The Communication Cube

I heard on the local news this morning that NASA is launching a new telescope this week. I feel like I should be more excited, but the next one's already planned for 2027.
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I heard on the local news this morning that NASA is launching a new telescope this week. I feel like I should be more excited, but the next one's already planned for 2027.
You should really be more exited for this... besides the price...

If nothing else, watch the unfolding at minute 12...
Space is awesome...
I was blown away by IRAS when it found Nemesis. Some actually like LUCIFER.

Look at the minute 19, where the mirrors are made out of gold, that does not reflect blue light well, but it collects red light very well...
It can detect objects that give 1 photon per second (around minute 21). Just watch it...
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@FBnil or Wikipedia... who do I believe?
I think I'm more credible than Wikipedia at this point in time ;) (at least, for fringe things that people have different opinions about, have you seen the "talk" in some WP entries? Whole wars are going on there just for a paragraph).
But, don't take my word:

And yes, if you take nemesis as a brown dwarf, then this new body has too little mass to even fit the definition... and is too cold if it has the same density as jupiter. But what if it doesnt? News back then said that Nemesis was found.

The weird thing is that we know there's stuff out there, but they still fail to update our textbooks, for example Planet 10 (or planet 9 now that Pluto is demoted). Note that this object is 3 to 5 times (article says 10 times, paper says 3 to 5) the mass of the earth. So it's not a Jupiter like thing:
And corroborated with IRAS old information, but not peer duplicated (one thing is having data about orbital perturbations, the other is having a visual).

Here is a nice one (long video included; by non-binding vote, pluto is a planet again...):

from the comments: Earth does NOT clear it's orbital path... hence, according to the new definition that demoted Pluto from being a planet... Earth isn't one either.
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from the comments: Earth does NOT clear it's orbital path
The fuck? Apart from satellites starting with Sputnik 1 but increasting over the years, although those perhaps should be in the same category or our natural moon, we only get hit by significant bodies about once every ten years (when was that russian one again?).
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The fuck? Apart from satellites starting with Sputnik 1 but increasting over the years, although those perhaps should be in the same category or out natural moon, we only get hit by significant bodies about once every ten years (when was that russian one again?).
That's the point, I guess, Luna is too big to be a moon.

But there are many other discriminants (to define if something is a planet or not). The video is too simplified, but Margot (just to pick one) has a better formula (if Π > 1 then it's a planet):

mass of Luna is 1/81 of Earth's (assuming all other numbers stay the same like distance to the sun, mass of the sun and the value of k), so 810/81 = 10. So the moon's Π=10 and that's bigger than 1 so it's a planet... so the Earth-Moon orbital is a twin-planet thing... that's science in 2021... ;)

One day time is absolute, then it's suddenly relative...
One day the earth is round, the other it's pear shaped
One day the earth's tilt is $x, the other it's $x+$d (
One day asbestos is good, the other asbestos is bad
One day wind energy is good, the other it is bad ()
One day smoking is good, the other day it is bad
One day things are getting better, the other day things are not
One day you abhor eating a fetus, the other day you just inject fetus into your bloodstream
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Hmm I was always taught that pi was 3.14159... (an irrational number).

I assume Luna is your name for our Moon, certainly the mass seems to match. Yes, it is a very large satellite but not the largest in the solar system (but the bigger ones are moons of bigger planets). Yes some scientists think that before the earth solidified, when it was still all molten rock and stuff, it was hit by a large object which caused the moon to be ejected. I mean it's almost certainly different in origin to Mars moons (Phobos and the other one), which are almost certainly asteroids that got captured into an orbit around Mars, probably while it was clearing it's orbit, but I don't know about any of the more significant moons in the solar system (Ganymede and so on).
Yes, I used Luna to differentiate A moon with OUR moon.
As for the theories... 4 were proposed. All four pointed out "if this happens, then your theory is not good". All four were invalidated. Best answer at the moment is: We don't know, but my favourite one is....
giant impact theory / the capture theory / the co-creation theory / the fission theory / God put it there

As for the greek capital P constant, its:'s_Π
Today I learned: If you are a games you use a ps2 keyboard because of the low latency because the protocol is so simple... or is it?
If you are a games

Now that I have a whole year time until the high tech Gameboy, I think I could make my Mario 8/16 Bit Projekt really true on the Pyra, Mario Land 1 was quite fast as it’s not that big, even if you play the GB and the SNES Remake on one afternoon,
Mario Land 2 is a bit bigger, but should also be fast if I don’t fail that much.. and I remember I was in the last world in my last play , I never played Mario Land 3 but as I have now the Gameboy Cardridge; I think I can put it to my Project Playlist ^^
I never finished the Super Mario Bros Games, so this will be a Challenge,
It’s nice that the Pyra GB and SNES Emulator got a cool Savestate Funktion

I wonder how long it will take till Yoshis Island, but I have time until Q 4 when I wants to replay the stuff on the Analogue Pocket, ..
Yoshi's Island sux imo. Stupid screaming baby mario. No thank you.

Yoshi's Cookie on the other hand is excellent.

Actually I recommend Sonic over Yoshi's Island.
Now that I have a whole year time until the high tech Gameboy, I think I could make my Mario 8/16 Bit Projekt really true on the Pyra, Mario Land 1 was quite fast as it’s not that big, even if you play the GB and the SNES Remake on one afternoon,
Mario Land 2 is a bit bigger, but should also be fast if I don’t fail that much.. and I remember I was in the last world in my last play , I never played Mario Land 3 but as I have now the Gameboy
There are ROM patches... uh... from romhacking where the levels are redesigned and some are fun to play because they are so different. For example the hack "Super Mario Bros. 2" by RidleyX for the NES not sure if you go lower than SNES, but NES is still fun.

@FBnil or Wikipedia... who do I believe?

Hmm I was always taught that pi was 3.14159... (an irrational number).
... and delicious!
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Well, it's attributed to Larry Sanger not Jimmy Wales. Jimmy is still very much involved in wilkipedia and it's foundation while Larry isn't and it wouldn't surprise me he's become a little jaded about it.
The last days showed me how backward Germany still is in Digital Things ("Das Internet ist Neuland)
- The last will of my Uncle was unlawfull as it was written whit a Typewriter/PC and got his signature: In 2021, your Last will have to be hand written, i wish my follow good luck to read my last will as my hand writing is quite awefull..
- whe still get Spam Telefax in our Office, thankfully whe get the Faxes as PDF in our Email Acount, so its not that big issue for the envroifment on our side, but its strange..
Does anyone know if there is a FlatSeal equivalent of AppImage Pool/AppImage Hub?
Anyone willing to give AIP a try on their Pyra?