The Communication Cube

Yes, that's why I don't use wikipedia for most political stuff (except for covid stats I guess which have become political these days I guess).
Covid-19 stats have been political since their beginning because since then they have been used to support drastic political measures.
The last days showed me how backward Germany still is in Digital Things ("Das Internet ist Neuland)
You're probably right that requiring a will to be handwriting is absurd, I don't know.
But it cuts boths ways. In some places electronic administration is so obtuse that only physical people can still fill paper forms in administration (companies or associatiosn can't), and even then you have to download a form online to print it and fill it. But the forms are all XFA adobe bullshit that doesn't open in free software PDF readers, so you really can't fill paper forms anymore, unless you're an Adobe's customer.
Being too forward in Digital Things often means being discriminatory and forcing shit on citizens. It could be done right, but then the population would need to know what a computer is, so it's possibly better to stick to paper.
It just occurred to me that if copying copyrighted work is theft then fair use is the legalisation of theft. It would be like saying that people may not steal a whole car to drive in but may steal just a tire if they want to use it exclusively for things other than driving.

But fair use is not really legalised theft because so-called "intellectual property" is not about property and has nothing to do with protecting property against theft. Copyrights are monopolies and thus fair use is the legalisation of violating monopolies. Monopolies are not rights but privileges, which means that fair use is the legalisation of the violation of a privilege, not of a right. But this also means that true violation of copyright (i.e. violation not allowed by fair use) is not theft either but is instead just the violation of a government-granted privilege and not of a right.
Yes, copyright is a temporary monopoly on the use of said IP. It's not an inalienable right I guess, but a right that the government has granted you (berne convention I think these days), or you could term it a priviledge, that's just linguistics and I'm not sure how the actual lawyers would term it. Any yes, despite what publishers of DVDs and computer games would say, breach of copyright is not theft.
Eating avocado's gives you blood on your hands. Vegans kill animals too? Gotta agree there. It's all about the footprint, I guess...
Eating avocado's gives you blood on your hands. Vegans kill animals too? Gotta agree there. It's all about the footprint, I guess...
In order to produce meat, you need to raise animals. In order to raise animals, you need to feed them. In order to feed them, you need to grow plants. And because meat eaters get only a small amount of the energy of the plants due to most of the energy being wasted by the animal, a meat eater generally needs even more plants to be grown for him than a vegan does.

So in order to minimise footprint (without killing yourself) you must go vegan.