meant as an Couch Gaming Device and these Gameboxes are quite small...
yes but you are not the only person in the world. ^_^
as you know i don't play handheld games at all really. i'm very serious... i don't even run emulators, just original consoles and fpga lle.
agree with the couch use case though.
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My phone's getting weird. I've been using VLC to play audiobooks. Last night the battery (it's not a battery, it's a single cell, what do I call it to be precise? Accumulator?) was at 100 % when I went to bed. I then left audio playing for 1.5 hrs. When I got up it showed 50 % charge. I left it sit on my desk until afternoon only to find it completely dead. I blame it on software since I've never had a replacement cell go bad so quickly. It's running an old Lineage version.

Could you take some low powered PC (atom/n-100/etc. mini thing) and turn it into a large and likely power hungry phone with Android-X86 that just keeps on rolling with updates? I'm beyond caring for small, stylish, sleek and portable. I just want regular updates and compatibility. Can X86 do that for me?
Was swimming about 500 m on Saturday, and i think its might be also work as a Training to get my Right Hipp Hinge back in Working Condition ^^
These new Swimming Gear was also a good investition: Swimm Glasses, Swimm Shorts, and a pair of these "Adidas Gummi Sandales" called "Adiletten" ..
If i would took it in the Swimm Hall, i would put it in my Backpack, i dont even have Pockets for the Pyra in my Workpants anymore, its just too big, expecially when you also want to have other stuff..
EA stock crashes 18% (a lot)

Running out of (good) ideas for incremental improvements on sports games.

Losing the FIFA title and pretending the same game with a different title would sell at the same level.
And investors buy the stocks for the potential of a stock and not the actual value, so with a tiny bit of bad news investors flock away making those stocks volatile. EA isn't doing good but they aren't doing bad either.
More messing about in the Wild Life sandbox mode by Peony and myself. Barbarian on the left designed by Peony. Sorceress on the right designed by me.
